
The Lightning Legacy

'Is there a better world out there? One that could truly suit me? Maybe I belong to one of these worlds, perhaps a place where I could finally feel at home. Or perchance, there is just a place made right for me, a place beyond my wildest dreams!' ***** Aiden's entire life had been devoted to studying and achieving good grades, all in the pursuit of becoming a successful software developer. However, in Just a single day, all that went down into the drain. While working on an app that he had poured months of his life into, he found himself suddenly transported to a different world from his original world. A different world. A world where humans and other races lived together. A world in constant conflict and wars. A world where something like peace doesnt really exist. The human race in this world was been attacked by the demon race. A race of legends. Aiden found himself drawn into the midst of a dangerous conflict between the humans and the alien race. Maybe his arrival was par of a greater plan. A greater plan to help humanity out. Trying to find his way back home, Aiden met many obstacles trying to stop him from finding out the truth. 'Will I ever find his place in this world?' or 'Will I forever be lost in the unknown?' Follow Aiden as he navigates through the mysterious world, trying to unravel the truth and find a way back home.

The_little_boy · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Day of the Magic Awakening


Aiden yawned lazily as he opened his eyes which happened to land on the alarm clock beside his bed.

Seeing the time displayed on the clock, Aiden's eyes widened immediately as he jumped out of bed.

"I am late!"

Aiden muttered as he headed towards the bathroom in hurry.

It has been a week since he went to the library to do his research about the things he should know in order to survive in this world. Ever since then, he had been going to school waiting patiently for this day.

That was because today was the day. The day when the magic Awakening exam was going to happen!

From the research that he did a week ago, he came to understand how important this test was. Not only would this test help one awaken their powers giving them different abilities, it would show their magic ranking.

The magic ranking was the most important aspect of the test. This is because the magic ranking was what differentiated a mage from a normal human being.

For example, Aiden noticed that his parents also had superpowers. His mother had telekinesis and as for his father's superpowers, he was unsure. However, when Aiden asked them the reason why they weren't mages, they replied by saying their magic ranking was low.

The magic ranking was what determined if you could go to a good magic university and become an official mage.

Due to all these reason, Aiden had been patiently waiting for this day. Yet, he was late on the day the big event itself was going to occur.

After taking his bath, Aiden proceeded to dress up, ready to go to school.

"Today too?"

Aiden sighed helplessly as he stared at his body in the mirror. If someone was to look at the mirror right now, they would definitely be astounded. This is because of how well made Aiden's muscles were. Currently, his muscles looked like that of an athlete who has been training for about five years!

However, Aiden didn't induce this change on his own. In fact, he was also helpless about it.

When he first arrived in this world, he had a very skinny body. Yet, a few days ago, Aiden started to notice some changes in his body. This was especially true for his body. His body became well refined and he found it easier to do things that he used to find difficult.

Truth was, Aiden still found this confusing. Ever since he arrived, he hadn't even trained a single bit. In fact, he had no intentions to train his body at all. So, he found it strange that his body was growing bigger and much more refined lately.

"Is it because of the mana?"

Aiden uttered be fore shaking his head profusely, "It can't be. Mana only affects real mages not people who haven't even awakened any superpowers like me!"

From Aiden's research he found a thing or two about mana. One of these things was the fact that mana could help mages grown a stronger body even if they don't train. However, this only happened to mages and there hasn't been any case involving unawakened people like him.

"Anyway, I would be late if I continue standing here!"

Aiden uttered as he quickly dressed up and ran out of his room.

After getting out of the house, Aiden stared into the sky with a frown on his face.

"There is traffic today!"

Aiden nearly cried when he realized this. Something like this never happened on the day he was early to school, so why would it happen now?

"Either way, I have to get going!"

Aiden said before taking out his hover board. Jumping onto it, Aiden was about to take off when he heard a voice behind him,

"Hey wait for me!"

Turning his head to the source of the voice, Aiden saw Ace running towards him with a panicked look on his face.

