
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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67 Chs

Chapter Nineteen - Kill Him

Somewhere in a faraway place.

"Hah..." a blonde haired individual with his entire upper body bare swung his blade for the final time and his hands slanted to side from exhaustion.


The heavy sword fell to the floor loudly and the youth fell to the floor covered in perspiration.

"Will this really be enough, Master?" the blonde haired youth asked in between breaths.

"Fei Luo, my only apprentice you have power and determination but what you need now is experience." walking into the training area with the help of a wooden staff Fei ManTian arrived before his weary disciple "Without the proper experience you will never become the sharp sword that cuts down the evil of this land. You were graced by the heavens to carry out this task, don't let me down"

"Yes Master!"


"You're lucky you caught up to us young man! We just happen to be heading there!" Long Yi rubbed his bushy face and laughed.

Yue Chen nodded and took out a paper map and ran his finger along the edges "How long does it take to get to the Holy Archen Empire?"

The Holy Archen Empire was the closest empire to the Eastern sea, as he didn't know where he was headed Yue Chen decided to stop a passing caravan that was coincidentally headed in the same direction. Long Yi who happens to be the caravan owner offered to take him along.

"9 days if we continue at this speed, breaks included and twice as long by foot" Long Yi placed his finger at one point of the map. Normally we would take the Silver Swallow Valley here to save time but now we have to take a detour for safety reasons."

Yue Chen could already guess that something must have took place there but asked anyway "Did something happen there?"

"A Two Headed Rouge Panther that recently broke through to the Human level third sky took the valley as it's territory. It's appearance is strange since they normally travel in large groups but noone is brave enough to find out why." Long Yi ran his finger on a curved path around the valley and continued "this path takes seven days and the caravan beasts rest for two. An extra trip is nothing compared to staying alive, don't you agree?"

"Aren't there hunters from the Hunters Association to deal with these kind of things?" Yue Chen narrowed his eyes and started thinking to himself.

"It's not that they don't want to but they can't" Long Yi shook his head "A group of Nascent level hunters accepted the task to eliminate the beast but the association hasn't heard from any-"

Before Long Yi could finish the caravan shook and a shout came from outside "Bandits, we're being attacked!"

"Bandits?" Long Yi's smile turned to anger and he stood up and peered out the caravan.

Three men stood side to side with small pieces of cloth covering there faces.

"All of you guys in there get out now!" the leader of the three stepped forward with an imposing look sweeping over the caravan.

"And if we refuse to comply?" Long Yi asked while getting out of the caravan.

"Well we'll just have to make you won't we?" the bandit leader withdrew his saber from it's sheath with a vicious smile and licked his lips.

Yue Chen silently followed after Long Yi and left the caravan.

"Ni Yan, right? I'm surprised a wanted man like you have the gall to rob passerbys" Long Yi laughed boisterously with both his hands at his sides while looking at the bandit leader

"It wouldn't be wise to piss me off you! Your life depends on my mood got it? Search the caravan boys!" Ni Yan gestured for his followers to search the caravan.

"Brazen!" the wind howled and gathered beneath Long Yi's feet while he propelled himself forward, grabbing at Ni Yan's throat.

Yue Chen stood at the side and watched everything unfold with a puzzled look. Something about Ni Yan made him uneasy.

Before Yue Chen could warn him Long Yi struck out with the intention to kill.

Ni Yan's sword suddenly swept forward, forcing Long Yi to retreat.

Holding his bloodied stomach Long Yi bore the pain and glared at Ni Yan "You weren't this fast..... before."

Ni Yan stepped forward with a satisfied grin "I wouldn't stop you if I hadn't thought of a way to beat you, do you think I'm stupid?" holstering the blade at Long Yi's face he laughed abruptly "Long Yi you dirty bastard, you've always turned us in after a thorough beating now I'll return the favor by taking your head!" Ni Yan rushed forward and lifted the blade above his head and struck down.


A loud noise erupted as Ni Yan's saber struck the ground, creating a narrow crevice.

Ni Yan looked over at Yue Chen who had pulled Long Yi out if the way and shouted "You stay out of my way kid! Interfere again and I'll cut you down too!"

Yue Chen glanced at Ni Yan and immediately realized what had happened "Wind Energy from a demonic beast....did you tamper with the panther that's rampaging in the valley?"

"Hehehe what does it have to do with you? since you're insistent, I'll cut you down first!" Ni Yan swung the saber at Yue Chen's chest swiftly and his blade whistled as it tore through the air.

A wall of ice erected between the two and blocked the attack. Before Ni Yan could react pieces of the ice wall suddenly flew towards him, piercing his feet.

"You're weak...weaker than myself" realizing Ni Yan had already went down Yue Chen shook his head with a sigh "You're at the first sky of the Nascent realm and stealing from others?"

Picking up Ni Yan's fallen saber Yue Chen arrived before Ni Yan with a deadpan expression.

"D-don't kill me!" Ni Yan covered his head and cowered in fear "I-i can tell you how to find the Panther's lair!"

"When did I say I was looking for a panther?" Yue Chen smirked and rose the saber then halted.

"Don't hesitate....kill him, he'll only come after you if you give him a chance" the chilling eerie voice started to ring in Yue Chen's ear "save yourself the trouble and ....kill him"

Official Release Date

In order to have sufficient time to write as well as breathing space i came up with this release period. Release dates will be every 2 days starting next Sunday. 3 chapters will be released per released dates.

Release dates are as follows: Tuesday, Friday

Plz contact me if there are any questions!

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