

Do you believe in reincarnation or to you it's just mere fiction? Do you believe in magic and magical beings?, well get ready to be pulled on a ride through a whole new magical world. Kaylee Morgan just a nerdy teenager who always believed there is nothing really extraordinary about her life, she always had the impression that she's disliked by everyone she meets and so she always kept to herself but then out of the blue moon Justin Wayne came to the big picture and so she fell head over heels in love with him and so did he but what if their Union was never met to be and they were never destined? What would happen when Kaylee past comes creeping in and now she's forced to believe she's not ordinary but one of those magical creatures from mythology . What would happen when the unwilling, shallow minded Kaylee who everyone rejected gets to believe that she was actually betrothed to someone in her previous life and now he wants her back. What will happen when Justin refuses to let her go, would she also accept to stick with Justin or would she leave with her betrothed. Only time would tell.

charmsquinns · Others
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3 Chs



Kaylee rode her bike rapidly, stroking her legs up and down the paddle of the bicycle. she channeled all her energy into paddling her bicycle but it felt like she could do better.

She rode faster than she had ever ridden and then alas! she was finally at the school luxurious compound.

' Springs vile high ' that was the words in scripted right above the school mighty building.

it was indeed a great school.

A school you would classify as one for the rich kids, kids whose parents didn't give a damn on money management all they did was spend money extravagantly.

it was even surprising how Kaylee ended up In such an expensive school due to her financial status but then scholarship was made for this kind of reason, you know.

She rode her bike as fast as her two skinny legs could go as she went straight for the parking lot which served as a spot for just bicycles.

she crossed over with her right leg and with both her arms, she unbuckled her helmet, placing it on her bike's handle before picking up both her back pack and her lunch box and then with the little strength she had left, she raced into school.

On getting into the hallway, one could clearly see all students were out of sight meaning they were all in class and that also meant Miss Tracy, her history teacher must also be in class right now.

oh jeez...

"please don't be in class, miss Tracy, please please please " Kaylee chanted but even her sub conscious mind already knew that, that wouldn't be happening.

She took a U - turn heading towards her class still praying for a miracle to happen but it seemed luck really wasn't on Kaylee's side as the same person whom she prayed against was standing right there in her usual territory.

"dammit... she's already in class" Kaylee cussed as she rested frustratedly on the wall.

Mmm... one would think that, coming late to history class isn't so bad so what's all the fuss about?.

well the fuss here wasn't actually for nothing, miss Tracy wasn't just any ordinary history teacher, she's Kaylee actual worst nightmare well that would be after, the torture of her mates of coarse, but still miss Tracy is an absolute nightmare for Kaylee.

She's really short and chubby with a very awkward shape and she always made her hair into a neat bun which fitted her strict, No nonsense behaviour pretty well and boy did she hate Kaylee.

Only the sight of Kaylee could spoil her mood for the whole day and Kaylee couldn't get why.

she stood firmly before the board as she wrote some notes down not caring to object to the unpleasant noises and disturbance of the various students, it was just like she wasn't even present and Kaylee saw this as an opportunity to quickly sneack in without getting notice.

yes this was just the right time and she wouldn't miss such a glorious God sent opportunity for the world.

She took in a deep breath, bracing herself for what awaited her and then she did it, she walked in from the back door like a thief sneaking into his own apartment, it was silly.

She was already half way in and she could be seen rejoicing within, she's gonna make it, nothing is gonna stop her and...

"welcome miss Kaylee, I've been waiting" Miss Tracy said out of the blue and Kaylee took a glimpse at her in shock but then still facing the board was miss Tracy.

Wait she caught Kaylee even without looking how exactly could she have done that?

"uhmm... Good morning ma'am" Kaylee stuttered, all eyes now fixed on her.

" I know you're dumb but that wouldn't stop me from thinking you wouldn't at least know there's nothing good about the morning Kaylee or maybe you're worst than I thought" she turned to face Kaylee while twirling her marker through her fingers like an evil mastermind ready to feed on her next victim.

"you're late Kaylee and I would love to believe you already know what that means right?? " Miss Tracy enunciated as she and the rest students dug holes into the body of Kaylee with their interrogative eyes.

She swallowed.

"well you see ma'am... " she started with a short nervous laugh. "uhmm... this wasn't actually my fault, I... "

" oh the excuses!, you are always having one excuse or the other, it makes me think even your entire life is nothing but a big excuse you formulated" miss Tracy said and the whole class burst into a round of laughter leaving Kaylee face down in embarrassment, what she had said wasn't actually funny but the students just enjoyed mocking Kaylee.

"Detention, after school today, make sure you aren't late for that as well" she finalized as she walked back to the board.

