
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs

Picking up the runaway brides

The destruction continued, where ever he went, only destruction and blood followed. He was quite literally a God of Death. Cross was standing over the Eternal Heaven Realm with a cold face, this fucking hypocrite was next and quite possibly the last. Who knows?

Cross pointed several times, black lightning shooting out of his finger tip with every point. Qianye Ying'er said strangely "You're not going to destroy this Realm?" Cross replied "Eh... The Eternal Heaven Pearl has a bunch of kids in it, they should be out in a year... After that it will be extremely weak. I'll be able to devour it at that time, let's kill them now and wait for the kiddos to come out before destroying the realm. This is a better plan, no?"

Qianye Ying'er looked at the Prayer Beads and said "So, which treasures did it eat?" Cross said "So far, the Sword and the Wheel, I have the Disc but Yun Che has the Sky Poison Pearl and the Mirror of Samsara. After I get the Eternal Heaven Pearl, I need to find World Piercer."

Ying'er said "What about the Pearl and the Mirror?" Cross replied "Yun Che is the Pearl and the Pearl is Yun Che. The Mirror is something from his family, an Heirloom of sorts. I won't take them. I don't need the Pearl or Mirror because poison is cheating and I have no intentions of dying anytime soon, so I don't need the mirror."

He looked at Ying'er and smiled "It wouldn't be fair for me to poison you to death would it? I didn't think so. I wanted to beat your fair and square.. Alas.." he sighed and continued slaughtering people with lightning bolts, evidently in a bad mood.

Ying'er sighed and said "I didn't even get a chance." Cross sighed and said "Anyway, I think we'll have a bigger enemy soon..." Ying'er said "We? Bigger enemy?" Cross got serious and said "Someone called the Great Brahma Sovereign..."

Ying'er was confused and said "Brahma?" Cross said "Just as I thought.. There's no relation to your Brahma Realm at all..." he chuckled and said "Seems like me and 'Brahma' were destined to be enemies. Haha" Ying'er shook her head with a smile and Cross muttered "Time to go punish my two little escapee wives." as he stepped and blurred, disappearing.

As they were travelling, Ying'er asked "Escapee?" Cross replied "They ran away to avoid getting captured by enemies and putting me in a bad position." Ying'er said "Smart. I would've definitely went after them." Cross frowned and said "If I can't protect my own women, what's the point of living? I'm still angry."

Ying'er added her two cents "At least their sensible enough to know that they would just be burdens." Cross sighed and said "They could've told me instead of disappearing!" Ying'er was silent, she couldn't relate.

Cross appeared above a Realm where he saw a bunch of people, he floated down and looked at Luna and his kids with Buckbeak. Luna was frowning saying "I have a husband, no thank you." a man said lustfully "Fairy Luna, don't be like that. I sincerely love you!"

Cross frowned and said "What is this farce?" Luna looked up and saw Cross, she smiled before trembling as tears appeared in her eyes. Zephyr and Pandora shouted "Daddy!" everyone looked up at Cross and the man who 'sincerely loved' Luna pointed and said "You-" Cross waved and everyone around his family turned to blood mist as he said "Don't taint my ears with your nonsense."

Luna didn't say anything, she knew he was extremely angry at this moment. Cross landed in front of her and didn't say anything, Luna hung her head down and Cross waved, opening a crack as he said "Go. We'll talk later." Luna and the rest went inside, Zephyr and Pandora hugged him before going inside.

Buckbeak looked like an 18 year old kid with 6 wings on his back, but they were drooping as he walked inside.

Cross said nothing and left the Realm, going towards Feng Xue'er.

A while later

Cross found Feng Xue'er with Red and Blue, they were similarly cornered by a ton of people, all their eyes burned with lust. A man said "Little fairy Xue, today you will be enjoyed by the entire Realm! Who gave you the courage to deny me?!" Cross frowned and Ying'er giggled saying "Another one bites the dust~"

Cross waved and Feng Xue'er, Red, and Blue floated up to him. He gave Feng Xue'er a look before opening the inner world. She held back her tears and walked inside, Red and Blue, who had both gained their human forms also walked inside without a word.

Cross looked at the man and said "You're the Realm king? You want to force my wife and pass her around like a slave? Who gave you the courage!" his voice got louder and louder as a suffocating aura enveloped the entire Realm. The man turned pale and Cross shouted with the anger of god "Congratulations! The entire Realm will sink with you!" He raised a fist and black energy swirled around it as he punched down hard.

The black energy shot into the ground and the Realm itself started collapsing in on itself, a black hole forming in the middle, sucking up everyone in the Realm. There was no escaping. It was impossible.

Cross sneered at the man and said "Join the Underworld empire, you disgusting ant." before disappearing with a step.

From outside, the Realm was floating in on itself, sucking in even light! Until there was nothing left and the black hole collapsed on itself.

