
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Nascent Soul Realm!

In the outer region of the Flying Sword sect,

"Hey have you heard Zi Han defeated senior brother Bu Fian!!"

"What? Are you talking about that trash Zi Han?"

"Exactly him!! Also don't call him trash, we may get into trouble."

" But he's only in the 4th level of Qi condensation even after 4 years, he is TRASH! How could he defeat senior brother Zi Han who is in the 8th level of Qi condensation?"

" You haven't heard? He's no longer in 4th level. He's in 6th level now."

"Huh? But still how could he defeat a level 8 while he's at level 6?"

"I don't know, one of the elders said he is a genius and awakened his talent after getting lucky while adventuring!"


In less than a day Su Chenyu had returned to his family in Yulin Province in Grand Tai Dynasty.

It had been 6 days since he had gone.

When he landed from the airship he saw his parents waiting for him. There were a few elders waiting as well.

News about him reaching the peak of Golden Core Realm had spread.

Immediately his mother hugged him.

"You make me so proud son!"

She was in the soul Refinement Realm so she naturally saw through him.

She quickly pulled him into their house.

"Did you face any problems?" Su Bing asked.

"No it went well. I received 2 sword techniques. "

"Good , Good! " his father said.

"When do you think you will be able to breakthrough into the Nascent Soul realm?" His father asked.

"I think I will be able to do it soon , within 1-2 days, I have already reached the peak of level 9."

"Haha that's excellent!"his mother exclaimed.

"Your cousin is supposed to be breaking through today.

It doesn't matter if you are a few days late , you are around 20 years younger than him afterall!"

"Yes mother."

Su Bing brought a storage ring and gave it to Su Chenyu,

" Here. Since you will be in the Nascent Soul realm soon so you will be getting around 100 high-grade spirit stones monthly. "

"If you need something else you can ask us." his mother said to him.


"Why don't you stay a few days here now? You can leave for the sect once you breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm. "his father suggested.

"Yes I am planning to do that."Su Chenyu replied.

At night , while he was practicing with his sword, Hu Ming sent him a message through the communication token,

"Youn master , young master Su Tianyi has just now broken through the Nascent Soul realm. "

"Oh, I got it. " He replied back.

Su Chenyu decided that he would breakthrough the next day.

Soon 1 whole day went by.

Su Chenyu decided that now was a good time to breakthrough.


[ Name: Su Chenyu

Age: 16 yrs

Cultivation: Golden Core Realm level 9

Energy Stored: 1,085,000

Estimated energy needed to Breakthrough: 10,000]

'Use 10,000 energy.'

He felt his body undergoing change once again.

He was not addicted to this feeling.

He felt himself becoming stronger.

In the Nascent Soul realm, it is said that the soul of cultivators transform. This enables one to use varies spells.

Till the Golden Core Realm, cultivators fought physically. Now they could use spells along with physical attacks.

Soon he saw black sticky substances coming out of his body.

He had reached the Nascent Soul realm at the age of 16!!!

He quickly went to wash himself and then came out.

He sent a message to his mother and father regarding his breakthrough.

He came out of his residence. His mother lived right next to his room. The servants too saw Su Chenyu and knew he had broken through,.

Everyone congratulated him.

Soon his dad came.

"Let's go to your room , I need to teach you some things. "

They went into his room,

Su Chenyu knew his dad was in the Essence Realm.

Although he looked like in his 30s , he was actually around 70 years old.

Essence Realm cultivators had a life span of 500 years!

In the room his dad explained.

"In Nascent Soul realm, you will be able to freely use the natural elements to fight. You can control air, water and the elements of earth using Qi energy and attack your enemy.

However qi energy in your body is limited and will take time to replenish. So the more effectively you use in battle, the better.

Do you understand?"

"Yes Father"

"From now you should practice controlling the elements of natural, the better you control the stronger you will be."

" Here, this is a technique by which you can walk on air for a few minutes, it will help you in fighting. "

Su Chenyu took the jade slip and replied"Yes father I understand."

"Will you be returning to the sect now?" Su Bing asked.

"Yes father , I want to apply for the core disciple now that am in Nascent Soul realm. "

"Good. Core disciples are offered to take an elder as their master, you can do that if you feel it's beneficial for you."

"Yes father."

The next day Su Chenyu prepared to return to the sect.

He brought Hu Ming along with him. Now that he was in the Nascent Soul realm, his guards included 2 Soul Refinement Realm servants and 5 Nascent Soul realm servents among which Hu Ming was included.

His father knew that he communicated with Hu Ming the most and so had included him in the list.

Soon his flying carriage reached the Seven Star Sacred Land.

He immediately went to the promotion hall.

The promotion hall was a place where everyone applied for their promotions.

The outer sect disciples also had to apply here when they qualified to become inner sect disciples.

He went to the desk and told the elder sitting behind it.

"I want to apply for the core disciple."

The elder and all the disciples recognized him immediately.

The news of him reaching Nascent Soul realm had not spread out but it had already reached the elders. So the elder wasn't surprised by him being there but the disciples around were all stunned.

"Sure , go back , we will send news when you will be promoted. It will be done in a day."

"Yes elder."

Su Chenyu went out of the hall .

For a moment the disciples could not react. When he finally left , they reacted.

"Su Chenyu reached Nascent Soul realm???!"

"Didn't he just now reach the core formation realm?"

"Was that someone else that looked like him?"

"Of course not. Didn't you hear the elder? It was Su Chenyu himself. "

In his house in the sect , Su Chenyu sat on his bed.


[ Name: Su Chenyu

Age: 16 yrs

Cultivation: Nascent Soul Realm level 1

Energy Stored: 1,075,000

Estimated energy needed to Breakthrough: 105,000]

Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible.

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I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

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