

Weeks have passed but we are still at Dusit Thani in Davao City. I don’t have the courage to face him.

When I came home that day, I quickly grabbed Riggs and told Kirsten to take care the house. I didn’t say about where we are going all I want that day is to be far away from Ridge.

I grabbed the key of my Mitsubishi Montero Sport GT, I am thinking of the possibility of Ridge being outside of the mansion waiting for me to come back and since his mansion is along the provincial road. He already knows my car so I have to use the one he doesn’t know.

I don’t know how to feel when I heard those words from him. The pain, sorrow and anger built again. When Riggs came in my life I want to forget everything about them. Maybe universe is so fond of me being hurt, they keep on reminding me about my past, and worse it was Ridge’s mother.

I’m slowly opening my heart to him. No, I have never closed my heart to him, so love at first sight is true then huh? But I don’t want him to love me because we have a son. I don’t want to be wed with someone who is not in love with me and my son.

Riggs is sleeping already. I grabbed his bag beside our bed to get some of his clothes and I stopped when I saw a paper.

It is a bond paper with a drawing. My tear escaped when I saw what Riggs drew. It is a drawing of a family. It was once only the two of us but now it has three people now. It also has a label that says Mama, Riggs, and Papa.

Tears left my eyes. I slowly get off the bed and went outside from the bedroom. My sobs left my mouth after I closed the door.

I’m sorry Riggs. I kept on dragging you in my problems. I’m not a good mother for Riggs. I took a deep breath after I wiped my tears, I grabbed my phone and dialed someone who can answer my questions.

“Hello. This is Aciel Acierno speaking.”

“Dad, it’s me Alessia.” I heard a gasp in the other side of the phone.

“Alessia, I- I wa- waited so long for your call. Ho-how are you now? Where are you?”

I sniffed and took a deep breathe

“Do you know already who is Ridge is?”

I didn’t hear anything from him.

“Dad! Do you already know who Ridge is?” I shouted at him my emotion burst.

“Yes” I clenched my teeth after he answers me. I heard some heavy sighed from the other side. I cried more. All this time he knew who Ridge is, he gave me the mission because I asked who the other Genevieve is.

“We are only the three of us back then, Genevieve Fay, Octavius and Me. Octavius love Fay since then but Fay and I… we have a mutual understanding for each other.” I calmed myself. This will be a painful story.

“But everything becomes different until your Mom came into my life. We meet because of the mistakes of my Dad, he had a big debt towards your Mom’s Father. They agreed that we have to be married exchange of the debt. Your Mom is not in favor of her Father’s condition.”

“Maybe Mom knew that you don’t deserve her love.” I inserted with a sarcastic tone.

“Maybe I am. But as the time goes by I learned how to love your Mom and I love her more when she bought you to me. My mistake is I didn’t have enough time to show my love for her.”

“Because you left us Dad! You left my Mom. Even though Mommy said you’re not in fault I only knew that you left her in pain.” My sobs filled the room.

“Because your Mom said so. She believes that I still in love with Fay but I’m not she said she is always in pain every time she saw me. I don’t want to see her in pain, so I follow what she wanted- not to see me anymore. I’m sorry Alessia, I love you and your Mom so much. Please forgive me.”

I didn’t make any noise after he said that, I only let out a big sigh. I wiped my tears and I realized I have to say sorry too. I don’t know the whole story and because of the situation I only observe I let my pain and anger grew.

“Dad… can you go to the Philippines?”

“Wh-why? Is there is something wrong?”

“About Ridge… we have a son.”

“WHAT?” I get my phone from my ear. My ear hurts from his shouting.

“Wait Ridge! Come back here!” I was about to say something but I quickly turned off my phone after my Dad shouted his name.

Oh my gosh, Ridge is there? fvck He met my dad? What does him doing there? Is he hoping that I will call my Dad since I only have him as a family?

What should I do now? Should I run again? But to where? Should I just go home? I know my son is so tired with all of this and I am too.

But the question is… am I ready to face him? I should be right? Riggs should meet his father and the universe will take the rest after it. It’s not really necessary that we will become a family right?

Right. He has a girlfriend and he should not give up his relationship with that girl for us. I don’t want to ruin a relationship. I just have to tell him about my son and after that I think Riggs and I can go up north and live there and start a new life there. Yes that’s my plan. I can do it.

I went to sneak a peek to Riggs, he is now sleeping calmly. I’m so sorry for dragging you here, baby. I promise Mama will fix everything from now.

I want to go down and went to the bar but when the elevator opens I don’t have any energy to do so. I was about to go back to our suite when someone calls me from behind.

I smiled when I saw Alfred. With his blue t-shirt and short he walks towards me.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked him while we are walking towards my suite I don’t know where his room maybe not far from ours since he keeps on walking.

“It’s my colleague’s birthday today and he asked me to go here. I accepted since I’m still here in Mindanao but I’ll have to go home since Mom and Dad wants me to pour all my vacation at Surigao. How about you?”

“Uh.. I just want to get a vacation with Riggs.” I smiled at him, should I asked him to go home with us? Is it okay for him though?

I stopped when I am at the door of our suite. He stopped too so I looked at him. So his room is just opposite to us. He was about to twist the doorknob when I called him.

“Should we go home together tomorrow? I bought one of my car I think it’s convenience for you? It’s okay if you’re not going to-”

“It’s okay for me Alessia. I can save my fair too.” He chuckled at me, so I nodded and bid him a goodbye.

I am nervous since the morning, we are already at the road going to Surigao. I don’t know what’s waiting for me in the house. Riggs is happy when he saw Alfred and he agreed with Alfred being a driver saying it’s okay so I’ll not be tired. Alfred volunteered to drive I didn’t agreed at first but he insist it, he agreed when I told him he can drive after we arrived at Tagum City.

“Are you excited to go home, baby?” I asked him while I’m on the front seat.

“Yes Mama, I missed the beach.” I smiled after he said that, me too baby, me too.

After an eight hours drive we arrived at Cortes, Surigao. When the car stops I saw a muscular man leaning at the door.

His forehead creased when he saw I am with someone. When we get off the car, he started walking towards us. Even though he is not near I can feel his dark aura.

“Goodbye Tito, thank you for driving me and Mama back here.” Ridge’s eyes went to the little boy who just talked. Alfred went to Ridge and pats his head.

My mouth stretch to a smile after Alfred bid his good bye to me. Riggs is still on the backseat waiting for me to get him.

I opened the car’s door and get Riggs, I stopped when I saw Ridge is already at the gate waiting for us. He looked at me with anger but when he saw Riggs I can see a pain in his eyes.