

Do you believe in reincarnation or to you it's just mere fiction? Do you believe in magic and magical beings?, well get ready to be pulled on a ride through a whole new magical world. Kaylee Morgan just a nerdy teenager who always believed there is nothing really extraordinary about her life, she always had the impression that she's disliked by everyone she meets and so she always kept to herself but then out of the blue moon Justin Wayne came to the big picture and so she fell head over heels in love with him and so did he but what if their Union was never met to be and they were never destined? What would happen when Kaylee past comes creeping in and now she's forced to believe she's not ordinary but one of those magical creatures from mythology . What would happen when the unwilling, shallow minded Kaylee who everyone rejected gets to believe that she was actually betrothed to someone in her previous life and now he wants her back. What will happen when Justin refuses to let her go, would she also accept to stick with Justin or would she leave with her betrothed. Only time would tell.

charmsquinns · Others
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3 Chs


School had just ended and every student exited the building, some chatting with friends and colleagues happy the day's work was finally over while some hanged around soliloquising on how pathetic their life turned out to be, and by that, I meant Kaylee.

She knew so well it's time to go seat In the detention hall, the Big but similarly suffocating hall which hosted the baddest, the naughtiest and the ruthless students in school and she would be in there with them for about 1 to 3 hours that's even if she's lucky.

Most times she stayed there for a good five hours meaning, she left the school extremely late at night.

She strolled through the hall way, all what pilled up in her head was just getting the so called detention done and over with because of her plans with Rosie.

For she was one who hated disappointing others, that was one of many of her good attributes.

she strolled through the hallway having so many thoughts in her mind and one of those many thoughts Was the new guy from earlier.

What really happened and why did she feel that way with just a glance at him?

Could it just be infatuation and just a mere artwork of her imagination?

or could it be love at first sight?

Those were the questions that accompanied her movement.

She was indeed lost in thoughts, forgetting the number one rule of walking in the hallway.

'Never', I repeat ' Never walk through the hallway lost in thoughts'. It's quite a specific rule though but trust me, it works.

"Get out of the way!!!" came a loud echoing voice from behind startling poor Kaylee.

She didn't even realize what exactly was coming her way.

Okay, now let this be imagined in slow motion.

There Kaylee was, standing right at the middle of the hall way, baffled and lost in her own thoughts.

She had glanced back and beyond right there yelling... "Get... out... of... the... way

in slow-mo Was The school rugby team captain.

He wore his complete sports jersey, the fluffy shoulders Jersey, his hard helmet, hard boots and in his hand was a rugby ball.

He seemed to be going for training and I guess there's no big deal there, except for the fact that he wasn't alone.

He was accompanied by not less than fifteen other guys, some by his sides and the rest behind him, all wearing same thing as he was wearing.

Their faces could not be seen though, but judging with the way their movements went. one could easily see that they weren't in any sort of good moods.

She watched as they charged towards her in full speed.

" leave the way" Her head screamed at her and she was certainly going to obey but then again, she was too late.

Before she could take another step, she found herself and the guys making severe contact and boy! was it epic.

"Woah!!!" she exclaimed as they bumped hard into her causing her left leg to slip off the floor and her right leg which promised to offer her full support by staying still to the floor also slipped making her whole being fly some inches above the floor and then it landed hard to the ground with a loud thud.

She winced in pain as she tried recovering from the floor when all of a sudden one of the guys mistakenly or was it intentionally stepped roughly on her ankle which caused a cracking sound erupt from her leg followed by her loud cry.

"owww!!!"she cried out in pain holding her leg.

she was in severe pain, her leg hurt so much that it made her cry.

She looked behind her to see their exiting feature.

They just ran out without looking back, none of them caring to see if she was okay.

some even laughed as they ran out showing they knew exactly what they had done.

Well, Kaylee wasn't surprised, she's indeed one of the hated and dejected students in school so there wasn't much to expect, they hurt her and run away laughing to their fullness.

She wiped off the tears from her cheek with the back of her palm as she sobbed continuously.

She tried getting up on her feet but the unbearable pain from her leg pulled her back to the floor and again she fell helplessly for the second time and this time she couldn't help but cry even more.

How would she get to detention now or better still, how is she gonna go home when she can't even get up on her feet.

"Are you okay? " someone cooed from above her.

She gazed up at the certain someone only to be met by a pair of two perfect brown eyes belonging to one of the rugby players.

He had his helmet on but his eyes could be clearly seen and he was staring down at crying Kaylee.

He needed not to stare any further as only the tears that escaped Kaylee's eyes at short intervals was enough prove that the girl before him was in severe pain.

He squatted down to her level and with every step, she followed with her eyes.

He took both his hands to his helmet in clear attempt of taking them off.

He did, revealing his face, his round face and his nicely shaved head which weren't so low and he was dark in complexion.

He was indeed good looking no doubt about that and even in pain Kaylee still had to stop and admire how really attractive the guy in front of was.

"Hey, just breath okay?,you would be fine. am just gonna take a quick look at it and I promise not to hurt you okay? " he urged but Kaylee was quite scared.

She hesitated a bit but after giving it a quick thought, she finally let go her leg stretching it towards him.

He moved closer to her leg before placing his fingers tenderly on her ankle.

He checked it with utter most attention and Kaylee couldn't help but stare at him amused at how gently and carefully he traced his fingers on her legs.

No one had ever been so nice to her in all her life and he was definitely the first person who actually helped her at times of need.

She tried all she could to muffle down her cries but when he got to a certain spot she couldn't help but cry out loud.

"owww....!!!" she let out an uncontrolled cry and he looked up at her in realization.

"it seemed your leg have been sprained really badly and it's all thanks to my friends... Am really sorry" he apologized genuinely and having nothing to say she just nodded.

He sighed as he stood up straight.

"come on, we need to get you to the nurse's office" he stretched out his hand towards her.

She stared at his extended hand and then up at him exactly the way a kid would stare at a stranger.

on seeing that, he chuckled at how timid the girl was.

"hey, I don't bite, am just wanna take you to the nurse and then you would head on home, nothing more nothing less... I promise " he assured her and she gave it a wide thought.

She's indeed in need of help and he seemed to be the right person for the moment so she set aside her insecurity as she slowly placed her hands on his apparently soft palm.

"careful!" he cautioned as he slowly pulled her up on feet and he quickly crossed her arms over his shoulders supporting her.

"go slow and steady" he said to her as he followed her every move.

She found it extremely difficult in walking that taking just two steps took her for ever.

He saw how she winced while walking and suddenly without giving any warning, he bent over and he swept her off her feet and into her large arms.

She gasped wanting to object to whatever he was doing but he smiled at her reassuringly and she leveled down a bit although her heart did a lot of jumping but she just remained calm.