
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs

Sweet, Sweet, Revenge~

Jasmine, Caizhi, and Carl went back into the castle and Cross held Lily in his arms as he said "Want to be like daddy?" while he looted the entire palace, taking everything. He threw a wheel with a bunch of symbols into the castle, falling in Jasmine's hands.

He didn't know what it was but Jasmine did.

Cross whistled and threw the black hole into the air and it enveloped the entire Star God Realm, Lily said "Nono! I want to be like mommy!" Cross walked away from the endless destruction as he pouted saying "You don't like daddy? Daddy is very handsome! Why don't you like Daddy?" Lily pouted and said "Lily is beautiful! Not handsome!"

Cross sighed and walked on the air, traveling miles with each step as he said "Silly girl! What kind of daughter is this!" Lily giggled and poked his face saying "Not a pervert like daddy!" Cross kissed her face saying "Who taught you this? Your daddy isn't a pervert!" Lily giggled as she tried to push his face away.

Cross appeared over the Brahma God Realm and looked down, he floated down towards Brahma Heaven City. He walked on the streets towards the Palace saying "Daddy will teach you to be super powerful, okay? In the future, Lily is going to be the strongest in the world! Beat all the big perverts away!"

Lily waved her fists excitedly chiming "Yaya! Beat up perverts! Uh.. Daddy, what's a pervert?" Cross said seriously "A pervert is a big bad guy! If you're not careful, they'll eat you up!" Lily gasped saying "Nono! Lily doesn't want to be eaten! Uuu..." she started crying.

Cross rubbed her back saying "Don't worry, daddy will protect Lily from the perverts! Daddy is the strongest!" Lily clung to him saying "Daddy will protect Lily?" Cross smiled and said "Forever!" Lily smiled and leaned on his shoulder mumbling "Lily is happy to see daddy..." before falling asleep.

Cross walked into the Palace and kicked down the Throne room door, making a soundproof barrier around Lily. Qianye Fantian looked weak sitting on his throne. Cross smiled as he said "Fantian, long time no see! Are you ready to die?"

Qianye Fantian trembled and said "It can't be! You died! I saw it with my own eyes!" Cross chuckled and said "Yes, well, sometimes eyes can be deceiving." he hooked his finger and the Brahma Soul Bell appeared, Cross plunged his hand through it before ripping out a white jade disk.

He hummed and said "Eternal Life... I can achieve this myself..." he kept the Primordial Seal of Life and Death and the Brahma Soul Bell. He had already killed the old guys inside. He looked at Fantian and smiled saying "Well, when we meet again it'll be in hell! Toodles~" before blowing on his hand, a black louts appeared before spinning into a massive black hole.

Cross turned around and pulled the air, Qianye Ying'er flew into his hands. He sealed her strength and said with a smile "My little prey, do you think I've forgotten about you?" Qianye Ying'er sighed and said "I'm disappointed."

Cross walked away from the giant black hole with Ying'er in his hands as he said "To be honest with you, I am disappointed as well." Ying'er looked up at him and he had a sad look on his face as he added "Your reputation as a cunning and ruthless woman really made me excited. I wanted nothing more than to play you to death, defeating you completely in our own little game."

He was truly upset and said hatefully "These ants flipped the chessboard while we were playing!" Qianye Ying'er sighed and said "Well, you've won." Cross sighed and said "It doesn't feel like it. It feels like I cheated." during this conversation, Cross looted the Palace for everything they had before leaving the Realm to the next one, ignoring the cataclysmic destruction.

Cross sent Lily to Jasmine and kept Ying'er with him as he walked and talked saying "What was your next move?" Qianye Ying'er hummed before replying "Going to your home star and holding them hostage." Cross smiled and said "Wouldn't work, I already took everyone away."

Qianye Ying'er smiled and said "I know. But Yun Che is still from there, when he comes after me, I'll capture him and his wives before forcing you out." Cross grinned and said "If I still don't come?" Qianye Ying'er said "You will." Cross raised a brow and said "Oh?" Ying'er explained "If you didn't value relationships then you wouldn't have let Yun Che win the Convention, you wouldn't have ripped Jun Xilei's arms off, and you wouldn't have provoked all the Realm Kings to draw all their attention to you so Yun Che and the Snow Song Realm could escape."

Cross grinned widely and said "You're smarter than those old fucks. I truly am reluctant to kill you." Qianye Ying'er sneered and said "Don't make me look down on you." Cross smacked her head and said "Stupid woman, I said reluctant! Doesn't matter how beautiful you are, you're like a poisonous snake! Why would I let you live freely?"

He chuckled and said "Nono. Jasmine will decide your fate. Personally, I think you would be an excellent maid. I even have maid clothes!" Qianye Ying'er laughed and chose to not respond. Cross smiled happily and traversed to the Southern Sea God Realm. Cross entered the palace and slaughtered Nan Wansheng, looting the Palace for all it's worth before setting down another black hole and leaving.

Qianye Ying'er asked "Did you do that to the Star God Realm too?" Cross said "It's very efficient, eh?" Ying'er giggled and said "How many millions have died?" Cross shrugged and said "Who cares." Ying'er smiled beautifully and said "Sure enough! I think I may have fallen in love with you!"

Cross winked at her and said "Who hasn't? Don't worry, my little maid. You'll be seeing your handsome master much more often." he touched his lips saying playfully "Unintentionally conquering a goddess surprisingly feels good!"

Qianye Ying'er rolled her eyes and said "So shameless!" Cross chuckled and went to the Dragon God Realm in the Western Region. He floated above the Realm and shouted "Selena! Grey! White! You four little brats! Get the fuck back over here!" his voice boomed across the entire Dragon region.

