
Chapter 4 - Bonds

Just after Tristin and Ella departed, Thomas received a text containing Tristin's information from Butler Mabena. Without wasting any time, Thomas read the text; the more he read, the angrier he became. He quickly called Butler Mabena, and the call connected almost immediately.


"Butler Mabena, are you sure this info is correct?" Thomas inquired.


"Young master, all the info is correct. It comes from a reliable source, but something doesn't feel right. If Tristin is an orphan and the only living relative is a retired nurse, how could a retired nurse transfer Tristin to St. Ntuli High just before the end of the first quarter of the school year?" Butler Mabena responded with a question.


Thomas was puzzled as well. "St. Ntuli is an expansive school, and all registrations are done six months prior to the school's first quarter. A person who can transfer anytime must be from a high status, but this info about Tristin is just the opposite."


"Is it because his parents just died and they made exceptions?" Thomas posited another question.



"That's highly unlikely, young master," Butler Mabena said with confidence. "Regardless, I won't let him go. Butler Mabena, continue to dig more about him. I have to go, so I'll hang up now," Thomas concluded the call.


After ending the call, Thomas asked Sipho, his most trusted minion, "Where is Tristin now?"


Sipho replied, "Boss T, he just left with Ella in her car. Based on the route they took, I guess they are going to Ella's house. Should we follow them and teach him a lesson?"


"There's no need to get our hands dirty for a piece of trash like him. He's just a poor orphan who only has good looks. What we're going to do is expose him in school tomorrow. After all, everyone in this school comes from a well-off family. Who would want to hang out with a poor hanger?" Thomas expressed with disdain.


"Leave it to me, Boss T. I'll post his info anonymously on a school page first thing tomorrow morning," Sipho said confidently. Ever since his father tasked him with befriending Thomas to gain benefits from Ngobeni Group, he had become Thomas's most dependable subject. The Ngobeni Group had given his family three projects in the past year, elevating his status within his family. He wouldn't miss the opportunity to showcase his talents to Thomas.


"Alright then, I'll leave it to you. I'm going home," Thomas said before he got into his car and drove home.


Tristin and Ella arrived at Ella's house, a huge villa adorned with expensive decorations, a yard filled with beautiful flowers, and a big swimming pool.


"Your home is beautiful, Ella," Tristin complimented.


Ella smiled and said, "Compared to your house in SunVill, this is nothing. Come, my mother is waiting."


The two entered the sitting room, where a woman in her late thirties greeted them, looking a bit pale. Even without medical knowledge, one could tell she was sick. In a low, sickly tone, the woman said, "Tristin, you finally came."


The sick woman was Sylvia Sirmon, Ella's mom and the wife of Mike Sirmon, Tristin's father's best friend. Seeing her so weak and sickly, Tristin's heart sank a bit. From his memories, Ella's mom was a beauty, second only to his mom. So he said with a sad tone, "Hello aunty, I'm so sorry I couldn't come sooner to see you after I arrived in Bongsburg."


"You don't have to be sorry, Tristin. A lot has happened to you in the past month. I'm the one who is sorry. I couldn't come to say my last goodbyes to your parents. Our two families were friends for a long time, and your parents were too kind to us. Everything we have is thanks to them, and for that, I apologize to you," Sylvia said with a slight bow.


"Aunty, please," Tristin couldn't bear seeing Sylvia, who was like a mother, bow to him. So he quickly helped her sit down on the couch. Then he continued, "As you just said, aunty, our two families are friends. Besides, Uncle Mike and Ella have been a big help to me in the past month. Without the two of them, I truly don't know how I would have managed."


Ella blushed a bit and looked down, trying to hide her face from her mom. But Sylvia saw through her and quickly said to Ella, "Go make something to eat for Tristin. As they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."


"Alright, Mom, I'll get to it, but I don't want his heart," Ella said, though her red face betrayed her words. She went to the kitchen to prepare a light meal for Tristin and herself.


Tristin chuckled a bit but didn't comment on Ella's words. He looked at Sylvia and asked with some concern, "Aunty, how is the search for a kidney donor?"


Sylvia took a long sigh while she shook her head and said to Tristin, "It's not looking good at the moment. As you've heard, I have a very rare blood type, so it's difficult to find a comparable donor. At this rate, I'll leave it to lady luck."


"Aunty, don't lose hope. I'm sure Uncle will find the donor for you. I have already said he could use all the resources of the Prime Group to help with the search," Tristin said with a reassuring tone.


"Thanks, Tristin," Sylvia said with a smile.


"Aunty, you don't have to be polite with me. It's the least I can do. We are a family after all," Tristin replied. As he said that, Ella came with a tray full of food. Seeing her holding so much food, Tristin stood up to help her.


Seeing Tristin helping Ella, Sylvia thought for a moment then said with a smile, "You two eat up. I'm going back to my room to rest a bit," she left the room, thinking, "As long as Ella is under Tristin's care, I'll die in peace."


The two began their light meal in silence. Suddenly, Tristin spoke; "This is good. I didn't know that you were this good at cooking!"


Caught off guard, Ella murmured, "Thanks, I've been learning to cook from Mom. If you like it, I'll make something better for you next time."


"I'd love that, Ella. It seems like your mom was right; the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," Tristin joked.


Ella's face turned red in an instant, as smart as she was, her mind was completely blank at that moment.


Tristin looked into her eyes and continued, "I've been meaning to say... thank you for everything during this time. You've been a big help to me." Tristin wasn't exaggerating; Ella had been his constant support. Uncle Mike was preoccupied with arranging the funeral with grandma and attending to matters related to the Prime Group, so it was Ella who was always there for Tristin.


Ella was touched by Tristin's words; her heart pounded faster and faster. Shyly, she replied, "I'll always be by your side, Tristin."


"I'd love that," Tristin's simple words sent shockwaves through Ella's heart. "Well, I have to go now. Please tell Aunt Sylvia that I'll visit again."


As Tristin prepared to leave, Ella pleaded, "Let me drive you."


"There's no need. I'll just take the bus, plus I still have the return ticket I bought this morning," Tristin said with a smile. "I can't just waste it, can I?"


Not insisting further, Ella stood up and said, "I'll walk you to the door then." With a few steps, they arrived at the front door. Standing face to face, neither spoke. Taking it upon herself, Ella gently hugged Tristin, then kissed him on the cheek.


"What was that for?" Tristin asked with a smile.


"That's for coming to visit my mom as promised," she said shyly before turning back to the house.


Tristin shook his head while smiling, then left the house.

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