'oh no not detention ' Kaylee immediately remembered her plans with Rosie.

"please ma'am, I promise this wouldn't repeat itself please "

"to your seat Kaylee "

"but ma'am... "

" detention, two days" miss Tracy declared leaving Kaylee shocked.

Miss Tracy wouldn't listen to her, she would just increase the punishment and on seeing that, Kaylee gave in as she just crossed her bag over her shoulder and with a sad heart she walked over to her seat which was located at the far end of the class by the window side.

It didn't surprise her that some students still stared at her until she had gotten to her seat, some mocked her with their eyes while some felt pity.

she flopped down on her seat in utter frustration. Another morning Successfully ruined... As usual.

"Hey" one of the girls sitting in front of her called her attention as she stretched her hands on the top of the seat.

"don't feel bad, detention isn't so bad... once you get the hang of it. " she cheered with a short laugh.

"Great!" Kaylee drawled smiling fakely at the girl.

This wouldn't be the first time Kaylee would be going for detention like obviously, infact this would be her third time in the space of this week and she just hated it.

The detention hall is pretty big and spacious too but she still felt suffocated anytime she was in there so she sort of wondered what planet exactly the girl in front of her came from.


Just some minutes into the class Mrs Hilda, the school principal walked in.

She's in her mid fifties but she looked way older maybe that would be because she smiled alot compared to miss Tracy who always held a straight face, no one would even be surprised she wasn't married like who would marry such an all work, no play kind of lady.

" Good morning students, morning Miss tracy"she nodded at miss Tracy who just shot her a fake smile.

you could see clearly they didn't get along well.

"am happy to see you all looking pretty and handsome today and I must say am over joyed" she gestured beaming at them.

Well she's acting weird, everyone could see that but what exactly could be the cause?

Everyone including Kaylee sat, wondering what in the eight planets could make miss Hilda act so excited.

" well student, I really don't want to say much, although there's lot to say" she laughed clasping her hands together like 'a cheerful principal who just received great news'

great news that would only be beneficial to her of coarse.

"Now not to waste any more time, I want you all with a warm and cheerful heart to give a warm 'springs vill welcome' to our new students, your new classmate... Phoenix McCrea" she gestured towards the door.

Everyone's attention was diverted towards the door as they all anticipated to see who ever McCrea something could be.

Low clicking of shoes could be heard shortly as if some one were to be approaching the entrance and soon the alleged Phoenix graced everyone with his presence and boy! were they all thrown aback by the outstanding figure that stood tall in front of the whole class.

He was to be classified as rare beauty with his big ocean blue eyes that guided his well shaped pointed nose.

He was just so good looking that even staring at him alone blocked the whole of Kaylee's senses.

It was obvious the principal was saying some words but Kaylee just couldn't hear any of it any more.

Her mouth literally dropped open as she stared at him but then she wasn't the only one feeling that way, other girls also admired the beauty before them.

Some of the girls, the hoes even shot him dirty looks, winking and whistling at him as the dirty hoes they were.

"psst... hey... hello... detention girl.. " Kaylee was suddenly pulled from her ecstatic state by the non stop tapping on her desk.

"huh..? " she looked up to see the girl staring at her with a knowing smirk on her face.

"what did you say? "

"I said... you dropped this" she dangled a pen belonging to Kaylee in front of her.

"oh thank you" she took the pen clearing her throat awkwardly as she shifted her chair closer to the desk.

She tried looking back to her book but she found herself staring up at him again and again.

"stop it Kaylee " she said to herself as she fully returned to her book.

The principal said some few words about the importance of being of good behaviour bla... bla.. bla...

soon she was done, then she ushered him in to his seat.

He just nodded, not smiling nor did he say any word, he just nodded before walking elegantly to his seat, swaying his broad shoulder left and right, ignoring the disgusting gestures of the girls.

He was walking towards Kaylee as he seemed to be heading towards a seat some other seats away from her and as he walked towards her, Kaylee fought strongly with the force that pulled her to looking up at him.

it was indeed strange but she knew she could feel it, she couldn't just take control of herself as an UNEXPLAINABLE FORCE pulled her gaze towards his and immediately their eyes locked.

She stared unconsciously at him and he apparently stared back like there was a force of attraction between the both of them.

Kaylee couldn't explain what was happening but she knew something was happening, something weird and extremely crazy and just when she thought it wouldn't get any weirder, she saw him smirk at her... like it was a very obvious gesture and then he looked away.

Immediately he did that, she felt as if the bond of attraction subsided and she felt her chest giving way as she released the breath she never knew she had been holding all this while.

What just happened?

she thought as she slowly located her locket and then she caressed softly.