
The love I bear you

Two souls can attract one another, but it doesn't mean they're good for each other. Evelyn found her counterpart but they were split by heartbreaking turmoil. They don't see each other until ten years later, both in their dream jobs, but will they end up together?

Bluereadsandwrites · Teen
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13 Chs

In and out of me

Beware this is a heated chapter ahead filled with intimate scenes. Read at your own risk.

He pushed open the door closing it with such a slam as he continued kissing me with such passion, placing me on the kitchen counter.

He peeled his lips from mine which I protested with moans. "Do you want to do this?" He questions, asking sincerely.

I gulp imagining every time we did this years ago, the heated passion, the lasting movements. "Yes, I do," I confirm, planting a kiss on his lips, to which he responded seeking entrance. His tongue invaded my mouth, the sweet and tangy desire covering every bit of it.

He picked me up, walking down the corridor into a darkened room, laying me down on a soft surface.

I responded by pulling off my dress, unclasping my bra, and throwing it off onto the pits of the unknown.

"I'm going to pleasure you," He says, pulling down my red-lace panties and planting kisses down my chest.

He directed his way to my breast, swirling around my nub with his tongue, it sent trails of pleasure down my spine, making me arch my back and let out a moan.

He chuckles and travels down to my belly button, planting small kisses. He then makes his way further to the most intimate part of my body, "Permission?" He questions.

"Y-yes," I moan out, barely able to process my words correctly.

He dips and places a finger in, doing a slow forward motion, making my body respond with whimpers for more. I felt myself tingle and this warmness overtook my body and my mind. I felt as though I would explode.

He then places in another finger, going faster and more aggressive, making me go on edge, I bite my lip to suppress a moan, but I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Don't stop," I yell out.

Then he takes out his finger and replaces it with his shaft, filling the inside of me as I completely became undone, I moaned as loudly as I thought I ever would and felt a huge wave of water pass through me.

He thrusted forward, slowly yet sensually, making my body begin tingling once more. "Harder," I command, to this he began thrusting harder and deeper. I couldn't talk or concentrate anymore, I felt my knees buckle and warm liquid trickle out of my body and in my body, then we both moaned out in pleasure.

With his member still within me, he lowered himself, kissing my lips and my breasts, circling them with his finger, they hardened and I felt a chill run down my body. Then I suddenly burst out saying, "I want to pleasure you,".

He looked at me, his eyes twinkling. "You don't have to, I am pleasured by you right now,".

I shake my head, "I want to, lay down," I demand. He withdraws from me and lays down. I slowly go on top of him, kissing his lips, down to his chest, circling his nips with my lips, before finally making my way down to his member, I looked at it, figuring out a way to do this. I honestly had no idea how to and replayed a version I had read in a book.

I grabbed the shaft and slowly started rubbing it up and down, doing circular motions with my hands. He started groaning, finally reaching his climax, I then placed him inside me and he released filling himself into me.

"That was amazing," He praises.

I blush, "really?"

And he responds in murmurs, "yes,"

I then plop myself down next to him, sighing, releasing all the heat radiating from my body before I hear shouting.


I turn in a panic, "What?"

"I didn't wear anything!" He yells

"What?" I question

"I had no protection!" He responds in a frenzy, lifting himself off the bed, staring at me.

"It's fine," I say calmly.

"No, it's not!" He yells.

"No, really it is. I'm on birth control," I reassure.

He then sighs and grabs me placing a kiss on my lips. "I'm so sorry, never happening again. I lost my mind," He groans.

"So, did I," I admit, blushing from the recounter of what happened over two hours ago.

"God I've missed you," He mumbles, such a relief in his tone that I felt my heart do a flip.

"Me too," I mumble, pulling him into a deep kiss.


The next day, I wake up to the smell of bacon entering my senses. I push aside the blankets, reaching for my dispensed clothes, thrown all over the floor.

I pick them up and race to the bathroom, throwing them into the laundry basket and turning on the hot water of the shower.

I felt myself fall into comfort as the water splashed against my back, relieving me of any tension I had stifled in my back.

Memories of last night regained themselves in my mind. "Never leave,"

"I never will,"

I smile to myself, opened my eyes, drawing myself out of my trance-like state. I turned off the taps and grabbed the towel, placing it around my body.

As I walked out back into my bedroom the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes made my mouth drool. I couldn't wait to eat, I was starving. I rummaged through my closet, grabbing out a pair of grey tracksuits and a loose, oversized sweater, placing it over my body, followed with a pair of lime-green cactus socks.

I raced out the door into the kitchen to see him humming to himself, shirtless, cooking. "You look happy," I remarked.

He looks up with a naughty smirk playing on his lips, "Oh, I am," He replies.

I giggle softly, rounding myself behind him, placing a kiss on his back. "Did you sleep well?" He questioned as I massaged his back softly.

"As a matter-of-a-fact, I did, I slept the best I have in a little while," I say chirpily.

"Did you my chef?" I ask as I tried to release a knot that twisted itself into his shoulder.

"Oo, that's the spot! And yes, I really did, it was the best night and sleep I've had in a little," He Informs, allowing his body to release any tenseness.

"This smells amazing," I compliment, looking at the golden-brown bacon and the perfectly made pancakes, oozing with maple syrup and butter.

"Your favorite," He adds, turning to me, his eyes darkening with such desire.

"You remember…" I say speechless.

"How could I not?" He says softly, looking down at my lips, to which I pulled him close, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"I was thinking we should go to Alice Springs together this afternoon?" He began, looking at me for acceptance.

I smiled and nodded, "That is the best idea I've heard in forever," I remarked, grabbing a bit of a straying berry on the plate.