

I woke up late in the next day. It’s already lunch time. Shit, I still have a work. Why did I drink some vodka last night?

Argh, I quickly checked my son’s bedroom but he is not there. I panicked and went outside, I felt relieved when I saw him outside with the children of our neighbor.

I went back inside to ready myself for my work, I’m pretty sure Ridge will be mad for he is the one who’s cooking for his breakfast and lunch now.

With my self-tie maxi dress I looked at the mirror to check myself. I went to Riggs with his friends now.

They are now playing in the sand doing some sand castle. He saw me walking towards them so instead of waiting for me he stood up and went to me.

“Baby, Mama will go now.” I saw sadness in his eyes when I said it.

“Please stay Mama. You’re not around when I go to sleep or when I woke up in these past few days.” My heart ache after hearing him saying those words, I hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry baby, Mama will get finished her work today so I can go home early okay?” saying sorry is the only thing I can do now. I’m just praying that Ridge will let me go early this time but my hope fade away when I remember what I did to him yesterday.

I was about to go when I heard someone calls my name, it was Alfred. He is one of the sons of our neighbor who came from Manila but chose to live here. But Alfred is the one who’s in charge of their business in Manila so he goes home once a month.

I smiled at him. They are grilling some barbeque for lunch.

“Come join us for lunch.” He said when he is in front of me.

“Thank you but I have to go to work now.” even though I didn’t ate lunch I declined his offer. I just eat at Ridge’s house.

When I get there I quickly went to the kitchen to but I was shocked when I saw five girls with a maid uniform.

“Who are you?” I asked them while they are busy cooking, they looked so shock when they saw me.

Some of them were busy cleaning the kitchen. Wait… does Ridge have them before? They have been here all the time? That is why the living room and the guests’ room is clean before I could clean it?

I went to his library furiously, the maid was about to say something but when they saw how angry I am they closed their mouth quickly.

I went to the library and opened it, I got disappointed when I saw no one there. I went to the third floor where the bedrooms are located. I saw a maid get out in one of the guests’ room he is shocked when she saw me too.

So they really are here from the start huh? Ridge assumed that I will not go to work today so he let his maids roam and clean freely the whole mansion. The maid realized that I am going towards the master’s bedroom. And when I am at the door, she speaks.

“Ma’am, Sir Ridge told us that no one is allowed to go inside his bedroom.” I just looked at the maid with my stoic face and twist the doorknob and went inside without inhibitions.

“Oh shit!” I said after I saw Ridge only on his towel. I turned my back at him and wait until he finished changing his clothes. After a long while he spoke.

“Sit.” He said with a command voice. I turned my back to look at him.

“You have all the maid from the start?” I asked him calmly but I’m clenching my teeth because of anger.

“Yeah?” I got irritated more because of his answer. So all this time someone is cleaning the whole mansion and when I get here he orders me to clean it again? He is so stupid.

“Then why hire me?” He walks towards me, his bed is the only thing near to me so when I stepped one step back I slipped and I sat to his bed.

“Why not? You need the job.” he sat in his bed in front of me. His intimidating frame made me gasp. I realized my move is useless.

“Do you think I can watch you work for others?” he questioned me while he slowly snaked his hand around my waist.

I was about to answer him when he sealed me with a kiss on the lips. The smell of cool mint mixed with his remarkable fragrance of bergamot and jasmine filled me, consumed me. I forgot what to say.

His kisses sent shivers in my whole body. I did not notice how he shoved the fabric in from my chest. I immediately anticipated with his electrifying touch. When his thumb reeled on my top, I arched my back without restraint.

He closed my lips with his. His every touch, and every kissed I felt dizzy. I have never been so drunk in my life but I think this is the exactly way. He is vinous!

Using his thumb and index finger, he teased my other peak. I let a moan so I stopped kissing him. He licked his lips. He looked at my eyes full of lust, I am now in a struggle to keep my sanity intact. But I also don’t want him to stop doing it.

Slowly his left hand reached for the gap between my thighs. One swipe against the suddenly rough clothing made me pant. My skin is hypersensitive now.

“Ah!” I whispered.

My head rested in his shoulders when after he touched me easily. Between my thighs is a wet pool of need and desire that when he touched it I was immediately convulsing, moaning, and gripping him firmly so my entire being won’t shake too much.

I am embarrassed after he did that, I bit my lips and closed my eyes. I am a hundred percent sure that his finger was soaked and wet from that. He laughed before sealing my lips a kissed once again.

I don’t think I am insane enough to bear looking at him after than intense. This is so unfair how he can do this to me. But my eyes go widen after I saw his maleness is very evident. I thought he only affects me and I don’t affect him. His maleness proved me wrong!

His cruel eyes watched me as bit my lower lip. My hand below slowly reached for his thigh. I heard his low growl when I tightened my embraced on his neck. He pushed me back to him squishing my peaks against his chiseled chest.

“You belong only to me.” He whispered.

I’m sore all over. That was the first thing I think when I woke up. Ridge is still beside me, this is just like the first time we met in New York. I am on a white shirt now.

I slowly get up and change my clothes. After changing my clothes I noticed a lot of picture frames near his desk inside his big bedroom. I went there and scanned the picture frames.

I stopped in the middle when I saw a familiar faces. In a landscape frame, I saw my Dad and Mom in their 20’s with another guy and a girl.

I felt someone behind me, after a while both of his arms wrapped my small waist. His head rested on my shoulder. His hand reached the frame I breathe in a heavy breathe after asking his a question.

“Who are they?”

“My parents with their friends.” I nodded, I was about to say something when he chuckled before saying,

“Did you know that my Mom have the same name with her friend?” my world stops when he said that. Wait, no way. His Mom’s name is not Genevieve, right?

“Wha-what name?” I stuttered, afraid of the next words he’ll say.


I hold both of his hands and went out from his hug. I walked towards his door. He is saying something but I can’t hear anything now. I went to my car and I drove home.