
The Lord Of Dreams (A HP Fanfiction Novel)

He is the Lord of Dreams, called simply The Lord, or as the love of his life knew him, Dante King. Robbed of his love by treachery, he slaughtered an entire world. Upon completion of his vengeance, he once again comes face to face with the love of his life, Freya Valmore, the goddess of Darkness and Life. Now, after feeding on the life force of a trillion dead souls, Freya has completed her ascension to complete godhood. Now, after countless battles, what does the ultimate villainous couple do? They retire and tour the multiverse, starting with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Join them in their tour of death and delight as they reshape the myriad realms of fantasy and fiction. Join my patreon today to read advanced chapters. www.patreon.com/everstone

EverStone · Book&Literature
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How To Properly Dispose Of Evidence

Dante and Freya showed up in Vault 17, accompanied by Jenny Harper, their new traveling companion.

Freya and Dante let their pets run around outside until they were done in Vault 17.

Now, standing in front of their vault, Dante went up to it and put the key in the door. But before he could turn it, Jenny walked up to his side, stopping him.

Jenny pulled out a mat from a bag on her waist and shoved Dante aside. Then Jenny smiled as she slapped the mat on the ground. It said, "Welcome."

Dante looked dumbfounded at this mat on the ground and said to Jenny, "Jenny, you're certainly making yourself at home, I see. This mat is very funny. I bet that no one else in the history of Gringotts has had a welcome mat in front of their door."

Jenny realized that her mat was a bit too welcoming. So she pulled out a marker and wrote in giant letters on the mat under the word "Welcome."

"Welcome, enter to meet your demise."

Jenny, now more satisfied, nodded her head in approval and said to Dante, "They deserve a fair warning when they break into this vault. Hopefully, at some point, I can get a few meals from this place. Those five wizards I intercepted for you earlier tasted very greasy. I think they had too much Whackdonalds. But now I'm more into a refined villain diet. If my prey does not run for its life, I won't eat it."

Dante nodded in agreement to both of Jenny's statements.

Dante took the key to their vault and put it into the keyhole.

When they entered the vault, Dante and Freya were surprised to see that the once damp vault now seemed infinitely larger and more spacious than before.

On the ceiling, a giant sphere of glowing gold-like material now illuminated the vault.

This fake sunlight seemed to be able to provide sustenance to the plants that now covered the grounds of the vault.

Dante could detect the use of spatial magic in their vault. Walking deeper into the vault revealed a large field of roses.

They gave this vault a pleasant smell. This place could no longer be called a vault but an underground grotto instead. When Freya saw this field of roses, she touched them with her hand, then smiled and said to Dante, "Dante, look at these flowers closely. What do you see?"

When Freya asked this question, before Dante could answer, Jenny cut him off.

"Freya, these are Blood Roses. They are very deadly, man-eating flowers that are often planted around the homes of important people who don't like uninvited guests. They are supposed to be extinct, but Gringotts can get their hands on almost anything. Because it is all kept in their vaults anyway. They just borrow what they need, but never enough for anyone to care."

Dante looked at these flowers. They covered the entire entryway of their vault. It seems that Durgin places high value on their investment in Gringotts.

While walking through the field of Blood Roses, they next saw something that made even Jenny wonder if they were the bad guys in this world.

After the field of Blood Roses, Jenny saw a giant river running through this vault, and in the river, hundreds of giant man-eating crocodiles with wings on their backs were swimming back and forth as they fed on several large cows that had been thrown into the river to feed them all.

Jenny looked at Dante and Freya and said, "Is it just me, or does this kind of crocodile moat make the both of you look like villains?"

When Freya and Dante heard this question, Freya decided to answer Jenny.

"Jenny, we don't have any problems with being seen as villains. This is actually very normal for both of us."

When Jenny heard this response, she just stood still for a moment, then nodded her head in understanding and said, "That's great. Then you won't mind if I feed these crocodiles because I needed to get rid of the evidence anyway."

Then Jenny skipped up to the river bank. As she did so, her large chest confined in her red dress bounced up and down with her.

Jenny arrived in front of the river and opened her storage bag, emptying out five dried-up corpses. They fell into the river to be eaten up by these crocodiles.

Dante smiled and said, "Those must have been the wizards that she said she killed on our behalf. How nice of Jenny to feed these lovely carnivorous crocodiles."

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