In Hell

Lucifer was jumping with joy at the massive influx of souls! He laughed happily "Hahaha! Cross! If you were a woman I would marry you! Ahhh! My Idol!" he did a happy dance and took out a poster and some memorabilia he made himself before disappearing.

Dumbledore was also dancing with joy! So many people who were killed by the little bastard! They'll definitely join his empire! A massive group of souls appeared in front of him, namely the Realm Kings and God Emperors.

Fantian looked at the Eternal Heaven Emperor, Nan Wansheng, Xing Juekong, and the Dragon Monarch saying "He got you all too?" they all had ugly faces and Dumbledore clapped saying "Welcome, friends!" they turned to him and said "Who are you?"

Dumbledore smiled happily and said "I'm Albus Dumbledore! This is my empire! I invite you to join it! If you are skeptical, I can tell you right now, this empire is entirely made up of people killed by Cross! All of us hate him to the bone! We only have one goal and that's to destroy him and torture his soul for eternity when he dies!"

The Realm Kings and God Emperors were stunned, Nan Wansheng said "The entire Empire?!" Dumbledore nodded happily and clapped, a man appeared next to him and Dumbledore said "Rupert, show them around and explain our empire in detail."

Rupert nodded and said "If you'll follow me, guests." they followed him and Rupert showed them around the Empire, it was very beautiful! Everybody looked pretty happy, they mixed together very well.

The Dragon Monarch saw a bunch of people holding their fists over their hearts and saying "Kill Cross" before leaving and asked "What are they doing?" Rupert explained "This is our universal 'goodbye' gesture. Our Emperor made it very popular." The Eternal Heaven God Emperor asked "How did he become your Emperor?"

Rupert cleared his throat and explained "There are Realms in Hell just like the world above. From the bottom to the top, it goes like this; Demon, Devil, Lesser Devil, Upper Devil, Arch-Devil, Devil Lord, Devil Emperor, Hell Ruler, and finally Hell God. Each stage has 6 stages; Entry, Low, Mid, High, Master, and Peak. We have a free Cultivation Pavilion along with a Soul Weapon Tower."

Qianye Fantian asked "You have a currency? What level is the Emperor at?" Rupert nodded and said "Our currency is Cerberus Coins, there are 3 levels. The first is 1-Headed coins, the second is 2-Headed coins, and the third is 3-Headed coins. 100 One-Headed coins is 1 Two-Headed coin, 100 Two-Headed coins is 1 Three-Headed coin. Above this there are soul stones, these are cultivation resources as well as currency and they are divided into 4 grades; Low-Grade, Mid-Grade, High-Grade, and Top-Grade."

Rupert paused for a moment before continuing "You will all receive 100 Three-Headed coins as a welcoming gift. Our Emperor is at the Devil Emperor level High-Stage." Nan Wansheng asked "Are there other Empires?" Rupert nodded and said "Yes, currently we have good relations with the Slaughter God Killer Empire, though we are not the strongest in the Region our Emperor is very good at diplomacy."

The Realm Kings were silent before one asked "What about the actual ruler of Hell?" Rupert sighed and explained "His name is Lucifer, he normally doesn't care what happens along as nobody provokes him. He's actually quite laid back, but he has a few... problems."

Qianye Fantian asked "Problems?" Rupert shook his head and said "Lucifer has a severe celebrity weakness. He's like a teenager and he obsesses over idols, with his Idols being people who send him a lot of souls." Nan Wansheng said strangely "You mean.." Rupert nodded and said "Cross is his favorite Idol."

The faces of the Realm Kings turned ugly but Rupert smiled and added "He promises to all the Empires that once the person dies he will not interfere." the Dragon Monarch said "You trust him?" Rupert nodded and said "Lucifer is many things but he is absolutely not a liar. He is a very straightforward and honest person, he's just very tricky. You have to be very careful around him, if he offers you a contract read it very carefully, it could be filled with loopholes and hidden clauses."

The group nodded seriously and followed Rupert around, continuing the tour.

Back in the living world

Cross was walking along when a young man appeared in his path. He was very handsome and had short black hair, it was Lucifer! Lucifer squealed and said "Cross! You're my idol! Can you sign these?!" Cross was stunned but smiled and signed his memorabilia of himself, Lucifer jumped with joy and Cross chuckled saying "There you go." Lucifer waved and the items disappeared as he shook Cross' hand enthusiastically saying "You're the best! I'm Lucifer, keep sending me souls!" before disappearing.

Cross was stunned, Qianye Ying'er made a weird face and said "Did the Devil himself just ask for your autograph?" Cross touched his nose and said "I think so..." Qianye Ying'er shook her head and Cross chuckled before continuing on.

He needed to go to one more place before talking to his little wives about their punishment. He walked to the North, each step taking miles at once as he neared the 'Realm of Devils'.


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Even artichokes have Power Stones.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts