
The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess

A boy who suffered a lot of abuse from his father died and was reincarnated in another world as a girl. She got a loving and caring family, friends, and everything she never had. But happiness is not constant in any world. Tragedy befalls the naive Nyxia, resulting in her thirst for revenge. But can she survive this path? After all, Revenge is a one-way road with no comeback. ~~~~~~ Nyxia possesses extraordinary magical talent, making her one in billions. But is her talent solely innate? What about her unusual heritage, which manifested at the age of 15? Is her ability truly just a matter of talent? Nyxia has a sword that can transform into a crow, named Penance. She exchanged her right eye for it and now shares the vision of her missing right eye with Penance when it is in crow form. What is Penance? Why did it choose Nyxia? Uncover all of this by following Nyxia in this world of mysteries, magic, entities, and much more. And of course, the icing on the cake, peak Yuri.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Sad Story

It is surprisingly fun to mess with Asmerite, a pity that we are already close to Tersa's room.

Asmerite reactions are always fun because she is honest and a little innocent I guess.

Asmerite hesitantly knocks on the door while I stand leaning against the wall.

Why she is so scared? If I wanted to kill her she would be dead already.

In a few seconds, Tersa opens the door with a smile, she is wearing a daring white nightgown. She didnt perceive my presence and started to talk normally with Asmerite.

"Asmerite you are late, making your lady wait... you deserved to be punished" Says Tersa seductively

Hm... This is embarrassing, very embarrassing.

Penance only permits me to see so it surprises me that Tersa can talk like this. Their relationship is not a surprise as I spy on them often with Penance but whenever they start I stop spying, enjoying seeing other people doing it is a strange concept for me.

Asmerite blushes but looks to the side fearfully, finding her maid comportament strange Tersa puts her head outside the door to look and she sees me leaning against the wall.

Her face lost completely any emotion she was feeling after seeing me.

Her face goes from water to wine in a blink, what a useful skill.

"What do you want?" Tersa says coldly

Her disinclination toward me is a mystery, Initially, I thought it was because of my peasant roots but she has no problem with Asmerite.

"Talk" I say apathetically


We are sitting on couches opposite each other, Asmerite sits at Tersa's side with an uncomfortable expression fearing the worst. Tersa on the other hand seems calm and composed.

"If you fear having your relationship exposed rest assured, I knew from a long time ago, I have no intention of telling anyone" I say apathetically

It would be a scandal in this household if word got out. Infidelity is not something people take lightly strangely, Perlonie has two wives so why she cant fuck a maid? I cant grasp the concept.

After hearing me, Asmerite seems a little calmer, Tersa didnt even move her expression.

"Im grateful for your silence" Tersa says emotionless

You dont sound grateful at all though.

"Pretty sure you know everything im going to ask, speak" I say apathetically

Tersa immediately starts to talk devoid of emotion.

"I possess no knowledge of who it is but from what I can tell it is more than one person, after being approaching they asked for me to take control of the household with their help, which I could easily do if not for your presence" Tersa says coldly

Connecting the pieces I can already guess what happened, So she used Kovan and Adrian to take Claire down, and then she would coincidentally find evidence proving them to be the culprits taking them down too. 

Perlonie is old and without any heir, he would have to step down putting someone else to lead Faeson's, Marchioness Cermine would be destroyed after losing her whole family but the strong-minded second wife Tersa would overcome her grief to lead her family.

A truly scary plan indeed, if it wasnt for me it would be perfectly executed.

That assassin sent to kill me was because she sent them information about me resulting in them wanting to get rid of me as fast as possible.

"I must admit, im curious, why would you do this? Your life seems comfortable looking from the outside" I say casually

From what I can observe of her, she is not the type of person who cares about many things, at least that is what it seems.

Tersa turns her head to the window with a distant look.

"I was forced into a political marriage and hardly knew my husband, even gave birth to his child, dont misunderstand me, I possess no hate for Claire but I dont see her as my child, she is Perlonie's daughter, not mine" Says Tersa with a hint of melancholy in her tone

So is not like she wants power or money is just that she doesnt care. If her whole family disappears it would be better for her as she would not need to look at the products of her unhappiness. The people behind her just took advantage of her aversion toward her household.

A sad story indeed, though not an uncommon one. This happens a lot in noble society as the great majority of them see love as something childish.

She turns to face me again but this time with a sad smile.

"If you are going to do anything, please, I just ask that you dont mention Asmerite's name or spare her life" Says Tersa with a hint of sadness

Asmerite grabs Tersa's hand slowly and looks at her with a sad expression.

"Im Lady Tersa's maid, I ask that whatever you will do to her you do to me too, it would disgrace my maid honor if my Lady would take everything alone for me" Says Asmerite sad tone but with a hint of determination

Tersa looks at Asmerite surprised and tries to argue about her decision but I interrupt after a few seconds.

"I cant promise not to involve Asmerite, but I never said anything about punishment or death either, although that could change depending on your answer" I say casually

Asmerite is puzzled but Tersa seems to have grasped the situation.

"You want me to send false information, right?" Says Tersa 

I sigh and look right into her eyes with a cold expression.

"Me? No, I actually want to kill both of you mostly because you sent a guy who made a huge scar on my back, but well Claire thinks that you are useful and harmless so she convinced me to let it slide, anyway yes thats what im asking" I say casually

It is not exactly true, but it is not false either. I just said that to let them know that would be a pleasure to kill them if they refused this proposal.

Asmerite swallows dry but Tersa is unfazed.

"I agree, say whatever you want them to know, now if you may leave im quite tired" Says Tersa apathetically

She is tough to scare huh, but I guess it is because she doesnt care about anything, even if I decided to kill her she would only worry about me killing Asmerite after all.

Their relationship is a little twisted looking from the outside but who im to talk about twisted relationships? The one who claims to be my wife used to rape children before meeting me and losing interest in them.

I get up and walk toward the door.

"For now keep feeding them minor things when Claire sends something for you to tell, you will know" I say while leaving her room

If the flow of information just stops they would suspect something is happening after all.

As soon as I leave the room Penance shows me that they start to kiss.

Are they really taking me seriously? Sigh... whatever. Tersa is kinda broken, being powerless to do anything she can only accept her fate I know how it feels. Not long ago this was me, though im still powerless to do a bunch of things.

At least she found someone to care about in this cold household, and what is up with Perlonie? The old man has two wives and resolve to treat them badly for some reason.

Nobles claim to be superior to peasants but the majority fail to grasp common concepts of life, family warmth, love. Most of them can only see money and power.


Arriving at Claire's room she appears to be reading while waiting for me.

She calls me to sit in her lap and I go.

"Everything fine on your end?" Claire asks casually

After I say yes she proceeds to pass her hands seductively in my body.

"Three months until academy sigh... baby how I will survive without you in my bed every day?" Says Claire sadly

By that time her father would be retired already. I worry about her subordinates trying to keep up with her mood but well, Claire is professional even in a bad mood she can still fake when needed.

"Uzelaice is on the other side of the city Claire it's not like we will stay away so much" I say casually

Claire pushes me to the side making me fall lying on the couch face up.

Her expression screams annoyance while she pins me down on the couch putting her body on top of me.

"How can you dont even care? You dont love me anymore right?! I knew! You dont love me anymore! You are thinking about someone else right!? You are cheating on me!" Claire yells angrily

She puts her face very close to me locking eyes with me. Her eyes are wide open like she is staring at my soul.

"Claire I care ok? Stop freaking out" I say apathetically

She gets even more crazy and starts to grope my breasts violently

"Ah now im crazy! You are cheating on me for sure! Everyone keeps looking at you everywhere! Cheater slut!" Claire yells angrily

Sigh... Claire has a very efficient way of training my patience.

"It is all your fault! Look at this perverted body of yours" Claire says angrily

I moan while she is groping my breasts and she proceeds.

"Small breasts like a child, do you know how many would love to suck on them?! But you are mine! mine!"

Is this even a compliment?

Claire abruptly slaps my abdomen and passes her hands slowly there.

"These perfect six packs too! You work out way too much! Are you trying to impress other girls?!"

"Calm down Claire you kno- Mmm! wait!"

Claire dont let me finish by going violently toward my crotch.

I moan loudly while she ravages me without mercy. She puts her mouth on my ear playing with her own crotch while whispering seductively.

"You are lucky, if I ever know for sure that you are cheating on me I swear to screw you up for an entire month non-stop as punishment" Whispered Claire lustfully with a hint of annoyance

"Mmmmm! Im close Claire!" I moan loudly

"Me too Mmm dear dear..." Claire keeps repeating dear in my ear lustfully

She bites my neck while we climax together. 

Our bodies are trembling and we can feel each other shaking.

After recovering from the climax, Claire gets up and carries me princess-style to bed.

"Round two dear" Says Claire lustfully instants before kissing me violently


In a cave on the top of a mountain, far away from Nyxia's location.

A group of 8 people wearing dark cloaks are reunited at a round table made of stone.

In the background being overshadowed by the darkness in the cave, there is a statue of a giant being with 3 eyes, and countless arms going out of its back. 

"Everything is going according to the plans, in a few years the door will open" Says a cold voice

"Finally, we are close" Says a feathery voice

"Indeed, but we are still only on the first step" Says a raspy voice

"Will be rather fun to watch Venfall x Empire, someone wants to place a few bets?" Says a girl in a humorous tone

Looking at the ceiling of the cave there is a strange dark red light illuminating cravings on the stones above the group.

On the first panel, it shows multiple people fighting each other and a lot of death.

The other panels are foggy and it is impossible to see.