
The Last Immortal(TLI)

HIATUS! For now, check out my other books. The ones I am currently working on are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain Humanity Rising: War Slaughtering the Gods

Requiem_Phantom · Sci-fi
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52 Chs

Shots Fired

"Brothers, we have someone that has witnessed the contents inside of one of our blackmail operations! We cannot let this women get away, the contents involved our manipulation of the city Mayor! Now brothers, take your bikes and kill that bitch! No witnesses!"

This was what one would hear if they were to be eavesdropping on an abandoned warehouse south of the main characters hotel. The leader of the "Blood Falcons" was passionately telling his men of their current predicament and gave them the kill order. The boss himself was completely covered in tattoos of different wild bloodthirsty beasts. With that final order that their boss gave, each member waved around their different guns, while getting on their motorcycles. Each thug had a bloodthirsty gleam in their eyes, ready for the kill.

------------MC POV------------

A few hours down the road, I noticed that Sarah had stopped crying and instead just resolutely looked forward. I don't know if she decided something in her mind or if she just accepted the reality thrusted upon her. It does not matter either, as soon she will experience an event that could forever change her life.

"We only have another hour till we get to Blue Ridge, do you have any idea of what your gonna do once I leave you?" I suddenly ask her, curious as to if she figured anything out yet.

"No, I don't particularly know anyone in that area. All I can do is try to find another person that can take me further south, hopefully farther than those thugs are willing to go." She states while still resolutely looking forward.

"Well I won't need this car anymore, so you can just take it after I get out. It's more like your dropping me off at Blue Ridge instead."

"Alright" Sarah reply's quietly

It did not take long for us to reach Blue Ridge. Once we arrived I pulled into a random parking lot, threw the keys to sarah and started walking in the general direction of my ship. I did not pay attention to what Sarah was doing as I quickly got out of the general area.

About 10 minutes after I left the car, I was already walking briskly in the mountain forest. I suddenly stop, take out my gun and aim it at the bushes approximately fifteen feet behind me.

"Step out now, or I shoot! Anything funny, and I shoot!" I yelled at whoever had made that rustle in the bushes.

"Don't shoot, it's me!"

When I heard that voice, and saw who it was, I nearly pulled the trigger wanting to just forget this meeting ever happened. But the good guy in me held me back, putting my weapon back into my jacket.

"Why the hell are you following me and not on the road out of Blue Ridge already?" I sighed as I asked this question, hoping that she was just lost.

"Uuuhh, I was just wanting to stay with you until the thugs either died or forgot about me." She nervously said. Guess she never realized I also carried a gun like she does.

As I was about to tell her no and send Sarah on her merry way, we both heard shouts coming up the mountainous path after us.

"This way brothers, someone saw em both headin up the mountain!"

"Lets get em!"


I quickly got behind a tree to take cover, and was ready to start shooting at the moment I saw a head pop out from the distance. I did not pay attention to Sarah and just let her do as she wished, because I'm not gonna worry about protecting her in the midst of battle. I just wonder how many there are, as I only have enough charge for sixteen more shots. Just as a precaution, I take both swords from my backpack, and slide them into back sheaths for the upcoming battle.

A few seconds after completing my preperations, I notice the first thug's head coming out from behind a tree. I take aim, pull the trigger and then the plasma bolt leaves the barrel. Next thing that happens is that the thug's head explodes, sending blood and brain matter all over the tree's and ground.

"Everyone, they over here! They killed Tony, and his brains all over the tree's!" Screamed one of the dead man's accomplices.

When i hear him shout, I took aim at him next.

Pew!! Shot through the head, same as the first. After that one they kept coming through the tree's and bushes.

Pew-Pew! Pew! Three more taken down, forever laid to rest not knowing where their killer was. After killing those three, the rest finally notice my position and started opening fire in my area.

Bang! Ratatatata! P-taff! Multipe different guns going off, making the sound reverberate throughout the entire forest. At this rate people in the town might even notice something.

I look for an opening in the mass firing, to take another shot. I quickly roll to another tree, on my left and right way fire four shots directly at the thugs. Each one of them die with a hole in vital places on their body's. After seeing me take another four of their comrades down, they start firing at my new location hoping to kill their brothers slayer.

A few bullets nick me in the arms as the pass by me and the tree. These fellows are quite the bad shots, almost as if it's their fist time shooting at someone. It doesn't take long for me to make another opening by diving towards the ground, into the bushes directly behind my location. I peek the barrel of my weapon through the underbrush taking aim at the unxpected gunmen.

I prepare my trigger finger for multiple shots and rapid movement between targets. Once in place, I fire my gun in quick succession taking down man after man until my charge runs out. After taking down who knows how many, the entire place goes silent. I take a look at where the thugs used to be, only to see torn and bloody corpses littered throughout the woods. At that same moment, the tree I was hiding behind before falls down from the bullets that cut through it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that there is still three thugs moving towards my location. It put away my gun and prepare my swords for combat. It seems they only know my rough location as they have yet to fire. Just when I was about to charge them with my swords, I heard and saw something that surprised even me.

Bang! Another pistol fires, but this shot actually hits the chest of one of the thugs; killing him. I was flabbergasted to see Sarah now hiding behind a tree holding a smoking revolver close to her chest while muttering to herself.

"I killed someone, wha-whaa--t should I do now?" She seems somewhaat shocked for taking her first life. Luckily she fired at the perfect time, as the thugs attention was taken off my as they starting aiming towards Sarah.

Seeing them looking somewhere else, I quickly spring up from the bushes. Dashing towards the frst thug, my sword arched for the kill. I swing diagonally towards his head, which decapitates him; sending the severed head flying towards his teammate, hitting him in the face. He touches his now blood covered face while looking down, only to see his buddies severed head. Right when he was about to scream and run off, I slide my sword through his chest puncturing his heart. He only stares at me in despair, still not knowing why he had to die in such a way.

I pull my sword out, slinging the blood off. I turn around walking towards Sarah while sheathing my swords onto my back, ending the conflict.

Finished the chapter. Plan on doing another two tonight.

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