
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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67 Chs

Chapter Seventeen - Acquiring the Method

"Can I fix my life container now or do I need a doctor present?" Yue Chen asked impatiently. The caravan had been moving for the past three days yet no one spoke of the method through which he could fix his Life Container which made Yue Chen become impatient.

"No not at all, there is no need for a second party" the elderly man laughed at Yue Chen's sarcasm.

"Then what's holding you back old man!?" Yue Chen frowned.

"Watch your tongue! Raise your voice before him again and I'll rip your tongue from your mouth" Xie Die shot an icy look at Yue Chen.

The elderly man shook his head at his daughter before turning to Yue Chen "Can you feel how much you have changed? You don't seem like the person the reports say you are. A weak willed push-over who would never hurt a fly. You even spared your sworn enemy during the monthly exams....Li Yao was it? Now I look into your eyes and I see an uncontrollable emotion being built up inside you. It's quite contrary to your reported behavior."

"I asked for the method not a speech. What are you? a priest?" Yue Chen scoffed at the old man but couldn't help but think about how he had behaved in the past few days.

The old man opened his palm and a flash of light appeared briefly then was replaced by a small book "Here" he said and threw the book at Yue Chen.

"While you won't need a doctor you'll definitely need as much help as you can get" the old man laughed.

Yue Chen received the book and looked at the old man with a scrutinizing gaze then down at the book in his hand. He immediately opened the book and started to study it's contents. It took him less than two minutes to read all the information since there wasn't much anyway.

Once he was sure that Yue Chen had read through everything the old man started talking. " this Blood Mutation manual is an easy method of solving your problem right? You simply have to ingest the blood of a demon beast with the same element alignment as yourself for half a month." after some thought the elderly man pulled out a crystal the size of an adult fist "we should find out your elements first"

Yue Chen had seen the crystal before. It's name was the Testing Crystal. it's effect was similar to the pillar the Xuan Empire had used during the examinations as it could also detect elemental affinity.

Yue Chen immediately refused "No need, my elemental qi aligns to that of the ice element" the last time he had tested his alignment the pillar had given a negative reaction.

"There is nothing to worry about, everything that happens here will remain lost to the world" the elderly man insisted Yue Chen take the test "it might have a bad effect if you have an element that counters the demon blood"

"My body will collapse if I am to use qi so using qi is a no-no" Yue Chen continued.

"Don't you have an inherent spirit? elemental affinities are also related to the spirits." the elderly man continued.

"I don't know" Yue Chen answered honestly. Every time he tried to test his inherent spirit the only response he would receive was 'unknown'.

"Die'er does the pavilion have any information on the Bai family's inherent spirit?" the elderly turned to Xie Die.

Xie Die thought about it then slowly spoke "The Bai family is elusive and rarely reveal their inherent spirits in battle, it's evident they train behind closed doors"

The elderly man then looked at Yue Chen and said with a doubtful look "ice elemental beasts can be found in every empire, the easiest place to search would be our next destination, The Frozen Lotus Empire"

After a short discussion it was decided that Yue Chen would be escorted to the Frozen Lotus Empire by All Seeing Pavilion's men while the caravan would head to the Eastern sea where the All Seeing Pavilion headquarters was located. Yue Chen was to head to the Eastern sea once his Life Container was fixed and life force had recovered.

Five days later the caravan came to the entrance of the Frozen Lotus Empire and Yue Chen hopped out it. As he stood outside he questioned where were the men who would assist him in killing a demon beast as there was noone outside the caravan.

"Li Yuan, Hao Man" the elderly man called from inside the caravan. "assist the young man, return once your assignment is completed"


A light tapping sound was heard and two men dressed in black appeared on each side of Yue Chen. "Understood" Both men replied in unison.

Waiting until the caravan left Yue Chen broke into a dash and rushed into the expanse of white surrounding the Frozen Lotus Empire.

The Frozen Lotus Empire was known to be one of the only places that would snow all year and regardless of the time of year the bone piercing chill would never decrease.

Demon beasts weren't hard to find, most demon beasts had astounding reproductive abilities, the issue that came about was finding a demon beast within the capability of the two men.

Yue Chen stood in the blanket of snow, watching from a distance as Lin Yuan and Hao Man attacked a Freezing Dire Wolf.

The Dire Wolf cried an agonizing howl as it suffered a pincer attack from both men. In mere minutes it's dead body sprawled across the snow that was now dyed red in a half curled state.

As he was about to draw it's blood Yue Chen remembered he didn't have anything to store it in. He then turned to look at Lin Yuan and Hao Man "Do you have any containers?"

Lin Yuan and Hao Man hesitated then looked each other in the eye before nodding.

Yue Chen then received four jar shape glass containers that were each about the size of a human head. He then made multiple cuts on the dead beasts body and leaked the blood into the containers. After what seemed like half a day Yue Chen tightened the cap on each container and stored them in his storage ring.

All he needed now was a good place to settle down for the next two weeks.

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