
Chapter 3 - Boss T

"Oh, thank you, your majestic Madam Ella, but we had everything under control. You can go now," Lerato said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ella smiled, a touch too sweet. "Lerato, always a pleasure. Even under Tristin's temporary spotlight, you still manage to dazzle."

A tense undercurrent crackled between the two. Tristin leaned towards Kenny, the resident school encyclopedia. "What's the story with them?" he asked in a low murmur.

Kenny, ever helpful, launched into the lowdown. "Ella's the undisputed queen bee, top of the social pyramid. Lerato's a close second. They compete in everything – grades, sports, you name it. Neither can stand the other winning."

Tristin smirked. "Sounds exhausting."

"Alright, that's enough, you two," he cut in, addressing Ella and Lerato. "We're having lunch. Join us?"

Ella's smile widened, directed solely at Tristin. "Thanks, but I'm catching up with Mbali. Plus, you promised me the entire afternoon, remember?" Her words hinted at a secret understanding that left Lerato fuming silently.

"Intriguing," Tristin mused. "By the way, with all the hype around Thomas, how do you handle him so easily?"

Ella's smugness was undeniable. "Ngobeni Group might be big, but a significant chunk of their business comes from Kamili Ltd., a subsidiary of Prime Group back in SunVille. The continent's biggest corporation, you might say. He wouldn't dare cross them."

Tristin chuckled internally. 'Prime Group,' he thought, 'now that's a familiar name.' A name synonymous with his father, and recently, with him. Outwardly, he said, "Sounds like a power play. See you after school then, Ella."

With a wink that sent shivers down Lerato's spine, Ella sauntered out of the cafeteria. The remaining group – Max, Kenny, Zinhle, and Mdu – stared after her, bewildered.

"Let's eat, guys," Tristin said, breaking the stunned silence. "Classes resume soon. We've spent enough time with unexpected visitors."

The group resumed their lunch, a heavy silence hanging in the air. Tristin knew their minds were racing, but he wasn't about to volunteer information. The mystery surrounding him was part of the game.

Lerato finally mustered the courage to ask, "So, how do you know Ella?"

Tristin shrugged nonchalantly. "Our families are acquainted." He wasn't about to reveal his true identity. Knowing his family's influence would make him untouchable, which, while convenient, lacked a certain thrill. Life needed a few good rivals like Thomas to keep things interesting.

Lerato's smile returned, albeit a bit strained. The table slowly regained its jovial atmosphere. Max and Mdu cracked jokes about Thomas's dramatic entrance and exit, sending ripples of laughter through the group. They decided to remain in the cafeteria for the rest of lunch, hoping to avoid any further confrontations.

Meanwhile, in the school parking lot, Thomas leaned against his VW Golf 7, surrounded by three guys. One of them asked, "Boss T, are you really going to let that Tristin guy go that easy?"

Thomas snorted and said coldly, "Like I'd let anyone take my woman away. I'll teach him a lesson he won't forget." With that, he took out his phone and called someone.

The phone rang twice before it was answered. "Young master Thomas, how can I be of help?"

"Butler Mabena, there's a kid named Tristin de'Kayra who just transferred to our school. Find out his background for me. I wanted to teach him a lesson, but Ella intervened."

"That will be simple, young master Thomas. I'll send the info to your phone before school ends. Is there anything else you need?"

"That will be all, Butler Mabena." Thomas hung up the phone.

"You won't be hiding under Ella's protection forever, Tristin," Thomas muttered.

Back in the cafeteria, Tristin and his new friends were enjoying each other's company, unaware that Thomas had already begun plotting against him. Soon, the bell rang, and all the students returned to their classes for the afternoon lessons. Just before the lessons ended, Miss Megan entered Tristin's classroom. A subtle worry etched itself onto her brow as she approached Mr. Aphane. Her voice, usually bright and confident, softened as she spoke. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, Mr. Aphane, but could I possibly borrow Tristin for a moment?"

Mr. Aphane, ever the eager teacher, readily agreed. "Of course, of course, Miss Megan. Tristin, Miss Megan needs a word."

Tristin rose from his seat, a flicker of nervousness dancing in his stomach as he met Miss Megan's gaze. It held a hint of concern that sent a shiver down his spine. He followed her out of the classroom, unsure of what awaited him.

"Miss Megan, is everything alright?" Tristin asked, his voice betraying his unease.

Miss Megan hesitated for a moment; her eyes lingering on Tristin's face a beat too long. A faint blush crept up her cheeks as she finally spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "I heard about your encounter with Thomas. He can be... difficult. I just wanted to assure you that I won't stand by if he tries anything during school hours, alright?"

Tristin felt a wave of warmth wash over him, a silent gratitude blossoming in his chest. "Thank you, Miss Megan," he said sincerely. "I truly appreciate your concern. But please, don't do anything that might put you at risk. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt..." His voice trailed off, revealing a deeper worry he hadn't intended to share.

Miss Megan's blush deepened, a faint smile playing on her lips. "There's no need to worry about me," she assured him, her voice barely above a murmur. "The school has rules, and St. Ntuli High has a reputation to uphold. However," her smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression, "handling Thomas outside of school grounds might be trickier. I could offer you a ride home every day. Your registered address, as it happens, is just a few blocks from my apartment."

Tristin felt a pang of guilt at the unspoken concern shimmering in her eyes. "That's incredibly kind of you, Miss Megan," he began, touched by her offer, "but it wouldn't be necessary..."

A flicker of disappointment crossed Miss Megan's features as she heard his polite refusal. Just then, the after-school bell rang, shattering the delicate tension that had built between them. As she struggled to compose herself, Ella materialized at the doorway.

"Afternoon, Miss Megan," Ella said, her voice laced with a possessiveness that didn't go unnoticed by Tristin.

Since morning, Ella had been bombarded with news about Tristin. Last night, her father had dropped a bombshell – a marriage contract signed by their fathers. The revelation sat heavy in her stomach. Her father wanted them to get to know each other naturally, but seeing Miss Megan hovering around Tristin sent a jolt of jealousy through her.

"Are you set? Can we go now?" she pressed, her eyes fixed on Tristin.

Tristin glanced back at Miss Megan, a question lingering in his eyes. "Is there anything else, Miss Megan?"

Miss Megan's heart ached. She longed to continue the conversation, but a professional barrier held her back. Despite her age, navigating the complexities of love was unfamiliar territory. With a forced smile, she shook her head. "No, that's all for today. You two can go."

Turning away, Miss Megan retreated towards the teacher's lounge, her emotions in disarray. Tristin watched her go, a strange sense of unease settling in his gut. "What was that look? What is this feeling?" he wondered.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ella's sharp voice. "Stop daydreaming and get your stuff. On second thought, I'll come with you."

The two entered Tristin's classroom. Ella sent a pointed look at anyone who dared approach Tristin. After he finished packing, they left the class, a tense silence hanging between them. Under everyone's watchful eyes, Ella handed Tristin her car keys.

"You drive," she said curtly, her possessiveness now masked by a facade of cool indifference. "I'm a bit tired." Tristin didn't argue. He took the keys, a sense of mystery swirling around Ella's behavior. He started her Ford Focus and drove away from the school, the weight of his encounter with Miss Megan heavy on his mind.