
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

The_Book_Addict · Movies
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The Mysterious Pyramids

"Sir, you should take a look at this," Captain Queen called out to Peter Weyland and Varion.

"What's the situation?"

"Sir, I don't know how to explain it. You just have to take a look."

The two dismounted their rides and hurried over. Could there be an issue with the construction? Peter Weyland felt a tinge of worry; he didn't want any accidents on this expedition.

A group of people had gathered not far away. As Peter Weyland approached, confusion etched his face.

"Mr. Queen, didn't you say it would take a week? Why so fast?"

Before them lay a massive hole, 30 feet deep, circular, with concentric lines. It seemed perfectly made, but there was no sound or indication of how it was created.

Queen, wearing a somber expression, explained, "Mr. Wieland, as much as I'd like to take credit, we didn't do this. This structure existed before our arrival."

"Is this your equipment at work?"

Queen shook his head. "No, our equipment can't achieve such speed and precision. Creating a hole like this would require a much larger and more stable machine than ours."

Peter Weyland sighed, growing a bit anxious. "It looks like we have to go down. Whatever it is, we'll find out once we go down there." A surge of excitement filled his heart; perhaps, this time, he made the right gamble.

Woods glanced at Peter, aware of his physical condition. The hole descended about 2,000 feet (61 meters) into the ground. She worried that Peter might struggle down there. If something happened to him, the entire group would be in jeopardy.

"Mr. Peter, why don't you wait for us up here? We'll inform you as soon as we discover anything. We don't know what's down there."

"No, Miss Woods, I must go down. How can I be absent at such a historic moment?" Peter shook his head.

A frame stretching device stood at the entrance of the hole. While it might be possible to descend manually, getting back up would be challenging. After securing the safety buckles, the group began their descent.

The passage was remarkably smooth. Without spikes, standing might be a challenge. Tugging on the safety rope provided a sense of security.

Queen observed the teams' progress. There was little they could do to assist; this wasn't their expertise. Even though they weren't directly involved this time, there was still work to be done at the surface.

"That's it, Hank, bring the gear down. They're waiting below!"

"I got it, boss."

As the people descended, research equipment followed using a stretching device. Manpower alone wouldn't suffice, mainly due to the sheer volume.

"Quick, haven't you recovered since your trip to Hawai a few days ago? Why the sudden stumble?"

"How is that possible? You know me, always full of energy!"

Huh..., the wind and snow intensified suddenly, gusting fiercely. Materials set aside were blown to the ground by the storm, and the person carrying them inadvertently stepped on the box. With a bang, the box hit the traction rope, causing it to unhook. The device's traction rope began to lower uncontrollably.


A cry echoed through the passage, and Quinn's face instantly turned pale.

"Hope everything's fine. Hey, how did you load things in? If something goes wrong, are you taking responsibility or am I?"

The slightly older team members watched their boss getting angry and quickly tried to defuse the situation, "Boss, don't worry. They might be safe inside. This guy is new..."

"Okay, okay, you better hope nothing happens, or I won't be able to save you."

With a curse under his breath, the organizers hastily repaired the equipment.

In the passage, Peter, not particularly physically strong, suddenly felt his traction rope loosen, causing him to slip uncontrollably.

"Be careful, someone slipped..." voices echoed.

Some attempted to pull Peter to a stop, but the speed was too much. Either they were pushed to the side or failed to make contact.

"Damn it, quick, it's Mr. Peter."

"Catch him!"

"The person below, stop him."

The female leader, positioned at the front of the team, prepared her ice axe, ready to secure Peter's clothing to prevent further slipping. She scrutinized the situation, Peter's any mistake could lead to Wieland's demise.

A hand emerged from the direction of Peter's slide, firmly gripping the brim of his jacket's hood and securing it. Peter's clothing stretched but snapped back, finally coming to a halt. Everyone observed, and there was Varion with S20.

Varion chuckled, "Mr. Peter, you alright."

Blinking, Peter's let out a relieved exhale, and Stafford swiftly moved to his side, providing support with the leash.

"Huh… Thank you, Mr. Varion, and this…?" Peter's inquired.

Varion introduced, "Oh, his name is S20."

"Well, thank you, Mr. S20."

Woods said in tension, "Thank God nothing bad happened."

As she spoke, Woods glanced at Peter, conveying a message. Peter understood the implied meaning and could only offer a dry laugh as the team continued their descent.

Woods shot Varion a meaningful look. S20? It sounded more like a codename.

The distance of 60 meters wasn't too far, and the team finally reached the bottom, finding an expansive open field. It was hard to fathom that such a vast space existed beneath the ice.

"Guys, what is that?"

The space ahead was pitch-dark, but faint shadows of buildings could be discerned. With a flash of lights, the area lit up, revealing an immense and intricate structure.


"What the hell is this?"

"It's incredible."

"It turned out to be true..."

"God... haven't you showered?"

Peter took a deep breath, the excitement overwhelming. Despite battling cancer, including lung cancer, emotional moments strained his breathing. However, the sheer awe of the discovery proved too exhilarating for it to dampen his spirits.

Woods led the team, approaching Verlander. "It seems some people have found what they were looking for."

"Yes, Miss Woods, but you have a share of the credit. Thank you." Peter acknowledged, recognizing Woods' contribution to the discovery.


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