
The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess

A boy who suffered a lot of abuse from his father died and was reincarnated in another world as a girl. She got a loving and caring family, friends, and everything she never had. But happiness is not constant in any world. Tragedy befalls the naive Nyxia, resulting in her thirst for revenge. But can she survive this path? After all, Revenge is a one-way road with no comeback. ~~~~~~ Nyxia possesses extraordinary magical talent, making her one in billions. But is her talent solely innate? What about her unusual heritage, which manifested at the age of 15? Is her ability truly just a matter of talent? Nyxia has a sword that can transform into a crow, named Penance. She exchanged her right eye for it and now shares the vision of her missing right eye with Penance when it is in crow form. What is Penance? Why did it choose Nyxia? Uncover all of this by following Nyxia in this world of mysteries, magic, entities, and much more. And of course, the icing on the cake, peak Yuri.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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26 Chs


In the backyard of the Faeson family mansion, swords are clashing at high speed making sparks fly around.

Adrian dodges a vertical strike and sweep kick Nyxia making her fall using the chance to put his sword close to her neck.

"Seems like my win again, your talent is notorious as you improve very fast but you still need a few more years to catch me" Says Adrian with a smug

Acting all high and mighty for someone who finds it funny to see people trip sigh... I would have a chance if we were fighting with magic, but it would cut all the meaning behind this training.

I get up and grab Penance putting it in the scabbard.

"Still I will give you this advice again, you fight like everyone is weaker than you, I understand after all with your amount of talent is not like you can cross the street and find a worthy opponent, and your swordsmanship is lacking compared to your magic skills" Says Adrian Matter of Factly

As much as it pains me to admit, it is true, but im working on that and I find my progress until now pleasing.

After that, we talked for some time about this battle pointing out a few things.

"Now if you excuse me I have a reunion to attend, seems like this is the last time we train, I wish you well at Uzelaice, farewell" Says Adrian casually before walking out

Adrian's change of heart surprises me even now, his brother Kovan is still skeptical of me but Adrian is more of an airhead and he is an ok guy despite all things in the past.

Claire showed me a new way of looking at things. In the beginning, I wanted to just eliminate Kovan and Adrian by sending them away or assassination but she said it would be a waste of their strength, they still had uses for her. Kovan and Adrian just want the best for the Faeson household, the thing was that they didnt find Claire fitting for the role, but now with me they settle down and respect her too.

I walk lost in thoughts until I arrive at Claire's room, slowly opening the door to find Claire on the verge of tears while putting my baggage in a suitcase.

She keeps passing my clothes on her skin, creepy.

I walk behind her and hug her tightly

"Baby..." Says Claire sadly

Claire's love is... heavy to say the least, but she is still a person who takes care of me dearly. Loving her at the same intensity she loves me is impossible for me but doesnt mean I dont love her at least a bit.

"I love you, Claire. Maybe im not the best at expressing it the same way you can but I promise to come back as soon as I have the chance to" I say in an apathetic tone but expressing melancholy

She turns to me and hugs me crying a little. I pat her head slowly while she bends down to cry on my neck.


Claire accompanies me holding my hand at the doorstep where there is a carriage waiting for me.

Claire then signals me to kiss her and she bends down a little.

I kiss her and she puts her tongue in me while hugging me.

After pulling out she says.

"I will miss you so much, send me letters okay?" Claire says melancholic

I agree and we kiss some more before she lets me go with teary eyes.

Entering the carriage I look one last time to Claire and wave my hand.

The carriage starts to move and soon im in the streets making my way toward Uzelaice.

This moment made me wonder... How I would react to leaving Mama and Papa at the village to come where? In the end, I never had the chance to experience it but this feeling must be close to it.

Well, this is a pretty exaggerated comparison, im just moving to a dormitory at Uzelaice Academy on the other side of the city, not like im moving to another country.

Now I must say, this uniform is uncomfortable sigh... it is very a tight fit but whatever I guess at least im wearing pants and not a skirt like most other girls. Fortunately, they let you choose between pants or skirt.

Im wearing a black long-sleeve vest with bottoms, a black tie, inside a white shirt, dark blue pants, and black formal shoes.

This is the uniform for all students, though there are some variations but regarding color this is it.

Let me revise my information while on the way. From what Claire told me, Uzelaice is divided into three years, every year has 3 classes, and apparently, being respectful with your seniors is polite even though it's only a year or two above me.

The three classes from each year are somewhat enemies as they have to fight against each other in competitions, not exactly fight but the academy does a few tests that require students to do it sometimes in political ways or straight-up battles.

There the study tests too, but those I can pass easily, studying is basically reading and memorizing anyway.

