

We went to the library once again. I can’t explain what I’m feeling right now. Silence filled the library.

Arthur is beside me, if you are all wondering why I call him Arthur is I saw his leather jacket earlier and it has Arthur in the left side in the chest area. So I assumed Arthur is his name?

My eyes went to Ridge, his body is more big now. I can see his muscles settled in the right place, he is even taller now. My height is 5’11 and he is even taller than me I think he is 6’3? His face is more matured now and his aura gave a dark smoke around him.

“What’s your name?” I looked at Ridge, wait he doesn’t know me? Oh I remember I didn’t tell him what my name is. I can sense his anger through his voice. I cleared my throat first before answering.

“Alessia Calista Acierno.” Nervousness in my voice is evident, I don’t know how to calm my nerves.

“Oh, Calista means the most beautiful. It’s obvious though.”

“Arthur means ‘strong as a bear’. Are you then?” He chuckled and walks towards me

“You know me now huh?” I pointed the left chest of his leather jacket, his mouth went wide out of shock. So I am right with his name, I smiled at him.

“You can now go, Arthur. I can handle the rest, thank you.” His voice is still cold as ice. Arthur looked at his cousin then back at me. He then sighed heavily and went out from the library silently.

I looked at Ridge and irritation is now on his face. Who would be in a good mode if you saw the person who betrayed you Alessia? Who?

He is mad at me. I am so sure about that. I don’t know what’s gotten into me but he look hotter when he is mad. His furrowed brows, the way he clenched his jaw, his dark and brooding eyes. I love every inch of those.

My gosh Alessia, you are here for work okay? It’s for Riggs not for his Dad okay? I closed my eyes and let a heavy breathe out clearing my mind.

Okay, I think he will torture me by commanding me to clean the whole mansion? Or worse, left a bullet in my head, can I just left? I can’t, I don’t have any choices now the entire establishment in the city already rejected me.

I have to do this too for my son. Should I just tell him that he got me pregnant? No Alessia you can’t do that. His world is chaos, my world was chaos and I don’t want Riggs go to that world too.

The world is so small for us. The Philippines so big but the universe bought him here? Is the universe joking on me? If I know that this is the place where his ancestors lived I wouldn’t chose this place.

It’s a mistake if Riggs don’t know who his Dad is but I can’t risk my son too. I just want him to be safe. It’s also a mistake to get a one night stand of your target Alessia Calista! Also, I’m just attractive at him, right. It’s not love at first sight perhaps it lust at first sight?

I know its Ridge’s right to know he has a son. I will tell him not now but soon.

“Sign the papers now.” I stood up and went to his desk. My forehead frowned when I saw my name in it printed he didn’t wrote it. Does he know what my name is? How? I immediately sign it and looked at him. His dark brooding eyes is dripping with passionate anger.

He signed the paper too and silence filled the library, I can now go now right? I was about to go out when he speak,

“You should start today.”

“Today?” he didn’t answer me instead he just looked at me intensely. I was about to say something when my phone rang. I saw it was Kirsten’s name, I quickly answer it with the fear of something happened with Riggs.


“Baby.” My eyes went to Ridge’s. He clenched his jaw after he heard what I say. My heart pounded crazily once again when I realized the world between us three is so small, too small because the only gap we have here is my phone.

“When are you going home?” I can sense sadness through my son’s voice. Riggs is not used to not having me around.

“I’m on my way home now, can you wait for me?” Ridge walked towards me. I took once step back because of fear.

“Of course, Mama. I’ll wait for you, love you.”

“Okay, I love you.” I quickly put the phone down. He is now few inches away from me. I step back once again but I got disappointed when I felt the firm bookshelves.

“I will start my work tomorrow.” I said with a straight tone.

“Why?” he said while walking closer to me

“Someone is waiting for me.”

“More important than your job?” his brows raised and his forehead creased until there is no air between the two of us.

Of course, he is my son. Your son! There is no more important thing or person than my son.

My breath is heavy right now my chest goes up and down rapidly too. I think I will collapse anytime now, because of the mix of nervousness and fear I think I will faint any time now.

My eyes close slowly but when I felt his lips touched mine. My eyes widen because of shock. I couldn’t move my legs and my arms, I want to get away from him. He is so dangerous for me. I couldn’t even know how to react the moment I saw him earlier. How much more right now?

He let go of my lips. I am still on feeling his lips so my mouth is still open, he chuckled after he saw my reaction.

I quickly pursed my lips when I felt his warm thumb tracing my lips. His eyes is on my lips, I thought he will kissed me again when his hand went to my chin and level his eyes on my eyes.

“Alessia Calista Acierno. Twenty-five years of age. Mother died when she was only 17 years old. Went to New York and worked as a secret agent at the private company founded by her Dad Aziel Acierno. Left New York three years ago after she accomplished her last mission with Ishaq Ridge Armani.”

“What the fvck- you got me investigated?”

“I’m just correcting my mistakes three years ago. The little vixen got me swirl in her hands. You got me three years ago, getting my files under my own roof.”

Anger filled me after hearing that. I’m just doing my work back then. He is just so lustful bachelor that even just seeing a small skin from my back I quickly grabs his attention. Maybe he is too lustful for me that night, and his lust went up after realizing it’s my first time.

It’s so obvious that he has more experience in bed than me. I saw how women flock their wings on him when he arrived at the club. I saw how other men drool on him and how he attracts the crowd even though he is just walking.

“Who called you? Your boyfriend?” why does he care? He is mad at me right? Then why does he is questioning me that?

“Why? You didn’t get that investigated too?” he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw out of patience because of my answer towards him.

I thought I will win this argument today but his warm hand went to my waist and his face went closer to me that I can feel his hot breathe in my ears.

My legs are like jelly now. Without the bookshelves in my back I’m sure I am in the floor now.

“Broke up with him.” He kissed my ear after saying those words. He then walked outside, my legs collapsed after he closed the door.

What’s wrong with him? Why does he want he me broke up with my boyfriend? Does he really think that Riggs is my boyfriend? What. An. Idiot.