
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Zod and his associates were lifted into the air and then pushed into the Phantom Zone by three spaceships, one of which even had a world engine. 

Jor-El couldn't help but mutter, "So, all of this was your plan?"

"Jor-El, have you ever considered that as the chief scientist of Krypton, you should prioritize the fundamental interests of our planet?" Varion questioned.

"Do you truly believe that the hope you've prepared is the hope of Krypton? No, it's just your selfishness. Genetically, no Kryptonian would betray our planet, but your actions have directly affected the very essence of Krypton's well-being. Jor-El, what has happened to you?"

Boom! It was as if Jor-El's head had been struck by a hammer. He suddenly began to ponder these words. Could it be that he had been influenced?

Laura grabbed his arm, and she too fell silent. They were now just waiting for death to come, watching Krypton shine for its last seconds.


In the Zar family manor, Varion's research spaceship was prepared and ready to go. He glanced at the land with a mix of emotions, then gazed up at the sky. However, he couldn't take others with him. He had no way of knowing whether these individuals might pose a threat if he brought them along. 

Anyone capable of influencing the entire Kryptonian race must be a formidable enemy, and he couldn't risk it.

"Mousse, are you ready?"

"Master, everything is in order. You can go at any time."

Nodding, Varion stepped into the scientific research spaceship. Artificial intelligence would assist him in operating the spacecraft.

"Mr. Varion, I'm Moose. Welcome aboard the Science spacecraft."

"Initiate, Destination: Outer Space Beyond Krypton."


Boom! A massive shockwave erupted as the scientific research vessel lifted off from the ground, disappearing from the manor in the blink of an eye. Within seconds, it reappeared in outer space. Below them was Krypton, now half-dark and half-red, no longer rotating, bathed in the light of the red sun.

"Well then, let's go!"

An inexplicable energy enveloped the entire spacecraft. Without engaging the warp engine, the vessel simply vanished, as if it had never existed.

"Our young master, you're truly extraordinary! I eagerly await your return, Master Varion."

Mousse looked at the note in his hand, finding it quite amusing. This childlike and whimsical method of recording information was likely unique to the young master.

All across Krypton, people were celebrating. Countless banquets were underway, as if they knew their end was near. Herds of beast birds in the wilderness ran and flew aimlessly, their cries echoing through the air. 

At the last moment, starting from Krypton's poles, a visible red fissure appeared, even visible from space, spanning the entire planet.

The cataclysm on Krypton unfolded like a surreal nightmare. The planet's surface cracked and ruptured, spewing flames, magma, and causing landslides. Deep within its core, a colossal energy built up, leading to a catastrophic explosion. Krypton shattered into countless fragments, and the remnants were hurled into the vast universe. The once-mighty Kryptonian civilization had met its end.


During this cataclysmic event, Varion activated his skill that he has gotten due to his transmigration.

Some mysterious force seemed to transport him and his spaceship to another dimension or realm, a place where time, space, and matter operated differently. It was an abstract and surreal existence, perhaps even a quantum world.

As time passed, Varion felt himself growing drowsy and eventually fell asleep. In this outer space filled with vibrant colors and particle-like entities, he was in constant motion, though he couldn't quite discern whether he was moving forward or backward.

After numerous bouts of unconsciousness and awakening, Varion noticed a change in the environment. The once-heavy feeling of space seemed to thin out. He couldn't explain how he sensed it, but the shift was undeniable. As he continued to observe, a creeping sense of unease settled in.

Beyond the confines of his immediate surroundings, Varion could see different worlds—some familiar, others entirely alien. In certain places, he even felt the gaze of unseen entities, as though something or someone was aware of his presence.

Varion couldn't control his movements through this strange space. It seemed entirely random. He hoped desperately that he would eventually land in a world suitable for him, preferably without the burden of extraordinary powers. The unknown possibilities of his journey were both thrilling and unsettling.


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