
New identity New life

Rin noticed a blue screen appear in front of Chris. " What's that.? " she asked him trying to guess. " I thought of my character screen as it always appears in games and then suddenly it appears. wait can you see my screen. " Chris was shocked. he thought in animes and games only one can see his character stats. " Yes I can .But don't worry I think that only we both are able to see it as we arrived from different world. " she understood his daze. Then she also thought of her stats and a similar screen appears to her. " Hey I can also see it. " Chris exclaimed. They both then decided to see their and each others stats.

Name -: Rin Eleonora

Race -: Human

Level -: 1200(max +5000)

Age. -: 17.

Sex. -: female

Titles. -: Goddess of love, The flower queen,

The queen of slaughter, Dark

princess, Master alchemist.

Status -: Unknown!!!

Server -: Unknown!!!

Guild. -: None

Party. -: None

Friend -: Chris Brown ( no other accepted) Currency -: 11,900,000,000 dark gold. Inventory -: 2000 Items( unlimited storage) Speed. -: Max"

Agility. -:Max"

Magic elements :

water : Max "

Fire. : Max"

Ground: Max "

Air. : Max "

Light. : Max "

Dark. : Max "

Lightning : Max "

Ice. : Max "

Summoning : Max "

Sword Arts : All Max""

Note ": This screen can only be seen by the character and it's Friends.

Name. -: Chris Brown

Race. -:Human

Level. -: Max ( +5080)

Age. -: 19

Sex. -: male

Titles -: The World ruler,Top Idol,Top player,

Dark Lord, Shadow king, Master.

swordsman, Head alchemist The

Blood Lord, The Red king. Status -: Unknown!!!

Server -: Unknown!!!

Guild. -: None

Party. -: None

Friend. -: Rin Eleonora ( no other accepted)

currency -: 21,000,000,000 Black gold

Inventory -: 2500 Items. ( Unlimited storage)

Speed. -: Max"

Agility. -:Max"

Magic elements :

water : Max "

Fire. : Max"

Ground: Max "

Air. : Max "

Light. : Max "

Dark. : Max "

Lightning : Max "

Ice. : Max "

Shadow. : Max"

teleport : Max"

Sword Arts : All Max""

Note ": This screen can only be seen by the character and it's Friends.

After taking the look at each other data they both were staring at each other. Rin always thought that she was really powerful but Chris is even 80 level higher than her. and also he has maxed out 1 more skill than her. while Chris was amazed by her stats too. she was just a few levels less than him. mostly there is at least gap of 10000 levels BTW him and other Top players. He started to admire her even more. " Cough Cough.... " at this they both broke their gaze and looked for the voice. it was a little cute blonde standing in front of them. she was wearing other worldly attire and was staring at them. " I was noticing you since 5 minutes you both were staring and staring and staring at each other. were you doing the competition of who has big eyes " the girl said in teasing tone but it make both of them flustered red. " umm who are you little girl. " Rin asked her. " Who are you calling a little girl. I am 12 years old. If it was someone else you must have been death. But judging from your outfit you are not from here. So I will forgive you. Let me tell you in this place every one became an adventurer at the age of 10.And I Rachael have a great affinity of ice and designing. You are lucky to met me. I know that you came from a distance land and are here to explore this place. So you don't know any thing about here. Don't worry I will help you understand and get settled and will also take you to Adventure guild as I am going there only. Don't worry I know by your looks that you must have low affinity but still they will find a job for you. No need to thank me. It's my pleasure to help weak and helpless travellers. Follow me. " Rachael took a deep breath after speaking like a radio. ' This girl is a non stop radio. ' both Chris and Rin thought the same. " Okay thanks. we are following you." Chris said. and they started to follow her .Even though they don't want to but they still don't have any other choice. Rachael kept on speaking non stop until the city. They both said together " WOW" .The city was like the citeis in games and animes. Very beautiful with ancient style houses.

Chris - Hey you Radio why did you interrupted us. There might be chances of my first kiss taken by her.

Rachael - Ask the author it's her fault.

Me - ( thinking of excuses) Don't worry there will more intimate scene going to happen in future.

Chris - no I want it now.

Me - ( who do you think you are) I will delete all future kisses between you if you say anymore.

bhavika2545creators' thoughts