
The Beginning

7 April 2001 a little baby girl was burned. even though her father was not there to witness her birth she was still laughing in her grandfather's lap .She was borned Minamoto residence first child. " oh dear child, you might be unlucky that there is no one present on your birthday but don't worry I and your mom is enough for you. how about naming you Riana. Riana Minamoto sounds good. Do you like it. Tell me little Rin" The old man smiled at the little girl in his lap. It seems like the little girl was understanding everything and replied with a soft laugh. Riana was not treated good by her aunt and uncle and her father rarely come home and always ignore her. but still she was treated like a princess by her mother and grandfather. Her life was still complete without any other person's presence. She was granted a title of ugly as she had a birth mark on her face and she was also fat. But it doesn't effect her loved ones behavior of her. Her grandfather made her the heir of Minamoto residence by giving her all the property. But it was not acceptable by God. Her most loving mother and grandfather deid in an car accident. Two days later of their funeral, her father bring a lady and a girl home. " she is your half sister. respect her you ugly Bitch " her father said to her. She was not surprised by this. The girl was approx same age as her. It was possible as her father was never home to her mother. They have started to treat her like a maid. Five years later. They asked her to give all the properties to her half sister. she also did so in hope that they will treat her nicely after this. but it never came. she was now treated even more badly then before. she went to a local elementary school while her cousin to a big school. she was a good student so she used to work along side studies. 3 years later. she was successful in buying herself a mobile and laptop sneaking from her family. She learned different language from her online friends. she was already above any other proffesor in terms of knowledge. Her family didn't approve of her going to high school so she had to quit school but she was already above that level. all these years what kept her sane was her online friends and her game. in her game she was most beautiful girl in whole world. she was powerful and treated as a princess by all of people. she was loved by all. And that's what she wanted. she was in the game what she can never get in her real life. she was tortured until she was 17.A fire broke out in Minamoto residence. she was sleeping and no one cared to tell her to get out. she felt burning sensation on her whole body. she opened her game character and kept staring at her while fire was burning all her body parts it felt like she was not feeling pain at all ."So this is what death tastes like. I hope I could be like you in my next life. loved by all my goddess. I hope I to meet you grandfather and mother. " she said and breathed her last breath.


when she opened her eyes again she saw that she was at a place with white walls, ceiling and floor. it was endless. ' so this is the place where all of the people come after they die. Now who will I meet an angel or Satan. ' ..then suddenly a beautiful woman emerged from Nowhere. she was so beautiful. It was sure that she was an angel. but her looks were still inferior to what Riana used to look like in her game. " hello Riana sama. I am Luna. Goddess of moon. I know about your life you must have been quite unlucky but don't worry I decided to have you do something special. " she looked quite motivated and happy. Rin felt something wrong. " ummm... goddess Luna... " she was cut off in middle " Just call me Luna " she said enthusiastic. " OK Luna what do you mean by something to do???? " Rin asked her. " Oh dear let me explain, we have decided to send you to a fantasy world with your game character. you will gain the beauty and power of your game character and will live a life in that world as Rin Eleonora. Actually we decided to send a male and female to that world. And you are the one. You will be transferred there in a while and I will adit the basic language of that world in your mind.. " with this she casted a light on Rin. " Now you are transferring there. you will meet the Male one there only. Good bye and all the best. " she raised her hand and a magic circle appeared around Rin " but..... but.. go.. " Rin wanted to say but was shushed by Luna. " I am a fan of your game character Rin. " she whispered and winked at her . and suddenly Rin was in an another world. " What the hell. she didn't even asked for my approval. " she shouted aloud. she just sent her here like that. but it doesn't matter as she do not have any objections but still she should be asked at least. she pouted at this. " They did the same with me. " she heard a male voice and chuckles.

Hi guys this is my new novel.

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And also help me If I am wrong somewhere. after all I am an immature .?

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