"Whosh! I thought you would truly leave me here!"

Ace claimed after catching up.

"You are late too?" Aiden couldn't help but ask in surprise. Ace was very punctual. In fact, Ace rarely came to school late. In fact, whenever he did, it means something happened that prevented him from coming to school early.

"Oh, it was my parents," said Ace.


"Yeah, they gave me a long talk about the expectations they had for me this morning!" said Ace, "By the way, why are you also late? Is it because of the same reason?"

"This... "

Aiden became speechless.

You had such a good reason as to why you are late. What do you expect me to say? That I was sleeping?

"I had my lecture last week... As for why I am late, I overslept!" Aiden declared a moment later.

Looking at Aiden's actions, Ace almost punched the guy to death.

Why are you saying it with so much confidence? He was acting as if it was some great achievement to be late!

"Anyways, let's go!"

Aiden declared when he saw his friend watching as if he would kill him at any moment. After saying that, he immediately zoomed off joining the crowd as he rushed to school.

Seeing this friend's disappearing back, Ace smiled before shaking his head and following him.


Phoenix Magic Academy was established more than a decade ago. All along, the school has been doing a great job providing the students in the in care with modern training in order to become great people in future.

Every year, the school is expected to host the magic Awakening exam. An exam which would determine the fate of many students. From this event alone, it was easy to understand how strong and important this school was.

Usually, the school had a serene surrounding, devoid of any noise. However, at this moment, the school was filled with a lot of noise coming from every part of the school. This was because it was time for the most important part of the hear for any unranked final student: The Magic Awakening Exams!



"Huff.... see, we aren't late!"

Aiden declared confidently as he looked at Ace who was standing behind him.

"Was that the shortcut you talked about?"

Ace didn't reply to this friend's declaration.

"Of course! That was the shortcut. Told you we weren't going to be late. Was I wrong?" Aiden said as he parted his chest with full confidence.

On their way to school, Aiden figured out that they would be late if they continued to travel through their normal route even at their top speeds. So, instead of taking the usual route, he suggested an idea. The use of a shortcut.

Truth was, even though this world was different from his former world in terms of power systems and others; the maps were the same. Due to this, Aiden was able to recognise the shortcuts that he used whenever he was going to school easily.

Surprisingly, after suggesting the idea, Ace refused and still wanted to use the normal route. Yet, in the end, Aiden was able to convince him to use the shortcut and soon, they arrived at school.

"That was the shortcut?" Ace asked with sarcasm tainting his voice.

"Yes... Wait why are you looking at me that way?" Aiden asked in shock when he saw Ace looking at him with eyes full of anger.

"Huff.. You dare ask me this question?" Ace bellowed.

When Aiden told him about the shortcut idea, he refused. However, it wasn't because he didn't want to use the shortcut, instead, it was mainly due to the fact that Ace understood his friend very well. Even though Aiden looked very innocent and simple, he was very adventurous and always ended up causing trouble whenever he thought of ideas like these.

And, just like Ace had guessed, their shortcut was through multiple alleys. If they were travelling at their normal speed, they might have been able to pull it off. However, the moment the entered the alley, Aiden sped up. Not wanting to stay behind, he also tried to replicate his actions. However, what he never expected was the alley they were passing through to be full of objects that they had to dodge.

Aiden found it really easy to dodge these since he was familiar with the path way.

However, what about him who knew nothing?

He found it very difficult to dodge those objects! In fact, the reason why he was panting wasn't due to him being tired but due to the amount of heart attacks he almost got!

"Stop complaining and come on!" Aiden said as he parted his friends shoulder and headed into the school. Seeing Aiden leaving nonchalantly after the near death experience for him, Ace couldn't help but grit his teeth. However, he soon stopped and followed his friend into the school.


"Seems like we weren't late after all," said Ace as they trotted into the school.

"Told you, But why are there so many people today?" Aiden couldn't help but ask.

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