
the next morning...

hey molina,molina wake up i have to go somewhere please she a hard sleeper. "huh, oh im sorry umm im up uhhh what did you say again", i have to go somewhere important so i have to get ready and go now oh and you might have to go home. "where are you going". i have to visit my parents its a family reunion and my sister is coming to so now i know i really have to come", oh ok i get going now and get ready to leave hope you have fun at your family reunion thingy just let me go fresh in up a bit and I'll be on my way. "yeah sorry u have to leave so early i would drive you but I'm in a hurry". its cool i have to go anyway because fluffy butt is probably worried sick about me, "yeah i bet he would so i have to get ready and go see you tomorrow". oh yeah im gonna go now and fresh in up and go home.

" see ya molina", bye ezra see you tomorrow. *walks up to door walks out shuts door* i hope his family reunion goes well.

great im home yesh i get to go back to sleep... "meow meow meowww, where. have. you. been. do you know how much i worried about you meow do you even know i care about you you are my human and i am suppose to know that you are safe and home to feed me!!!". yeah yeah yeah i know you want me to feed you but after this im going to bed and then out for a bit but later....

one hour later

ugh I'm so tired what time is it oh its only three how, I'm hungry what's in the kitchen to eat let me go see. *looks in fridge and is in shock*....

wheres the food at i thought i had some and there's no more cat food!!, now i have to go all the way to the store to buy some food really i want some rice to and chicken let me go and get dressed to go and buy more food for me and fluffy butt he's going to wake up hungry thank goodness he is a hard sleeper now to get dressed I'm going to where my night clothes i should be fine i guess I'm only going to the store right anyways imma go hurry up and go.

one minute later

*ding* what's that oh wait i got my pay check yesh now i can go buy more food for me and the cat and snacks how i much i got cause i felt like i was broke all day yesterday time to go night night fluffy butt dont wake up till i come home

*walks out door*

"As molina was leaving to go grocery shopping for her and the cat she wouldn't have known who she seen at the store guess who". ok finally here where the cat food at oh here it is.

"when molina was looking for her fluffy butts food she was looking around and spotted the guy who bought her the coffee and snacks"

ok i think its up here it's to high gotta reach got it yes thankfully i can jump. *she turns around and bumps against this guy* "oh sorry i was just getting some food for my cat i didn't mean to bump into you are you ok". "yeah I'm fine your not that heavy anyways hey don't i know you from somewhere right"? umm yeah from royal farms your that guy who bought me my coffee, hi what's your name. "my name is Kyle what's your name"?. my name is molina i was just here to buy some more food somehow i ran out of some and i also needed to buy some cat food. "you have a cat oh i have a dog his name is Rufus Im just here to get some more dog food and something for me to eat same as you i guess". oh cool that's nice well see ya around I'm going to go look for something i can cook this specifically rice and chicken and something else i was craving that early."oh ok". um do you want to go out like for coffee i guess? "no thanks i already have plans with someone shes waiting for me at home". who? "just my sister she gets very cranky when shes hungry so bye see you around i gotta go".

wow he's forward sounded like he just didn't want to talk to me at all owell guys like him are boring i have my friend ezra to hang with it's just he's not here maybe tomorrow after work i can go hang out with monika and call ezra to go see if he is ok but imma call him today.

back at home

hey fluffy butt you there where are you i have your very expensive food here hello. *meow meow* hey there you are i got you some of your food come eat my little munchkins, and im gonna eat to i have to cook though ugh imma just make some noodles then cook tomorrow i should be good oh and call ezra see how he's doing.

*ring, ring click* "hey molina wassup how you've been", I've been better i just woke up an hour ago i was hungry ran out of cat food for fluffy butt went to the store and now im eating noodles yay me hahaha. "sounds good that's all you did today that's cool oh i have to tell you something I'm staying at my parent's house for one more day I'll be back tomorrow at 11 pm". oh ok why what happen, " my mum and dad just wants me to stay because they said that there sorry for making me move out and wanted to apologize and said that we were going to do something fun tomorrow to make up for it but i don't think that's good enough they made me move out because i wanted. to be a nurse why though i forgive them because they didn't know what they were doing at that time anyway so i decided to stay for one more day and also my sister is staying for one more day to". oh ok that's good that you forgave them to see you tomorrow to good night see ya soon ezra, bye "bye molina see ya good night". *click*

well that went well so he's coming back tomorrow night huh that's good i kinda missed him to welp time to go to sleep big day tomorrow good night fluffy butt, "meow meow good night human".....