

Weeks passed so fast. And he still torments me with the household chores. I get up early in the morning to go to Ridge’s house.

I couldn’t even watch Riggs wake up and sleeps at night. Its Friday now and I hope Ridge will let me go home early later.

“Buy me these things. I need it now.” he gave me a long list of office materials. I have to go to the city to buy this in national bookstore.

I parked my car and go inside the mall, I put the five fountain pens and highlighters in my basket. I went to the bond papers and get three pads of it.

Also he needs shredder too and many more.

“It’s five thousand three hundred and five pesos, Ma’am” I nodded and get my wallet but to my surprise I don’t have any cash with me right now.

Argh, Ridge didn’t give me money for this! Thatlunatic. I gave my card to the cashier half-heartedly, with me being furious after putting the materials I bought. I step on the gas of my Subaru BRZ I don’t care if it is now on 120km/h, I want to go to Ridge now.

After a few minutes I arrived. I quickly went to his library while carrying the items in a paper bag. I opened the door and went in front of him.

I put down the paper bags explosively resulting to his to startle. I looked at him badly.

“The guts of you to order me to bought you those things but you didn’t gave me money to bought those?” I put both of my hands in my waist while saying that.

“You didn’t ask” he coldly said while checking the paper bags. Is he blaming me for his mistake? Ha, the audacity of this lunatic. I get the receipt and throw it to his face.

He is so shocked when I did that to him. He gets the receipt and looked at it. He gets some money from his pocket and handed it to me.

I turned my back to him and was about to go out when the money he gave to me is less fifty-pesos. I went to him he stared darkly at me with a glass of brown liquor on his hand.

“It’s fifty pesos short.” He gets his wallet and handed me fifty pesos I was about to get it when he let go of it so it fell in the floor.

“Fuck you, Ridge!” I shouted while getting it from the floor. I was about to leave when he grabs my arms back to him.

“Let’s talk.” He said with an emphatically voice.

“Let me go, I have to go home now.” I firmly said.

His jaw clenched tightly and his face filled with anger once more. He hold my wrist tightly and let me sit on his lap I was about to protest but his arm locked me into place on his right thigh and his left trying to stop me from kicking him.

“You don’t have any boyfriend.” He whispered on my ear while we are in that awkward position.

I pushed his chest but he didn’t even budge an inch by that. He jailed me more when I tried to kick his leg.

I surrender. I calm my breathing. His right hand is supporting my back, snaked behind me to waist. His right hand ready to lock my body if I do something bad.

“I want you back.” He said with a certainty that scared me to bits.

My legs are like jelly now. My whole body is betraying me now. My whole wants Ridge now. My heart cheered for him. My mind wants him to know how much I want him. And it’s very unfair.

He held my hand and took it down a bit so that our eyes met. He slowly cut through my fingers, taking claim with every inch of it.

I want to get out on this position right now. It’s dangerous for me, but I know it’s impossible. He pulled me closer to him. His breathing rested on my neck until I felt his nose and his lips on it.

He cuffed my hands with his and put it down on my thighs, freeing my face from its cover. He kissed my hair and inhaled on it, I am already leaning sideways on his chest, with full weight.

“I want my baby back.” With a gentle voice he said that in my ear.

His smell and voice filled through me and it’s addicting.

“Where are you going?” he said when he noticed my determination to stand up.

He pulled me back to him. I hopelessly fell again on his chest and he renewed his hold of me.

“You have so many things to do, let me go.” I said while looking at his desk with a pile of the papers.

“Hmmm” he whispered slowly again trying to kiss me in my ear. I avoided my head on him and he chuckled with my action.

The telephone rings his hand loosens me up. I got that opportunity to stand up and went outside the library.

It’s just four in the afternoon but I already finished cooking him dinner. He didn’t go outside for two hours now. Maybe the call is important? It’s his girlfriend probably.

I just left a letter in the table saying I will go home early today.

Riggs giggles’ filled the living room. He is watching Raya and the last dragon in the Netflix now.

It’s a scene when Raya is reunited with his father again. His brows met up and his forehead creased.

He is growing fast. I think it’s time for him to know about his father? I let a heavy sighed, before calling him.

“Riggs, baby…”

“Do you want a Papa?”

“Is it okay for you?” I was shocked with his question, is he just waiting for me to ask him?

“What does a Papa can give to Riggs?” he asked me, I was taken aback with his follow up question, because I didn’t know what Ridge can do with his son.

“Does Papa will be with Riggs every time Mama’s not there?” I nodded

“Does Papa will take care of Riggs like Mama does?” I smiled at him with teary eyes.

“Does Papa will be as gentle as Mama?” I nodded again.

“Does Papa will love Riggs more than anything in life?” I nodded. Hopefully Ridge will do this to him.

If not, I will hide my son forever from him. But I can sense Riggs jealousy to a complete family every time we saw it in the television.

“If Papa will love Mama… then I want a Papa.”