

“What happened?” I asked Riggs when he shakes my arms resulting for me to wake up. It’s six in the morning but Riggs woke me up.

“Help me with my pants. Take it off, Mama” I let go of a moan while getting of the bed. I went to him and make him stand up.

Riggs has been sleeping on his bed like a week now. And I’m trying to get him fall asleep by himself because he wants it. I don’t want to do it but he insisted it and I don’t have any choice.

But last night, he decided to join me in my bed. And now he peed on my bed, how’s that for morning. And today is my first day on work. I think it’s early, so I decided to go on Ridge’s house like eight in the morning?

I carried him with both of his wrapping my neck to a hug we went outside of the bedroom. I opened the large curtains to let the sun’s rays went inside the house. And I carried him until we arrived at the bathroom.

“It’s time for bath, baby.” I chuckled when I heard him mumbles his answer while nodding. After a long while, I finished bathing him and brushing his teeth I put his little robe with his pants on.

I put him on the couch and we did some morning cuddles for a few minutes after I turned on the television.

Now he settled down watching some discovery channel I can get my morning started. I brushed my teeth first before going back to my bedroom.

The key to have a productive day is to make your bed. I start fixing my bed, I have to fix it for me to stop myself feeling sleepy again.

After that, I took a bath and change my clothes. I don’t know what to wear to I just wear some puffed sleeves and mid-skirt with Mary Janes type of shoes.

Kirsten is already preparing the breakfast, I looked at our wall clock and saw it almost eight. I went to Riggs and kissed him on the forehead and bid my goodbye.

I run towards my car and drove to Ridge’s house immediately. It’s usually twenty minutes ride but this time it only took me 10 minutes.

I immediately park my car and look at the mirror if I am presentable. Isn’t this ironic? I will now work for being a housemaid so that I can pay the housemaid working for me and Riggs?

Argh, but again I don’t have any choice. What the heck the universe doing to me? The announcement of the establishment is just one day and when I got there they already hired someone?

If not for my son, I wouldn’t sign those papers. I went out from my car and went inside the mansion.

I am about to go to the library when I saw him went out from the kitchen.

“You’re late. You should cook me breakfast, lunch and dinner, clean the kitchen, the living room then the library then the guests’ room.”

So today is the start of my hell job right? I don’t want to ruin my mood so I have to calm all my nerves towards him. I smiled at him even though I want to punch him in the face.

Am I the only one housemaid here? How can I clean the whole mansion all by myself? Is he going to help me? If course not, if I know he couldn’t even do his own laundry.

I went to the kitchen and I check the sink its empty. He already finished his breakfast? I went to the library to asked him if he to confirm if her already ate his breakfast.

I opened it and I saw him talking to his phone. He turned his back to look at me.

“Yes, I will be back in Manila as soon as I finished my job here. Lauv.”

Oh he is talking to his girlfriend? I was about to close the door when I heard him bidding his goodbye to his girlfriend.

“What are you doing here?” he said after he put down his phone on his desk.

“I just want to ask if you have already eaten your breakfast.”

“Yes, because my supposed to be maid is late so I cooked my breakfast in her place.” He is talking about me huh? Does he want me to go here early in the morning? Five in the morning, perhaps? I can’t do that.

Riggs is just adjusting to sleep all by himself and now he won’t see me that much? This is too much for him.

“What do you want for lunch?” I cleared my throat


“What?” my shocked voice filled the library. He shifted on his seat.

“You, you should be the one who’ll think about lunch. I can eat whatever food is served on the table.”

Embarrassment filled my face, I quickly closes the door and went to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator to check the foods there. I took a quick glance to my watch I saw it’s still eight in the morning. I set an alarm in my phone at ten so that I can start cooking his lunch. I just have to clean the living room and the guests’ room.

I started cleaning the living room, I first washed the vase before putting some new flowers I picked form the garden. I get some towels to washed and clean the big window pane. I took the vacuum and start vacuuming the whole living room.

The mansion is clean looks like someone already cleaned it before me. I doubt its Ridge right.

I already on the half of the living room when my phone alarm, I turned off the vacuum and went to the kitchen to prepare his lunch. Riggs favorite is adobo, he will exchange everything to adobo.

I don’t know if he already ate adobo but that is my plan for his lunch for today. After I place the chicken and its marinade in a large pot, I add the water and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. After that I reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes.

It’s almost eleven when I finished cooking the adobo and the rice so I went to his library once again to call him.

“It’s time for lunch” I said after I knocked the door I didn’t open it but no one answered me from the other side.

I was about to knock once again when the door suddenly opens. With his white long sleeves polo I can see how the clothe shape his muscles I pursed my lips when I realized I’m drooling for him.

He passed in the front of me saying nothing. I went to the kitchen with him to set the table, I can sense his eyes are on me but I didn’t look back at him.

After I put the plate and utensils I went to the fridge to get some water and a glass. I put it beside the rice. I was about to go to the living room to continue my work when he speak,

“Eat with me.” I was about to tell him that I am full when my stomach growls. I forgot that I skipped breakfast because I am afraid of being late, though I am still late.

He pursed his lips stopping his laugh because of my stomach.

“No, thanks. I have to finish the living room so I can start cleaning the guests’ room. I have so many things to do, I can’t waste time.”

“Eating is not wasting time. I looked lonely when I eat alone.” The table is a twelve seater. He is right, he looks really lonely eating alone with the big and long table.

“You were able to eat alone earlier, you can do it again.” I saw sadness in his eyes or is my vision playing tricks with me? I don’t know.

That was our last conversation that day, I quickly went to the living room and finishes cleaning after that I went to one of the guests’ room.

They have a lot of guests’ room here. The have five guests’ room and all of it are big. And like the living room, it’s not dirty. Only a little dust is on it like on the vase and tables and some paintings. I vacuum all the rooms and change the bedsheets. It took me six hours to clean the guests’ room.

Between the five hours I went to his library to deliver some snacks I prepared for him, I think I was too harsh earlier? What if he will fired me all of the sudden because I’m too rude towards him, he is my boss after all?

I prepared him a dinner. After he finishes eating I washed the dishes and bid a good bye to him.

I’m now on my bed beside my one and only love. I caressed his head. He moved a little bit after I did that, he really waited for me to come home today.

I went out slowly from the bed with a caution preventing him to be awake. I grabbed the drawing he handed me earlier when I came home.

The night breeze brought shivers to my body after I opened the veranda in my bedroom. I sighed heavily when I saw his drawing once again.

It’s a drawing of a lady and a baby, should I told him about his father? I know he will search for Ridge, not now but soon. I can feel it, if we are watching some movies in the past his face changes when he saw a complete family. Maybe he has now a question on his mind about why does we only have each other, why does we are only two.