
A new world.

Christians (pov)

I am Christian Leggon. I was the heir of Leng interprisis. but my interest were always in gaming. I was never good in business and management but was always the best in my game. I was the best player in the game world. even though my looks in real life were not bad, but my looks in my game are incomparable. I was killed by my uncle in an accident planned by him when I turned 19 .I don't know why but I didn't felt any anger or sadness. when I opened my eyes again I found myself in a big room. complete white. It was just like happens in games when a hero deis. I was excited ,that's when I saw a beautiful woman. no no a fairy exactly. but I was dumbfounded when she told me that I will be transferred to another world with my game character looks and powers. I was happy and excited but at the same time confused. but that fairy who told her name to be Luna never asked or listened to me and Transferred me in to the world. I first shouted for the in-service they provide but later decided to stop the ruckus. I noticed there was a little lake near by. I noticed my face similar to my game character. so she said was true. I was glad that I was not alone, at least that what the goddess told me. she said that there will soon be a girl here just like me. I hope that she would not be lying to me. I then noticed a girl come from no where. she was with her back to wards me. but I can hear her cursing and shouting like me. it was no doubt that she will be mine companion. " They did the same with me " I said while chuckling and imagining myself in her place. she than turned to look at me. She was very beautiful. no it's not correct term she was heavenly beauty. I could say that she was even more beautiful than the goddess. I know it was possible for these to be her game looks but still in this world these are what we will look like our entire life. I realized that we both were staring at each other. I suddenly avoided her golden eyes. and she did the same. I noticed she was blushing. her beautiful light pale skin looked even more alluring while she blushed. her face was like it was carved by the gods themselves. I decided to finally break the silence. " umm hi I am Christian Leggon. I am 19 years old and single " I said. ' WTF I said that. what do I meant by single and even telling my age. She must think me as a play boy and lunatic. OMG what did I do? ' " Hello I am Riana Minamoto. 17 years old and... also single "she winked at me while chuckling. ' oh thank God she took it as a joke. ' "Minamoto..... are you the mysterious heiress of Minamoto residence. " I asked her unable to contain my surprise according to what I remember she never made a public appearance after her grandfather and mother deid." umm. you are late. I was till 14 but then the titled was taken by my sister and then I deid. " she said "I am sorry. " I apologize after all it is bad to open someone wounds. " No it's okay. And it doesn't matter anymore as I am living here in this beautiful world from now on. " she was giving a warm smile which could easily make any one fall in love with her. " So will you mind if I join you to live here peacefully. " I said returning her smile. " Why would I,after all we are partners from now. Christian " yes I have nearly forgot that. " Just call me Chris. It will be my name in this world. "I want her to call me that. " OK Chris than call me Rin. " she seems to be happy. " Wow that a cool nickname.you have. " that name really matched her. " This was what my grandfather called me and after his death it is just you who knows about this nickname. " she was blushing. so she takes me as a special person as she told me her nickname. wow she thinks me special. " THUDDD " a loud noise attracted my attention. it was the same goddess, but what was she doing here. " Luna what are you doing here" Rin asked my thoughts. " Little Rin and bastard Chris it is all because of you. why did you run away in to this world without gaining all of the knowledge. sob... sob...master the high God punished me. sob sob. " she's was still crying nonstop. 'is she really a goddess ' ."we didn't rushed it was you who was in a hurry to send us here. "I corrected her. " umm Luna what happened on your head. " Rin noticed the big round bump on Luna head. she looks good with it. it's a good punishment. But Luna at this ran and hug Rin like a child and started weeping. serriously I doubt her being a goddess. " Rin..... sob.. sob... master sob... sob..... beat me up. sob.. he... said that I was too eager to go to my friend birthday party so I rushed my work out early. sob... " seriously so that's the reason why we were transferred here without explanation. ' I really like the old God. ' " Now are you gonna tell us already " I was getting impatient so said it. Luna nodded like a child. " This world is just like earth. but everyone here has magic. It is just like your games. the Di is the real life. Actually we wanted your help as the people who are powerful aren't much. in number and the villain are getting powerful enough. I have already changed the money you have in your game account in to the money of this world. you have the same gamers window. like in the game. all the things,money and your powers are same. You can just like in game keep anything in it and take anything out from it. " she explained clearly. " Do you have any questions. " she asked but it was clear that she doesn't want to welcome any questions. " our levels in the game must be higher than the level of normal people here so how can we hide it. " Rin asked. oh I have really forgotten about my level. " You to remember the name I gave you and use them in guild this will only show your 7% powers. " now any things else. she was clearly wanting us to let us send her. " OK you can go away, we are already clear. " I said dismissing her. "yeaaaaa" .she is really a kid. "bye bye little Rin and bastard Chris "she said and left. ' why is she calling me a bastard. ' ." let's go and explore the town" I heard Rin voice. it is going to be very interesting. " Yes let's go. ".I am already very excited to explore and learn about this world. I realized something and then thought of it. and then a blue screen opened in front of my eyes.

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