
The Lord Of Dreams (A HP Fanfiction Novel)

He is the Lord of Dreams, called simply The Lord, or as the love of his life knew him, Dante King. Robbed of his love by treachery, he slaughtered an entire world. Upon completion of his vengeance, he once again comes face to face with the love of his life, Freya Valmore, the goddess of Darkness and Life. Now, after feeding on the life force of a trillion dead souls, Freya has completed her ascension to complete godhood. Now, after countless battles, what does the ultimate villainous couple do? They retire and tour the multiverse, starting with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Join them in their tour of death and delight as they reshape the myriad realms of fantasy and fiction. Join my patreon today to read advanced chapters. www.patreon.com/everstone

EverStone · Book&Literature
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The Growing Conspiracy

"Okay, Freya, I can accompany both of you for a while. Besides, my shop travels wherever I do, so no one will bother my book collection since it's with me. What's our next stop after you've dealt with these losers?"

Dante answered Jenny, pointing to the exit of the alley.

"We are off to Vault 17 of Gringotts bank to look at our new underground living arrangements."

Freya poked Dante and motioned to his waist where he had the portkey to their vault, so why walk?

Dante smiled like a fool, then pulled out the portkey. He then said to Jenny, "Alright, let's get going then, Jenny. I'm sure that we will be pleasantly surprised with how good our new home looks."

When they used the portkey, all three of them vanished from the alley.

Several minutes after they left, the very Auror that had been tracking the movements of a potential new boyfriend arrived. That's right, it's Cassandra Jackson.

"Damn, I could not find that handsome man even after searching all day. Now I'm in a bad mood with reports of dark magic being used in Knockturn Alley. There is a reason why we don't routinely patrol this place. But after this incident, we may need to crack down on Knockturn Alley more. That's going to upset some of the old monsters that live in this place and do business here."

Looking at the corpses lying in the alley, Cassandra saw instantly that two of them had been killed with the killing curse, Avada Kedavra.

"Oh, that is a painful way for these two fellows to go. With all of this dark magic, I can't believe no one saw anything. That is so typical of these cowardly wizards. They are very afraid of Death Eaters. If I see one of those bastards again, they are dead meat."

After looking at the two corpses that were killed with the killing curse, Cassandra moved on to the wizard that was killed with Sectumsempra.

"Damn, from the looks of this bearded head, the person who killed him did this guy a favor by cutting off most of the gnarly beard from his face. The fact that the wizard lost his head in the process is just an added bonus."

Cassandra admired the skill of this wizard. Being able to decapitate a man's head is an awesome skill. Cassandra knew she would have to try this on the next Death Eater she sees.

After examining this body, Cassandra moved on to the obviously blown-up man, as evidenced by the chunks of body parts lying everywhere.

"This guy was killed by Expulso, a great and highly creative way to use this spell."

Cassandra began to admire this wizard quite a bit. They could kill with more spells than just Avada Kedavra. Cassandra finally moved on to the leader of the men. When she saw that he was tortured with the Crucio spell, Cassandra could not help but wince.

"It looks like they wanted information, but when he was about to talk, his head exploded. This can't be their work. A third party was involved here. It can't be them again, can it?"

Cassandra decided not to report this matter to her superiors. If she did, then she herself might just vanish into thin air overnight. Sometimes it's not good to know too many things.

Cassandra quickly cleaned up the crime scene and made sure that no traces of this battle were left behind before she left this deserted alley. Cassandra would have to keep this to herself until she had more concrete answers in hand. She was sure of one thing: her superiors could not be trusted.

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