
The life of a certain viking named Bo

Bo knows she is a girl but the people around her don't, not even her twin brother Trygve. Their mother started the lie since their father would be happier if she gave him two boys. Because of that Bo has to live as a guy but how long can she keep the secret? (im writing this as it goes so some things might be changed, tell me if anything doesnt ad up)

Foolishdinosaur · History
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Boys and girls

This year Bo and her brother Trygve turned six years old. Bo had a secret she couldn't tell anyone, not even Trygve. She was actually a girl. She didn't really know why her mother lied to everyone about it but she decided to play along. She only found out because she read it in one of the letters her mother wrote to her sister, Frida. Her mother often writes to Frida but she never responds. Bo had actually never met anyone from her moms side of the family.

Selby was a small town and there were not many who could write but everyone in her family knew how to. They had tried to teach both her and her brother how to read and write since a young age, sometimes her older sister Olga joined in as well. Bo and Olga understood it pretty well but she felt that her brother was a lost cause. He knew a few words but that was it. On the other hand Bo's reading skills had come far though her writing was close to unreadable. Sigrid, the one who taught them did not know that Bo understood thow to read, she thought that both she and Trygve were on the same level.

Bo understood alot, much more than what her grandmother knew she did. She knew how to count, she knew that the fish that Åses Family sold at the shore was severely overpriced and she knew her older sister was treated differently than her and her brother. It wasn't that obvious but if you paid attention you could see it. For example their father almost never paid attention to Olga but he played with Trygve and Bo all the time, she also wasn't allowed to go out and play as much as they were and Olga would get in trouble for the smallest mistakes. As to why she wasn't completely sure yet.

Bo was pretty popular in selby, at least among the kids. She loved to pull pranks and always dragged Trygve into it. Just the other day she let the town drunk's dog off its leash. Oden (the town drunk) was furious when he found out and chased her around the entire villager. The only reason she got away was because she hid in their neighbor Ulfs old hen house.

She sat there a whole hour before Trygve saw Oden yelling at the hen house. First he thought Oden finally went insane but when he yelled

You little brat, i'll get you one day!

He understood what was going on and ran to get their father for help. Bo often got in trouble, her main victim was Oden but no one could escape from her pranks. She also got away with it most of the time, this was thanks to her quick thinking and her fathers protection.

Most of the adults didn't take her mischief to heart since they were mostly harmless.

when Bo wasn't messing around and causing trouble she liked to take the kids around her age to the woods for exploring. They would climb trees and look for "treasures". It was alot of fun and the parents never complained. This was until Bo decided to bring Åsa with them, she was the first girl who had joined and the boys in the group weren't too happy about it.

Why does she have to come?! she will only slow us down! Stiv, one of the older kids said.

First Bo didn't really understand what was going on, they had never complained before and it was first when Benjamin said

She's a girl, she wouldn't like it anyways!!

that it hit her, and it pissed her off.

what's wrong with being a girl?! Bo scream as loud as she could

Girls are weak. Benjamin answered.

She was completely stunned. A thought popped up, was this why her sister was treated differently? She realized that her guess was probably right but she didn't like the answer and ignored it.

Shut up she screamed and started walking towards the woods. Who said girls were weak? She could probably beat every single one of them in a fight she thought

Some of the kids still had things to say but seeing that Bo was already leaving they just followed her. Going against her words never went well. The day went on as usual and Åsa was much faster at catching on than what the group of boys had thought. It was first when they got home that the problem started. Åsas parents were the first to welcome them in a not so warm way. They started yelling about it being dangerous to let Åsa follow them even though they never complained when Ben, Åsas little brother had come.

Bo didn't want to listen to what they had to say and ran home for support but to her surprise both Her mother, father and grandma were furius and she got a two hours long lecture on how girls are different from boys and that they couldn't do the same thing as her. It was first then that Be realized just how much her family looked down on girls and it hurt her in a way words can't describe.