
New Titles

5 hours later.....

Infront of a big and executive building.

...There were three people entering the building with guild written on it. The face of two of them looked hazardous while a little girl behind them looked quite happy and was enjoying herself. the instance they enter inside. The murmuring has started to fill the whole building. And the face of the two was getting more depressed. "did you see them before. Yes they are the same couples from before. " - person 1

"The girl looks heavenly. No doubt he is cheating on his wife. "-person 2

"They look good together, I would surely rooted for them if that guy didn't cheated. " - person 3

Every one was gossiping and ruining two people mood. but someone was enjoying it. Rachael was giggling and enjoying those gossips. " It was all your fault. why did you get so attracted towards her breasts. You pervert. " Rin whispered to Chris. " How can you say that. It was clear that she pushed me to her on her own. I obviously hate those big and old bagged woman." Chris complain whispering.


Rin and Chris was so busy in admiring the town that they didn't even noticed when Rachael. stopped. " why did you stopped " asked Chris. " What are you planning to go on in these outfits. " Rachael pouted. that's where they noticed that they both were still wearing there school uniform. They nodded and then went inside a showroom. Rachael instantly sorted out some pair of change for them. they went and came out in a second after getting changed. Both of them were emitting elegant aura around them and they both looked heaven Beautiful.when the sales girl gave the bill. it was written 80 silver coins. 'Silver must be lower than black gold. ' they both thought. Chris quickly bring out a black gold coin and asked him if it is acceptable. Rachel and the sales girl looked in shock. she returned him 9020 bronze coins .So in this world 1 black gold =10000 bronze.In that case both of them are billioners. The moment they were about to move out they were stopped by the sales girl. " Ummm Sir, Madame can you please let me talk a portrait of yours. it will help us with sales. In return I will give you a VVVIP coupon. " her eyes were shinning with exceptations. " we don't have a problem but are you sure we are immature. " Rin said." Yes yes yes. you both are more attractive than film stars " she said as pushed us together and by some kind of magic made exactly a picture of us. she also gave us a copy. in the picture there was a light blush In both face. While the trio passes through the roads all the eyes stop to see the pair of heavenly beauteis. They both looked even more alluring in these new clothes. Rachael kept on feeling uncomfortable with all the gazes but it didn't affect the two of them. " How could the two of you be so confident under all these gazes. I am already getting goosebumps " .she shivered at this. Rin was already used to these things as being the heiress she used to make public appearance since 5 .And after seeing Chris uniform she was sure that he is also someone with powerful background. " We are used to them. " Rin said to her. They were moving continuously until a woman suddenly huged Chris. " Oh my dear husband. where have you been. " she said in a high voice enough to make it heard by the people on the streets. There were already gasped and gossip of the young man having a wife and cheating on her with another girl. But Rin didn't know why she felt angry at the girl. Chris face was in her chest. " Hey leave him alone you old bag. " Rin shouted at the woman while pulling Chris away from her. Chris imidiately hid behind her . like a child. " What's this baby. You are cheating on me. " the woman started faking sobs. This made Rin more angrier. Rin whispered in her ear to talk away from crowd. "no we will talk here and fare. " the woman foolishly declined. " OK then I was trying to give you a face but you do as you wish. " Rin was like staring daggers at her. she suddenly felt insecure and agreed to talk alone . Now as they moved to a corner Rin said " Do you take us as a fool. How can a 19 years old boy be your hubby. " Rin protest. after a long talk the woman agreed that she only want the crowds attention by making a handsome guy her hubby.The things seem to settle but gossips didn't stopped. In their whole way to the guild they have to listen to those gossips.


They silence moved towards the desk. " I have to go now enjoy. " The little Rachael said and left. Even though she was annoying but they have become very close now. Their thoughts were interrupted by a pretty woman approaching them ." what do you need miss and mister. " she asked. " we wanted to register ourselves. " Chris said coldly. his face was expression less. like it is of big CEO. " OK sir, please fill these formalities and follow me. " the woman asked. They nodded. they filled their forms and Chris gave the registration fee for both of them. then they followed her to another counter. she kept two big transparent ball in front of them. " You have to put your hands on this ball and it will tell your level and affinity. " she stated. as Rin put my hands on the glass ball it suddenly busted. and the same happy with Chris. The gasps once again filled the building. They were also confused. " Mr and miss you have to come with me. this ball explode because your level is higher than 200 . please come with me to get it checked in another ball. " she said still in daze. they nodded and followed her. she made them stand in front of a big big ball. and told us to do the same. when Rin put her hands on the ball and it grew rainbow colored. and the same for Chris. " miss you have affinity for all six elements and your level is 243 .mr you also have affinity for all six elements and your level is 245. " she spoke in an robotic tone. they both nodded. " We have granted you the highest rank. The legend rank. so as all the legend rankers you can choose your self a default name. " she stated .After a long time of silence. Rin spoke " I chose ' the Blood phoenix ' as my default name. " and then Chris said " I chose ' The blood dragon. ' " The woman gasped with their names. They sure were ruthless and dangerous. she nodded and register them to the guild. At this both of them again take a look at their stats.

Name -: Rin Eleonora /The Blood phoenix

Race -: Human

Level -: 1200(max +5000)/ 243

Age. -: 17.

Sex. -: female

Titles. -: Goddess of love, The flower queen,

The queen of slaughter, Dark

princess, Master alchemist.

The legend Ranker.

Status -: Unknown!!!

Server -: Unknown!!!

Guild. -: The adventure guild

Party. -: None

Friend -: Chris Brown ( no other accepted) Currency -: 11,900,000,000 dark gold. Inventory -: 2000 Items( unlimited storage) Speed. -: Max"

Agility. -:Max"

Magic elements :

water : Max "

Fire. : Max"

Ground: Max "

Air. : Max "

Light. : Max "

Dark. : Max "

Lightning : Max "

Ice. : Max "

Summoning : Max "

Sword Arts : All Max""

Name. -: Chris Brown / The Blood Dragon

Race. -:Human

Level. -: Max ( +5080) /245

Age. -: 19

Sex. -: male

Titles -: The World ruler,Top Idol,Top player,

Dark Lord, Shadow king, Master.

swordsman, Head alchemist The

Blood Lord, The Red king. The

Legend Ranker Status -: Unknown!!!

Server -: Unknown!!!

Guild. -:The adventure guild

Party. -: None

Friend. -: Rin Eleonora ( no other accepted)

currency -: 21,000,000,000 Black gold

Inventory -: 2500 Items. ( Unlimited storage)

Speed. -: Max"

Agility. -:Max"

Magic elements :

water : Max "

Fire. : Max"

Ground: Max "

Air. : Max "

Light. : Max "

Dark. : Max "

Lightning : Max "

Ice. : Max "

Shadow. : Max"

teleport : Max"

Sword Arts : All Max""

when they were going out the woman asked them if they have any requests. They originally didn't had any but suddenly Rin got an idea. " if you insist I want your help in something. " Rin said.