
The life of a certain viking named Bo

Bo knows she is a girl but the people around her don't, not even her twin brother Trygve. Their mother started the lie since their father would be happier if she gave him two boys. Because of that Bo has to live as a guy but how long can she keep the secret? (im writing this as it goes so some things might be changed, tell me if anything doesnt ad up)

Foolishdinosaur · History
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3 Chs

The lie

The first thing Leif did when he walked into the cabin was asking Maria

Did I get two boys? His tone was very hopeful.

this infuriated Frida and she was just about to lash out when she got interrupted by Marias voice,

Yes, was what she said.

This stunned Frida stupid, It was clearly only one boy. Maria wasn't planning on lying but when she saw her husband's hopeful eyes she just said what he wanted to hear. When she realized what she did it was already too late. She looked at her sister anxiously, begging with her eyes for Frida to not expose her lie. Frida was not planning on exposing her, not yet at least.

Can I hold them? Sigrid asked.

Maria nodded.

Sigrid had never liked Maria, this had mostly to do with Tora and Maria's past as a Viking but the birth of the baby "boys" changed her mind. Maria handed Sigrid the child she held in her arms and asked Frida to hand her the other child who was still lying in the crib so she could breastfeed "him". Frida did what she was asked but she was not too happy about it. She was planning on confronting Maria about the lie when Sigrid and Leif went to the market to buy some necessities. But things didn't go as she planned since sigrid insisted on staying and helping with the kids. Frida barely got her out of the house by saying that she should buy some things for the babies. Maria suggested they took Olga with them so she wouldn't get in the way.

The second they were out the door Frida started screaming.

Why did you lie?! How are you going to explain what you said earlier?!

Maria was quiet for a while and then she said

I'm not going to explain..

What do you mean!? Frida roard

I'm going to raise the girl as a boy as well Maria answered.

You seriously think they wont find out!? even if they don't know now they will when she gets older!

You are not going to tell them are you? Maria asked in a threatening tone

I won't, but if you really go through with this, I promise this is the last time you'll see me. I'm not going to get mixed up in your mess!

They were both silent, none of them were going to take a step back. The silence was interrupted by an ear piercing shout, one of the kids, the baby boy had been startled by the screaming and was now crying. It was a completely normal reaction and it was rather the other child who was abnormal. She was just lying there staring at them curiously.

Maria picked up the boy and started comforting him.

You have gone completely crazy, do you know that? Frida said in a mocking manner as she walked towards the door.

Promise you won't tell anyone Maria said, completely ignoring Fridas scornful comment.

Frida didn't answer, she just slammed the door after her.

Eight days later the children were named. Maria made sure no one else held the baby girl unless she was in the room, this way she kept her secret. The girl was named Bo and the boy Trygve. Later that day Leif announced that when they turned ten years old they would be sent to a training camp named Kampede in Birka where they would train for five years and then become vikings.

Can I also go? Olga asked.

No you can't, you are a girl, Leif said irritatedly.

Maria knew which camp Leif was talking about and even though the majority of the kids were boys, girls could go there, her sister Tora trained there. Going there didn't mean that you would succeed but almost every successful viking and warrior had been to that camp. At the camp the kids were put into groups. They were taught how to fight, sail, navigate, treat injuries, and much more. When the training was over one of the people in the group would become the captain and the rest of the group would be their crew.

Maria was a bit worried but since everyone else thought it was a great idea she couldn't say anything.

Frida kept her word, she hasn't come back since the day she stormed out. Maria does not know if she told anyone that Bo was a girl, nobody here knew that anyways. And so the kids started growing up.