
The love I bear you

Two souls can attract one another, but it doesn't mean they're good for each other. Evelyn found her counterpart but they were split by heartbreaking turmoil. They don't see each other until ten years later, both in their dream jobs, but will they end up together?

Bluereadsandwrites · Teen
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13 Chs


I fiddled with my ring nervously. "What's wrong Evelyn?"

I turn to face Caroline, her grey eyes shinning with confusion. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was placed in a tight, high pony with a side part, exactly how Bella Hadid had done it on various occasions. Her light, glittering, periwinkle eyeshadow contrasted her dark liner and brought out her eyes. Her lips wore a soft pink gloss, drawing more attention to her huge gown.

"Nothing," I murmur.

"Sure?" She questions.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about me. I'm just going to take a little breather out here and I'll meet you guys inside, okay?" I reply, by my attention was elsewhere.

She placed a small kiss on my cheek and grabbed Julia's hand, "okay, stay safe!" walking up the cold, stone steps, her heels clicking against it.

I looked down at my hands, black gloves with a small silver ring upon my middle finger. Caroline had given it to me many years ago in celebration of our friendship, all three of us had one representing our personalities. Mine being sapphire, Caroline's being pink tourmaline, and Julia's; Ruby. I treasured it.

I looked up, scanning my face for anyone that would be considered suspicious. "Darling, aren't you a bit cold out here?" A rich, clear voice questioned. I turned.

"Hm?" I reply, trying to locate the voice's origin.

"I said, aren't you a bit cold out here?"

She looked poise, giving me a Christine Baranski vibe, except replacing the blonde hair with deep brown. Her eyes shimmered with coldness and her approach was very bold. I knew her type, definitely.

"Oh no, it's quite nice out here," I remark, looking into her eyes. They sent a shiver down my spine.

"Hmph," She sounded, but quickly brushed it over with another sentence, "looking for someone in particular?" She asked, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Not exactly," I point, it technically wasn't a lie but wasn't exactly the truth. "Why?" I add.

"Oh, well I just couldn't help but notice your eyes scanning the grounds," She mentions, her tone holding extreme confidence.

"Just admiring some things..." I conclude, waving my hand in the direction of the fountain.

"Ah, yes. It's like you haven't seen basic things before," She retorted, with such spite.

"I guess you forget to notice small details when you grow up with your head in your ass," I fume, smiling sarcastically. All I wanted to do at that moment was slap her, instead, I turned my heel and walked into the ballroom, and figured I needed to tell my friends the truth, not tonight, but soon.


"Where have you been?! You missed the entrance of the Kirkshire's!" Caroline whispers harshly, pulling me to her side, whilst I barely failed to slip.

"Don't worry you missed absolutely nothing," Julia adds, loud enough for the neighboring parties to hear.

"Sorry, I was occupied by some rude woman," I groan, whilst attempting to stifle a laugh from Julia's remark.

"Who?" Caroline whispers, completely ignoring Julia's stupidity.

"Her," I gasp, my eyes glaring at the woman walking down the steps, her eyes unable to get off me.

"Oh, she looks like she wants to murder you!" Julia chuckles, taking a sip of champagne.

"Oh, she definitely does," I conclude, my eyes widening.

"You mean you are talking about Amelia Kirkshire?" Caroline inquires.

"She's a Kirkshire?" I hiss.

"Yes!" Caroline expresses her face pleading that I had done nothing wrong.

"She looks like a stone-cold b*tch," Julia elaborates, taking yet another sip out of her glass.

"She is. I might've said something," I confess.

"What?" Caroline hisses.

"I said her head is in her ass,"

"Oh, jeez Ev," Caroline groans, whilst Julia laughs hysterically.

"Shut up the ceremony is starting!" Caroline silences.

I look at the Kirkshire's, their wealth seeping off them and their kids plastering arrogant faces. Great.

Then my mouth widens in shock as a tall fellow walks next to Mr. Kirkshire, greeting him; Alex.

"Oh my gosh is that Alex?" Julia murmurs.

I gulp and nod, "yep," as he turns his face to meet mine, with an awkward expression.

He waves, in which I respond with a small hand gesture. This was going to be really weird.


I walk up to a waiter, grabbing a small glass of champagne, and then head directly to the buffet. The ballroom oozed with spices and deliciously smelling foods that made my mouth water.

I hum, grabbing small delicacies and placing them on my plate. "Hungry?" A voice asks as a strong musky scent overdrives my senses.

"Quite," I reply, turning around in a swift motion, being greeted with a handsomely dressed Alex.

"You know the Kirkshires?" I ask promptly.

He nods, "yes, since I was born,".

"That's why you didn't want to come?" I pester, plating more treats on my plate.

"Yes, they're quite fake if you haven't already gathered and I can't stand to be around them. I only have to because of my parents and my business," He answers with a small twinkle in his eye.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I question, looking at him with bewilderment.

"Oh, nothing," He rambles.

I roll my eyes, "Spill,"

"I love it when you're demanding," He chuckles, grabbing my hand and rubbing circles in the center.

I look at him with a serious expression, before he rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"You look beautiful Juliette," He says sincerely.

