
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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Chapter Eighteen- Help from a Stranger

The Following Night

Yue Chen sat cross legged in the Phoenix Carving Inn. "Your job here is done, don't hang around me like homeless puppies"

Lin Yuan and Hao Man exchanged irritated expressions and vanished from sight.

Yue Chen released the cap of the first jar and a metallic smell permeated in the room. The Blood Mutation manual required him to digest this for two weeks. Holding up the jar Yue Chen frowned. The thought of drinking blood caused his stomach to turn but his desire for power triumphed over rationality. Throwing back his head Yue Chen took his first mouthful of blood and swallowed with a forceful expression. Immediately after the blood entered his body Yue Chen could feel a cold flow of energy spreading in his body. Slowly he felt his vitality had returned somewhat and his mood lightened.

Putting away the blood that was left Yue Chen observed the state of his body. While the improvement was minor there was proof it was working.

Feeling more relaxed than before Yue Chen threw himself onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. After hearing from Xie Die about his family Yue Chen had started to wonder what kind of people his parents were.

Maybe I'll head for the Western Sea once I'm finished here.

Yue Chen's body relaxed along with his mind and a light smile spread across his lips as his he silently dozed off.

The Next Morning Yue Chen got up early and stretched his limbs with a lazy yawn. Looking through the window he appreciated the beauty of the untainted white of the snow and nodded.

As he grew hungry Yue Chen decided to take a look around the city to get something to eat. He prepared to take a bath but remembered he had left his clothes back in the Vermillion Toad Village. Resigned, he left the building in search of food and clothes.

After getting himself a new set of clothes Yue Chen headed to the market. To avoid leaving the inn often Yue Chen decided to stack up on enough food to last for two weeks.

"That's 5 silver coins" Yue Chen took up the last item as the elderly lady announced the price.

"Uh....." Yue Chen dug into his pockets but only found three silver coins and 90 copper coins." with an awkward smile he was trying to decide what he would put down.

"Keep the change" a fair hand placed a gold coin onto the counter.

The owner of this hand radiated a pure holy energy and wore a gentle smile. Her sky blue hair was tied into a bun and she wore a simple white dress.

Before Yue Chen could reject her offer the maiden turned and left. Yue Chen ran after her only to realize she had disappeared into the crowd.

Yue Chen chose not to dwell on the issue and returned to the Phoenix inn he was staying.

Taking in another mouthful of blood Yue Chen sat on his bed. He was slowly getting used to the taste. Soon he fell asleep

The following days Yue Chen remained indoors to focus on fixing his Life Container, not even as much as taking a step outside.

In the blink of an eye three weeks flashed by and the days of Yue Chen's recovery grew closer.

Sitting on the floor of his room Yue Chen took out the third jar of blood, there was only a little left in it. Throwing back his head he downed the remainder of blood and exhaled heavily.

An overwhelming feeling of drowsiness suddenly hit Yue Chen and his eyelids grew heavier until he fell into a deep sleep.


Curled up in the corner of a deserted alley a young boy shivered against the cold floor with his hands tucked against his stomach.

The sound of footsteps travelled into the alley, catching the boy's attention instantly.

"Poor thing, where are your parents?" a man who's face seemed to blur constantly walked into the alley. "come with me, I'll give your life purpose"

The little boy looked up at the man and shook his head, hugging himself tighter and his eyes looked around frantically.

"Come, come I won't hurt you" the man took the little boy by the hand and dragged him away against his will

The scene then changed.

The little boy stood in a line with countless other children his age. He had been cleaned and groomed.

The scene changed once more

The little boy stood with shaking hands and blood trickled from his lips. The boy laughed with tears in his eyes and...

everything became darkness.

Sitting in the darkness was a young man. He sat on a throne adorned with skulls as he recited a poem "The endless night that pitches a tent of darkness, set on devouring the dreams youth, the endless morrows of shadows engulf the future yet to come. The light of morning that approaches at dawn, a vain attempt to disperse the venomous darkness of the soul" as if sensing something he glared into the depths of the darkness. "Who told you to come here? GET OUT!"


Yue Chen woke up with a start. Beads of sweat traversed his face as he gripped at his chest. There was a stifling feeling in his chest and his heart felt as if it was on the verge of exploding.

"What was that? a dream?" Yue Chen got up in confusion. The young man's last words had left him in a state of loss. Was he a poet?

Yue Chen tried to his best to put the issue at the back of his mind for the time being. There were five days left to fix his Life Container. Nothing else was important until he solved this problem.

Five days later

Yue Chen gulped his last mouthful of blood closed his eyes. A thin strand of qi ran though his body and came to his fingertip. There was no backlash. A grin spread across his lips as he stood up.

Yue Chen checked out of the inn and headed for the entrance of the Lotus Empire. He had no intention of wasting his time loitering around the empire.

Yue Chen had already thought of his first goal. Becoming Stronger!

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