The winners usually receive some silly rewards most of the time.

Claire told me that I dont really need to focus all that much on the tests against other classes so much as they are irrelevant and basically only serve as a way of winning more status and notoriety when I enter noble society as an adult.

It would be good to win but not like I have to give my all, the study tests though I need to get a certain score to pass in every subject if not I will have to repeat the whole year.

There are magic and combat lessons as well as a few other subjects like mathematics and such. I hate mathematics there is just no use to it, but well whatever not like im bad at it.

There are a bunch of rules most of which you can pass by just using common.

Seems it will be mostly a hassle for someone like me, after all, I already have my neck unlocked but Claire says there is still much for me to learn about mana.

Wish I could read inside this carriage but it is hard when everything keeps shaking sigh...

I grab Penance and slightly unsheath it to see my reflection on the sword.

Sometimes I wonder if Penance has a will of its own, for all I know, it came from a god-like being but im not sure if Penance is the god or just a crow given by the god. 

I spent some time lost in thoughts while looking out the window, seeing the streets and people going around.

Soon I could see the academy on the horizon.

It is big, there are high walls and inside I can see various buildings, from here seems like a minor city inside and it is a right.

Claire told me that there are various facilities inside, stores and such so no one is needed to leave, not like you cant leave but it would be unnecessary.

The carriage arrives at the gates, I leave holding Penance in one hand and my suitcase in the other.

After showing my matriculation documents to the guards they open the gate and I enter inside.

It is huge, my village could fit where multiple times and still have space to walk.

Let me see, a huge building with several windows on the horizon then it must be where classes are held.

On the left is a conglomerate of slightly minor buildings where im guessing it is the dorms, every year has its own dormitory divided by gender.

There are various other buildings but I need to go toward the auditorium where it will be held the entrance ceremony, there are a bunch of other students going the same way so it will be easy to find.

After some minutes I arrived at the auditorium, there were a bunch of chairs and a stage with some people sitting there in chairs and a little platform with a guy reading a paper preparing to speech. 

Probably the principal alongside teachers and staff. It is all well-decorated, with several red soft chairs going up to down and in the middle a staircase. The lights are comfortable not too shiny making the ambient illuminated by just the right amount.

I take my sit in a chair at the top and pull out a book to read.

It is strangely silent in here even though there are a bunch of people.

A few seconds after I take out the book a finger touches my arm hesitantly.

I look to my side to see a girl, wearing round glasses and the same uniform as me but with a skirt. White skin and slightly dark orange mid-length hair.

She seems anxious and shy, looking to the sides while messing with her hands.

"Yes?" I say casually

"Y- You like to read?" She asks like she is summoning all her courage to talk

Is she shy or afraid of me? I can hardly guess. Would be rude to not reply though.

"Yes, I mostly read in my free time, what about you?" I say sounding gentle and polite

Her face brights a little after she hears my answer and she proceeds.

"I- I really like this series of books, it is my f- favorite" She says shyly pointing at my book

I suppose that she is really giving her all in making friends looking at how shy she seems to be.

"Matter of fact I just started this series a few days ago after ending the one I was reading, is it good?" I say casually

I regret asking sigh... she has been talking very fast non-stop for a few minutes now. At least she does not seem shy anymore.

When she snaps back to reality she puts on an apologetic look and says.

"I- Im sorry... when speaking about books I lost myself, re-ally I will not bother you anymore sorry" She says apologetically while turning herself

Wah, I have seen rats with more confidence than this girl. She is almost crying from this, why? Let me put her out of her misery.

I try to smile a little and turn my head to the side.

"Never said I was bothered, and I find your passion for books lovely"

She turns to me with eyes wide open slightly teary.

"R-eally?" She asks with a mix of surprise and shyness

I shake my head in approval and she seems overjoyed.

After that, we talk a little more and introduce ourselves. Her name is Iori Joltech, she is a countryside noble so she is not used to the capital atmosphere it seems, and she is mostly very shy but as we talk she opens herself up bit by bit.

Soon students stop arriving and the principal proceeds to give a speech.

Mostly a bunch of scrap about patriotism and molding future generations, explaining about how things work around here too.

In the end, Iori shyly asks if we could walk together to the dorms.

I accept her proposal and she reacts cheerfully but try to hide it.

We walk while she continues to talk about various things.

Im not much of a talker but talking when needed is only what matters anyway, and most people prefer to be heard.

Arriving at our dorm, there is a balcony with a person, we give our documents there and he gives keys with a keychain saying the number of your room.

The staff guy explained that there is a telephone in each room connected to the staff telephone at the entrance.