"As do you, Romeo," I say softly, unable to look away from his eyes. The world blurs and I feel like it's just me and him, alone. I looked down at his lips, so soft and perfect.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice booms aggressively.

Both our faces turn to see Caroline. His expression was judgemental and she placed her hand on her hips. "I need to borrow my best friend," She barks, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away.

"What are you thinking!?" Caroline hisses.

"You said you were fine with it!" I growl.

"Well, that was before I saw his face and wanted to smash it for hurting you!" Caroline spits, pulling me angrily.

"He wasn't doing anything bad Care," I respond softly, looking down at our hands.

"He looked like he was going to do something bad," Caroline admits.

"Yeah, what?" I challenge.

"Hurt you again," Caroline admits softly, looking into my eyes.

"Ow care," I cry, pulling her into a hug.

"Never again," I promise.

She sighs, "I would pike him," She snarls.

I laugh, "Oh he knows,"

I turn to look back at him, searching for his face, only to see him talking to someone else, another girl.


I cleared my mind, jealously is awful. "Go find your date Miss Caroline," I prompt.

She chuckles, smiling widely, "Fine!" before scampering away cheerfully to find her man. My eyes scatter, finding Julia talking to someone, a girl, and laughing, to which I decided to immerse myself into some social activity and find a talking partner, to which I found; a seemingly isolated boy.

"Hi," I greet.

His soft eyes glance up at me, "Hi,"

"My name is Evelyn, you are?" I introduce.

"Xavier," He short-stops, looking away, obviously uninterested.

"Why are you not talking to anyone?" I question, grabbing a seat next to him.

"Because they're all fake," He says, looking at me with cold, blue eyes.

"Hey, some aren't!" I reason.

"Like?" He asks sarcastically.

"That girl and that girl," I inform, pointing at both Caroline and Julia.

"Oh, and him, he's nice," I add, pointing at a gingered, short man, talking to a tall, elegant woman.

"Sure," He remarks, disbelieving what I had said.

"Honest, want to know how I know?" I say, attracting his curiosity.

"How?" He ponders.

"I've known them forever. Well not that guy, but the girls," I elaborate.

"Well, how do I know you're not fake?" He retorts.

"Guess you'll have to find out,"

We spoke for hours, laughing, giggling. He wasn't as thick as I initially thought. He had some wild ideas and a very curious mind.

"That's why my grandmother told me never to swim with someone I've lied to," He chuckles.

I giggle. "You're beautiful," He confesses.

My eyes widen, "what?"

"You are,"

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Would you mind if I kissed you right now?" he ponders, looking down at my lips. I felt a tingle of betrayal.

"Yes, she would," A dark voice intercepts.

I turn, "Why are you here Alex?"

He ignores me, "Alex, what the heck dude!" He groans.

"Get out of here Xavier!" He growls, his eyes blackening.

"Make me," Xavier challenges, pushing Alex's chest.

"Stop, both of you!" I demand, sliding between the testosterone filling space.

"Butt out of this Ev," Alex commands.

"No! Stop acting like a child!" I hiss

He looks at me, his body slowly calming, before Xavier slams into his face, placing an impactful punch into his cheek.

Alex loses control and turns towards his opponent, they throw punches against each other without acknowledging my protests.

"Enough!" A voice screeches.

I breathe deeply, I knew exactly whose voice that belonged to. "You boys are acting like such children, especially you Xavier! I have raised you far better than that!" She yells, blistering my ears, however, I am thankful for her ending this display.

"And you, I always knew you were a dirty little problem," She attacks, placing her fury on me.

"Think what you want. I am in no way getting involved in your slanderous acts," I say coldly, looking at Alex with a scolding expression.

"How dare you talk to me in such a manner!" She shrieks.

I turn to her as her hand sores through the air, I close my eyes when nothing happens, I open them quickly, looking at her hand wrapped tightly in another's; Alex's.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" He yells.

"Alex," She replies confused.

"Just because you are offended by her presence, doesn't mean you can call her what you wish!" He spits.

I look at Alex adoringly, before turning back at the witch-woman. "I think I have had an eventful evening," She pauses, facing everybody, "please leave and enjoy your nights, and you, lessen your grip,"

Alex does, to which she walks away as if nothing happened, "Xavier now!" She growls.

I look at Alex, "thank you,"

"No need to thank me, I caused this I'm sorry," He apologises, looking at me with a softness in his eye.

I look down, "I got jealous," He informs.

I look at him with annoyance, "When I saw you talking to some girl, do you think I stomped all the way to you two and protested my jealously? No, I didn't... because I thought it best that my feelings don't overcome me!" I scold.

"I'm sorry, I know, I was being extremely immature. I didn't want to lose you –"He starts, then looks at me with bewilderment.

"You were jealous?" He comments.

I roll my eyes, "is that all you picked up on from my wise speech?" I groan, walking off towards the door when I hear a click of shoes chasing after me.

"Stop, I'm sorry!"

"Stop apologising!" I yell

"Stopping now. I honestly just didn't want to lose you," He admits sheepishly.

"Me talking to someone doesn't equal that," I hiss.

"Well it very well could," He comments.

I roll my eyes, "Enough, let's go home. Work's tomorrow. What an eventful evening this was," I grumble, walking off and out the door, to the blasting cold wind of the night. Mm, nice.