
Chapter 5 - Leviathan

After disembarking the bus, Tristin found himself enveloped in the darkness of the night. The sun had long since set, casting long shadows across the empty streets of Bongsburg. Undeterred by the late hour, Tristin made his way to the nearby supermarket, a routine he had grown accustomed to. Tonight, like many nights before, he purchased a takeaway meal, not for himself, but for the homeless old man who frequented the area.

A few meters from the supermarket, Tristin spotted the old man seated on a makeshift cardboard mat, accompanied by a stray cat. His unkempt hair framed his weathered face, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. Approaching him with the meal in hand, Tristin greeted the old man with a warm smile. "Hello, uncle," he said softly, "I'm sorry I'm a bit late today. Here's your dinner."

Gratefully accepting the food, the old man replied, "You are too kind to me, young man." Rising to his feet, he gestured for Tristin to follow. "Come, let me walk you home. This town can be dangerous after dark."

Tristin hesitated briefly before acquiescing, and without waiting for a response, the old man began to lead the way. As they walked, he engaged Tristin in conversation, asking about his impressions of Bongsburg. Tristin offered a polite but guarded response, sensing that there was more to the old man's inquiries than met the eye.

Suddenly, the old man's tone grew solemn. "Young man," he said, his voice tinged with sadness, "my time in this world is drawing to a close."

Concerned, Tristin stopped in his tracks. "Are you sick?" he asked, searching the old man's face for any sign of illness.

With a wistful smile, the old man shook his head. "I don't get sick," he replied cryptically. Sensing Tristin's confusion, he changed the subject. "Have you ever heard of a Leviathan?"

Tristin furrowed his brow, puzzled by the abrupt shift in conversation. "Leviathan?" he echoed, unsure of what the old man was getting at.

Their conversation was interrupted as they arrived at Tristin's grandmother's house. Before Tristin could press the old man for answers, he bid him farewell with a gentle tap on the forehead. "May luck be forever on your side," he whispered, disappearing into the night without a backward glance.

Left alone on the doorstep, Tristin was left to ponder the old man's cryptic words and the strange encounter that had unfolded in the darkness of the night.

While Tristin entered the house, puzzled by what had just transpired, Thomas's scheme for revenge was about to put Lerato's family in a difficult situation.

Back at Lerato's house, her father had just received a call that shattered the peace of their family dinner. He slammed the table, his voice cold and filled with rage. "Lerato, are you trying to destroy this family?"

Bianca, Lerato's mom, looked at her daughter with a mixture of confusion and anticipation. Lerato, equally puzzled, stammered, "Dad, what do you mean? I don't understand."

Josh looked at Bianca, his anger tinged with a deep sadness. "Thomas's father just called. He claims Lerato embarrassed Thomas at school today. Apparently, being the 'face' of the Ngobeni Group means no one can look down on their precious son."

Bianca's heart sank. The Ngobeni Group is a powerful corporation in Bongsburg, and their family business relied heavily on maintaining a good relationship with them. "Lerato, is this true?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Lerato, tears welling up in her eyes, shook her head vehemently. "Mom, I swear I didn't do anything! I don't even understand what they're talking about."

"Don't play innocent, Lerato," Josh snapped, his frustration boiling over. "Whatever you did, it's gotten us into a difficult situation."

Bianca looked at Lerato sternly. "Are we sending you to school to learn or to cause trouble?"

"But Mom, I didn't do such a thing," Lerato said, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Tomorrow, you will apologize to Thomas, and you are also grounded for ten days. Do you understand?" Bianca said in an unquestionable tone.

Lerato looked at her father with pleading eyes full of tears. "Dad, I didn't do anything to Thomas."

Josh's heart sank a bit, but he said, "Do as your mother said."

Lerato couldn't take it anymore. She put down her fork and ran to her bedroom, tears falling uncontrollably. She cursed Thomas in her heart.

Back in the dining room, Bianca looked at Josh with bitter eyes. "Husband, did I go overboard?"

"No, wife," Josh replied with a sigh. "It's just that spoiled brat Thomas with his obsession for Lerato." He paused and continued, "I just feel sorry for our poor Lerato, having to deal with Thomas every day."

Bianca poured herself and Josh a glass of wine. Josh drank his in one gulp. Bianca asked, "What are we going to do? Our business is losing money, and having the Ngobeni Group block us will cripple us beyond repair. Should we just do as they say and apologize?"

"It's not as simple as apologizing," Josh said, pausing to pour himself another glass of wine. "If we apologize, our business might survive, but there's a huge chance we might lose our daughter."

"You mean they might take this opportunity to force us to marry Lerato to Thomas?" Bianca asked, frowning.

"Exactly. If we apologize, that will put us in the wrong. If we are wrong, we need to be sincere about our apology. No matter how sincere we are, it's up to them. We can give them everything, but if it's not enough for them, we will have to find more. Simply put, it's up to them whether we are sincere or not," Josh explained.

Bianca's head was spinning, whether due to the wine or their current situation, it was unknown. She said with difficulty, "This is a dilemma. Do you have a plan yet?"

"For now, I don't, but we still have time. I have a presentation with Kamili Ltd on Thursday. If I can land that contract, maybe with the influence of Mike Sirmon, Thomas and his father might back down," Josh said.

"Husband, no matter what, we can't let that Thomas get our Lerato," Bianca pleaded.

"I won't let it come to that, dear. I promise," Josh reaffirmed her.

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