The Dragon Monarch appeared saying "You! What are you doing here?! I though you were dead!" Cross said "Shush! I'm here for my beasts!" the Dragon Monarch was enraged and 7 people appeared.

Cross looked at them and said "You better have a damn good explanation! Otherwise, its 4 symbol soup for dinner!" Selena turned into a beautiful black haired woman with golden eyes, Grey had red eyes and silver hair, he was not bad looking. White was particularly handsome and had white hair. The kids looked like a mix of Selena and Grey.

Selena sighed and said "Luna brought us here." Cross grumbled and said "Get inside! She'll have her turn soon enough!" the 7 drilled into a crack, returning to the inner world. The Dragon Monarch shouted angrily "You dare to enslave my race!?"

Cross rolled his eyes and looked at Ying'er saying "Wasn't this guy supposed to be smart?" Ying'er shrugged saying "He's still a beast in the end." Cross replied "Eh.. I guess you're right." he looked at the beyond humiliated Dragon Monarch and said "First of all, little snake, my beasts have been with me for years and years, decades even. I saved their lives and gave them a home! Secondly, who the fuck are you to question me!?"

A massive killing intent flooded the entire Dragon God Realm as Cross growled "Bunch of meat that hasn't been grilled yet, you think you have the right to even speak to this King!?" He stepped forward and clutched the Dragon Monarch's neck in his hands as he continued "Who gave you the courage! WHO!?"

Suddenly, a spectacularly beautiful woman and Yun Che appeared!

Yun Che saw Cross and rubbed his eyes saying "Big.. Big brother!" he lunged forward and hugged him, Cross smiled and said "Hey! I see you've been well.." he looked over at the woman and smirked "Very well. Congratulations by the way."

The woman smiled and rubbed her stomach, Yun Che wiped his eyes and said "So what are you doing here!" Cross said "Meh, destroying the people who chased me. The Star, Brahma, and Southern Sea God realms have all been destroyed. There's only the Dragon, the Heaven secrets, and Eternal Heaven God Realms left. How about you?"

Yun Che felt his mouth twitch, maybe in the entire world, only Cross will say that so casually... Yun Che introduced "This is Shen Xi, my.. Um. Wife!" Shen Xi looked at Yun Che, who shamelessly smiled happily at her.

Cross chuckled and said "You should be the one trapped in the sword right?" Shen Xi smiled and said "You knew?" Cross touched his necklace and said "The sword is no more, naturally I have all the sword's memories." Shen Xi's eyes flashed astonishment and Yun Che said "She's Senior Dragon God's daughter?! I knocked up his daughter!?"

Cross laughed and said "You should be able to leave where ever you're stay at, or you can stay. I really only have beef with this guy." Ying'er said "You only have beef with Nan Wansheng too." Cross said simply "It's easier to kill them all anyway, but if Yun Che wants to become the next Dragon Monarch with Shen Xi then I'll just kill this guy." as he shook the Dragon monarch in his hands.

Yun Che said "Just kill him, I can handle the rest." Cross said dubiously "Are you sure? Will she help you?" Yun Che looked at Shen Xi, who looked at him before finally nodding a bit shyly. Yun Che grinned and Cross laughed as he turned the Dragon Monarch into a mummy before turning him to dust.

Cross held out a blood pearl and threw it to Yun Che saying "This is all his essence energy, absorb it slowly." he thought about it and threw Yun Che a gourd and a ring saying "The Gourd is filled with enough Divine Water of Absolute Beginning to make a lake and the ring has precious herbs. See you later, little bro!" before walking away.

Yun Che smiled happily and Shen Xi pinched his waist saying angrily "Who said I was your wife?!" Yun Che smirked and said "You did!" Shen Xi pouted and said "Father always said to be wary of shameless men!" Yun Che chuckled and teased her saying "I don't think I get the technique down yet..." Shen Xi burst into laughter and dragged him away.

Cross continued to the Heaven's Secret Realm and looted the place before throwing a giant black hole down and leaving, he couldn't be bothered to even say a word. To these people who just accuse you of being a demon, what is there to say? Will they change? Definitely not.

Cross continued his slaughter journey before coming across Jun Xilei and her master, Cross said "Aiyo! You got your arms back!" Jun Xilei shivered and her master said "You! You're supposed to be dead!" Cross rolled his eyes and said "Is it very surprising I cam back? Jeez, just relax."

The old man hid Jun Xilei behind him saying "What do you want!" Cross sighed and said "Why is everybody so scared of me?" Ying'er quipped "You just eradicated three King Realms and the Heaven's Secret Realm. If they're not scared, maybe they're gods."

Cross chuckled and said "You there, old man! I'm in a good mood today! I'll give you a huge boon!" he pointed at the old man and a green light shot forward, the old man started de-aging at a rapid pace, becoming a middle aged man!

Cross flicked a green light at Jun Xilei and fixed her up before saying "I also erased her memories of me, no more heart demon. You're welcome, old man. You didn't chase after me despite what I did to your disciple, you're a good guy. Keep it up, I have high hopes for you!" after that he walked away.

Jun Xilei blinked and said "Ah Master! Who was that?" Jun Wuming smiled and patted her head saying "A nice kid. Let's go, my little disciple." Jun Xilei smiled and followed her master.

Maybe if the people who were killed by Cross heard his words they would cough up blood and die again. Nice Kid!? Where is he? That guy's a true demon!


DISCORD: https://discord.gg/VGSjJxXj8h

You had my Power Stone. But now you have my Power Stones.

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