
The love I bear you

Two souls can attract one another, but it doesn't mean they're good for each other. Evelyn found her counterpart but they were split by heartbreaking turmoil. They don't see each other until ten years later, both in their dream jobs, but will they end up together?

Bluereadsandwrites · Teen
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13 Chs


I decided to tell Julia and Caroline about everything, they were wide-eyed and shocked although they both suspected something was happening with me as I seemed off.

"I'm glad you told us," Caroline says softly, her lips forming a pity smile.

"You should've told us sooner," Julia adds carelessly, taking a big bite out of a fudge brownie.

I look at her with a sarcastic look and laugh, "I didn't want to get you guys involved," and then my mind was taken back to the night Alex had said the exact same thing to me.

*"I don't want you involved!" He hisses

"Well, I already am! This third-party person involved me!" I yell, pointing at my phone to the glowing screen full of messages from this unknown person.*

I realised then I was a big hypocrite. "Ev? You okay?" Julia asks, waving her hand over my frozen face.

I snap out of it and regain my consciousness, "Yeah, sorry,"

"We were just saying how we're your friends and if you're involved so are we," Caroline babbles.

I smile, "I know, I'm sorry I kept it from you guys, truthfully I just didn't know how to say it without sounding crazy and being judged," I voice honestly, as I fiddled with my hands.

Caroline looks at me with hurt, "We would never judge you! We would criticise your choices but it wouldn't change our opinion of you!"

This conversation was over a week ago, the night after the party. I still hadn't spoken to Alex because I honestly didn't know what to see, how to tell him truthfully how I felt about the whole situation. He attempted to message me, but I never replied. Then he stopped and just looked at me longingly across desks during work hours.

I knew it was sort of childish, but so was everything else. I finally felt the freest than I have in a while because the truth was all out, even if there was more drama I felt in a strangely peaceful state.

The girls and I's relationship has continued blossoming, we feel a sense of closeness ever since our conversation.

"Miss Giovanni, you a requested to attend a meeting with Mr. Carmine to discuss further depths of this business deal," A bright-eyed young girl announces.

I smile, "Thank you," and she struts away as I gulp.

I walk slowly towards the door, it seemed strangely engulfing and domineering. I couldn't help but feel anxious as I twisted the knob and pushed it open, revealing a light-brown-haired man, staring at me with such coldness I was confronted.

"Alex," I began, the shortness of my breath evident.

"Sit," He demands.

I gulp and sit, flattening my skirt and biting my lip. "Why did you call me here?"

"You know why," He says flatly.

I look down, allowing myself the courage to look him in the eyes to see this coldness, then I returned them to look at my fingers. "What do you want me to reply? I don't know how to respond to you!" I cry. I felt a deep wound hit me and resurface.

I look up, getting the courage and he just remains looking at me, his eyes softer, yet still stern.

"You could've just said short answers or something that let me know you didn't want to speak to me anymore!" He growls, he was so frustrated I could tell by the fire that lit in his eyes.

"You know what, I got my life in order and for some damn reason the situation that happened years ago kept replaying in my head and the night at the ball. I feel hurt and distraught, and honestly, I don't even know how to talk and look at you until I fix myself!" I yell, tears threatening to pool at my eyes.

I stand up holding my dignity and collect my belongings, walking out the door and beelining straight for the bathroom.

I felt so much worse now, I felt I had just made the situation pear-shaped. My phone beeps and I pick it up.

Unknown; Troubles in paradise, huh?

I bite my lip and turn off my phone, even they were making a mockery of what walls that hadn't crumbled, were left standing.

I turn on the faucet and splash water on my flaming face. I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror, I looked normal, besides the heated cheeks and angry eyes.

'Cool yourself,' I think, regaining my composure by breathing in and out, eventually walking out the bathroom door to eyes looking at me from every angle. I smile and walk up the stairs, right back into my office.

After that I couldn't concentrate, the sheer memory of his face popping in and out of my mind made me distracted. I decided to call my assistant and call off any events that would've occurred today.

"Hey, Alice, please cancel all meetings of such, I shall be leaving early, and while I'm at it why don't you tell everyone they can leave earlier too, as well as yourself,"

"Really Miss Giovanni?" Alice says surprised.

I nod and chuckle, "of course, what sort of boss would I be if I left before my employees?"

"Very well Miss Giovanni, enjoy your day!" and with that, she hung up and I left.


"I'm going back to Alice Springs for a week to visit my mum," I announce on a duo-call with Julia and Caroline.

"It's been a while, and I have a lot to say," I add, backing up my decision.

"You haven't been there for years," Julia states, her tone shocked.

"I know, but I feel like it's time to visit my old home again, I miss her," I admit.

"We know you do, go and just take a nice little break, you deserve it!" Caroline says chirpily.

"Thank you, guys, for being there for me," I thank while packing my suitcase full of clothes and accessories.

"What are friends for?" Caroline asks, giggling with that child-like laugh.

I chuckle, "I love you both,"

"We do too! Now get going!" Julia ends, we say our goodbyes and I walk out the door, feeling quite relieved.

"Where are you going?" A deep voice asks, I look up to see bloodshot eyes and undereye bags as dark as a bruise.

I sigh, "I, uh, I'm going back to Alice Springs," I inform awkwardly. I honestly felt like an awkward school girl in his presence.

He looks at me with confusion and then realisation hits, "Your mum?"

I look affronted, how the hell did he know? Before I could say anything, he answers my question.

"I remember hearing about your mum years ago, figured she stayed in her hometown,"

I nod and look away, "Yep, you're right. Anyway, I have to go, take care of yourself," I end abruptly, walking off, dragging my suitcase alongside me.

"Evelyn," He calls yearningly.

I stop in my tracks, "What?"

"I love you, I always have," He confesses and my cheeks heat up.

I sigh, "And I'm so sorry for everything that happened in the past, I'm sorry for hurting you, for damaging you, for every. Single. Thing. I just thought I was doing the right thing, and now I realised I didn't. I know that. Please forgive me for everything, for the jealously and the coldness, I never intended to lose you or hurt you and never intend for it to ever happen again, I swear," He cries out.

I turn my face to look at him, his eyes tearing up and his hands trembling. My heart swelled with sadness and I felt my eyes pour out droplets of water.

"I never meant to hurt you either, I just thought it best to run off, clear my head and return to my normal self, where I didn't depend on you or the past," I cry.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers, and that did it, it shattered my heart and I dropped my suitcase, coming to his side and I held him.

"I have never loved someone like I love you," He admits, looking at me with such longing.

"You've changed how my heart reacts to other men, for some reason no one else compares to you," I confess, and with a sense of fieriness overtook him and he placed a hot, passionate kiss on my lips.