When me and Iori find ourselves having to part ways she shyly calls out to me.

"Hey hm... Is it okay for you if I consider you as my friend?" She says shyly playing with her fingers while looking in every direction humanly possible

Is it normal to walk around and talk with people who you are not friends with? I thought that we were already friends by now.

"Sure, if you need to talk or something, you know where my room is" I say casually while showing her the number on my keychain

Sparks appear in her eyes and she says her farewells cheerfully.

She is very innocent, Hopefully, her roommate doesnt take advantage of her in the future.

Anyway, room 73 let me see if I can find it. Would help if my roommate is someone easy to deal with, if not, I would be obligated to show her some decency.

After finding and entering my new room, I can see that is very tidy and kinda pretty, it is big for a dorm room and has two beds on each side with two drawers on each side too, a lamp, a window at the end of the room, a big clock and a door at the left where im guessing it is the bathroom.

There is no one here for now I will unpack my things and put it all in the drawer.

Putting Penance leaning against my bed I sit to think for a moment.

From what the principal said, everyone needs to join an extra-curricular activity. There are a bunch but the most useful ones are.

Magical research, those who try to solve magical problems and create new kinds of magic, they are usually non-combatant students from what im guessing.

Warriors, who specialize in combat using only weapons and mana to boost the body. Doing mock battles and training with guidance from strong teachers who specialize in it. There are a few other activities too, usually tournaments and such.

Magicians, who specialize in using only magic to battle, work the same way as Warriors but with magic.

Lastly, Blade Dancers, specialize in using magic, weapons, and mana to boost the body. Usually is where the most talented people reunite im guessing, I know from self-experience that is not easy to fight with your weapon, casting magic and boosting your body efficiently all while in the middle of a fight.

There are few Blade Dancers because if you dont have talent in both you are just wasting time trying to do both to begin with, most of them start weaker than other Magicians and Warriors.

Strange, I remember starting stronger than most. Well ever since leaving my village im with Penance. My talents are at a monstrosity level too as Claire enjoys remembering me, im easily 1 in a billion.

Anyway, the choice is obvious, if I wished to hide my abilities I would probably choose Warrior but getting stronger is a priority among everything else.

Obviously, I will try to hide everything I can but is not like im desperately trying.

There are other extracurricular activities too but most are meaningless, things like learning to play instruments, multiple sports like swimming and running, journalism, and much more.

Lessons start tomorrow so for now, I will change clothes and read in my bed.

I get up and start to strip revealing my underwear.

Black sports bra and black panties, Claire bought me a lot of these as she finds them hot. It is comfortable though.

I grab a more comfortable and baggy set of clothes.

While putting on my pants the door starts to open.

Sigh... this will embarrassing, whatever I guess, we are all girls around here Claire told me that most girls prefer to hang out with boys.

A girl shorter than me entered the room with a suitcase. She has black and smooth long hair, white skin, and emerald-like eyes.

Her expression is mostly apathetic when she looks and sees me semi-naked but there is a hint of shock in her eyes.

"This is definitely a weird way of meeting a roommate" Her voice sounds apathetic but still expresses some emotions

From the way she sounds, she seems to be similar to me.

"Dont even tell me, sorry about this, I should have used the bathroom" I say apathetically

She goes toward her bed and drawer while talking.

"Dont bother, we are both girls anyway, although with a body like this, you will become a celebrity among female students in a few days"

Hopefully not, but Claire said the same so I wonder what will happen.

I finish changing my clothes and she finishes unpacking her thing and putting it in the drawer.

I sit on my bed leaning against the wall with a book in my hands and she sits in her bed facing me.

She seems to be staring so I pull my book down a little to lock eyes with her.

"Shall we introduce ourselves?" I ask apathetically

She agrees and goes first.

"Im Elaine Aezel, hope we can get along"

I introduce myself like normal and she seems a little surprised.

"What a coincidence, some time ago your name was being said everywhere" She says apathetically

Hopefully, people tend to forget about rumors so I dont think it will cause trouble.

Looking at me with a hint of curiosity on her seemingly emotionless face, she says.

"I must admit, curiosity is getting the best of me, was it true?" She says casually

Of course she would ask sigh...

"Maybe yes maybe no, who knows" I say apathetically

I dont want to go around saying it was false, I would seem like a charlatan. So every time someone asks I just answer like this.

Elaine understood the message and didn't press further. 

She grabs a notebook and a pen, it seems like she is drawing.

Elaine is somewhat comfortable to be around, her personality is close to mine.

From my bed I look to my side to see the window, the sun is setting on the horizon.

Mama, are you happy for me?