
The life of a certain viking named Bo

Bo knows she is a girl but the people around her don't, not even her twin brother Trygve. Their mother started the lie since their father would be happier if she gave him two boys. Because of that Bo has to live as a guy but how long can she keep the secret? (im writing this as it goes so some things might be changed, tell me if anything doesnt ad up)

Foolishdinosaur · History
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3 Chs

Birth of twins

late in the evening. you could hear Maria's screams through the entire village. She was giving birth and to her surprise it was twins. Her first child Olga was in the corner of the room looking at her mother woredly. She would be turning five this year and was not too happy about having a new sibling, let alone two. Maria had never paid much attention to her daughter and ever since she found out that she was pregnant she basically acted like Olga didn't exist. Olga could only imagine how she would be treated when the children were born, especially if it one was a boy. In some households girls and boys were treated equally but Maria's Husband Leif was very traditional. He was a viking and wanted a son to continue his legacy, He didn't even think about training a daughter to become a warrior. Maria also wanted a son since that would help her in catching her husband's attention. He was almost always at sea and even when he wasn't he spent most of his time at his mothers Sigrids place in Birka, the capital. She hoped that having a son would change that.

Ever since Maria knew she was pregnant, praying to Frigg and Freya had become a daily activity to make sure the children would be born healthy and strong. Maria's little sister Frida assisted with the birth and it was alot messier than when the first child was born. Back then Sigrid was there and handled things but she and Leif had still not come back. They left the capital two days ago and would be arriving tomorrow or the day after that. Therefore Frida was not afraid of voicing her complaints

He isn't even here for his children's birth, Leif does not deserve you.

She said as she wrapped the first baby in a clean towel. She wished that someone else was there to receive the kid but the only people in the cabin were herself, Olga who was way too young to hold a child and Maria who was busy pushing out the second baby. Frida sighted and laid down the baby next to Maria on the wide bed.

After both the children were born Maria asked

Are they boys, did I get a baby boy?

Frida rolled her eyes and said "If Tora was here right now she would be very disappointed in you" Tora was Maria and Frida's older sister. She had never liked Leif and had advised Maria to leave him several times since he clearly wasn't a good husband. This often led the sisters to fight and their relationship only got worse and worse for every time they met. Tora didn't like Leif because he always looked down on her even though she could take him down with one hit. She was also a viking and a powerful one at that, she was not planning on taking disrespect from someone clearly weaker than her. if Tora had heard Mary's words, they would probably have quarreled again. Maria was once a viking as well but she fell in love with Leif and he did not want to marry another warrior. So Maria quit so that he would like her more.

Did I get a boy?! Maria repeated a bit louder.

Frida sighed loudly and answered.

There is one boy and one girl

Only then did Maria relax. That night she slept with her newborn son in her arms while waiting for her husband to return. The baby girl was put in the crib beside the bed. Frida felt it was wrong but it was nothing she could do, she made sure Olga went to bed and then she walked to the guest room and slept.

Leif and Sigrid came to the village around lunch time the next day. When they walked through the town many people congratulated Leif on having twins. Even though nobody had visited the children yet word spread fast in a small village like Selby. Leif didn't really care if he got one kid or two as long as he got a son but sigrid was delighted.

You hear that Leif, you got twins!!

Leif only scoffed at his mother. But then he started thinking. If he got two boys they could assist each other in training and the chances of his family name to spread was bigger. His mood improved.