
In the morning...

*beep beep beep*, huh what time is it. its already morning i have to get up for work then even though it Saturday cause now i need to do more shifts. best be taking a shower gotta do some more shifts at the hospital.

what will i do with my hair i can't even think of anything i can do ugh ponytail it is. "hey molina how you been wheres ezra your friend", uhh he had to go with his parents to the family reunion he said it was important since his sister was going. " oh... yeah i forgot he had call in the other day in the morning saying he couldn't come to work since he was going with his family, oh i forgot you had been called in to do more shifts right, let check you in and you can go and get to work and check on your patients. oh ok got you checked in".

thank you anita have a nice day gotta go check on some people. "ok see ya later" now where do i start oh here's my schedule, oh! i see i have a new patient to take care of gotta go check oh him... wait what why does it say kyle it must be a different kyle. while Molina is on her way to go check on her patient on the next floor she asks her self who is this kyle what if he is the one that was at the store the other night, molina is still trying to figure this out but on her way she bumps into kyle, as they both gaze into each others eyes they realize that they met before.

" sorry i didn't see you there i wasn't paying attention um actually i was just on my way to see you and here you are". hey aren't you that girl from last night i didn't know you work here, "yeah i remember you weren't you at the store last night and what happen to your arm". I got hit by a car it wasn't that bad though it hurt a lot but my arm broke and then i got sent to the hospital and i have a mild concussion but the doctor said since i feel fine i could go home later. " lets go back to your room and imma go get you something to eat and drink so you go get some rest if you need anything else just ring the bell or ask haha". thanks?, "well its my job so- imma just go and get you something to eat ok". now i have to go get him something to eat.

few hours later

yes it time to go home and check out now wheres anita oh there she is "hey girl how was your day and yes i already have you checked out" it was good how about yourself how you doing since you know, terrance are you and him ok is everything alright if you don't mind me asking. "well he fine i guess he'll get over what happened between you and him anyways see you,bye". bye have a nice evening. "oh hey kyle your leaving now". yeah, "uhh i was wondering if you like to come over tonight cause me and my friend was just gonna go and hangout you know just chill and watch movies" i guess maybe i don't really know yeah I'll come over. "soo do you wanna come with me now cause my friend is gonna come over in a bit so you can come with me now or we can meet up somewhere". i guess I'll just come with you is that fine but no later then 11 pm cause i have work tomorrow- you have work on saturday wow that's not even reasonable, umm yeah don't you. "nope only on week days unless i get called in for work for extra shifts but no not really anyway were almost to my house were just right around the corner, here we are alright lets go". were already here, "yup".