
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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S1 Hale

Three days had passed, and Carlos found himself in a bewildering state. It was as if he had descended into the depths of hell, with a surreal sensation of floating through the air. Occasional, faint whispers of beauty, strange sounds like bones shifting, and a medley of assorted odors filled the space around him.

"Is this what hell is really like?" Carlos wondered, his vision struggling against the blinding light.

"Doctor, he's awake," called out one of the assistants.

The room came into focus as they shone a flashlight into his eyes, prompting Carlos to squint.

With a surprising snap, Carlos managed to break free from the restraints on his hand, even causing the metal platform beneath him to warp slightly. Astonishingly, his hand was unharmed.


Andre bellowed, ready to respond should Carlos make a move.

"But wait..." Carlos interrupted, looking at his hands in disbelief.

With an ominous crunch, countless guns were suddenly aimed at him. But Carlos appeared oblivious, rising to his feet and proceeding to dismantle various objects along his path. He made his way to the door and scrutinized his reflection.

Bald, his eyes had turned an eerie shade of red, his hands seemed more graceful, and as he clenched his fists, he felt an unexpected surge of strength.

"Carlos, are you alright?" a cautious researcher inquired.

Carlos turned his head and smirked, "Hey there, what's got you all stirred up today, eating pumpkin pie?"

The researcher responded, "You just had coffee."

Carlos shrugged. "Well, that explains it. You know, that stuff gives me a bit of a jolt."

Andre chimed in, "Trying to test your newfound abilities, Carlos? With this strength, dodging bullets should be a breeze. But just to be clear, you can't take me down anymore."

Andre raised his arms, challenging Carlos. The tension in the room escalated, and both sides locked eyes, uncertain of Carlos's newfound capabilities. Despite the numbers stacked against him, they weren't certain things would be too difficult, given their unique circumstances.

Carlos attempted to defuse the situation, saying, "Let's not stir up trouble. I'd prefer not to become a target practice dummy."

Andre signaled that it was safe, and a group of researchers cautiously approached, eager to examine Carlos. They examined him from every angle, some even taking samples of his hair and blood.

"Doctor, am I still human?" Carlos asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

The lead researcher responded, "Why do you ask?"

Carlos shook his head. "I don't know. I was just a small commando captain. If it weren't for all this, I might have died somewhere out there. And this power... it terrifies me."

"Whether you are considered human depends on how you define human beings, but regardless of that, your soul has remained unchanged, hasn't it?"

Hearing these words, Carlos felt a profound sense of relief. After all, the prospect of turning into a monster had weighed heavily on him. Anna reached out and silently comforted him.

"But don't get too complacent. I can't predict if there will be other changes in your condition. It will take time to see."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you saying there might be more changes in me?"

Varion nodded with a reassuring smile, "Yes, but don't worry too much, there's nothing negative happening right now, right?"


However, things weren't as optimistic as they seemed. Even if Carlos gained these new powers, if the Hive Base's wind-borne virus were to be triggered in the future, everything related to the T virus, including Carlos, might disappear without a trace, even Alice wouldn't be spared.

With the immediate crisis resolved, research on Carlos's transformation continued at full throttle in Las Vegas, with substantial progress being made.

Varion's contributions and discoveries played a pivotal role in the advancements. But now, he had little control over these matters. The successful cultivation of the new Kryptonians aboard the research vessel was his next challenge.

"Mousse, how much time is left?"

"Sir, ten minutes remaining."

These ten minutes felt like an eternity. In the creation room, the embryos had reached a significant stage of development, almost resembling year-old children. Their files were filled with the essence of life.

"Cultivation complete."

A robotic arm descended from the side, cradling the child as it unwrapped itself.

The child retched as a significant amount of nutrient solution spilled from its mouth, gazing intently at the world. It was the first time it had felt the pulse of life.

These were not the regular kryptonians; they were products with a unique method of genetic allocation. The Hale family's genes set them apart from other kryptonians. 

This newly bred Kryptonian followed the genetic blueprint of the super Kryptonians, particularly the Hale family.

They possessed greater potential and more formidable powers. If Krypton had not been destroyed, this model could have become the standard for nurturing all Kryptonians in the future.

"Excellent, from now on, you will be known as S1 Hale, Mousse. I entrust his education to you."

"Understood, sir."


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