
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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In the ominous E9 area, chaos unfolded like a scene from a high-stakes thriller. The initial announcement, "E9 area closed," echoed through the tense atmosphere, setting the stage for what was about to transpire.

Amid the disconcerting silence, the message took a chilling turn with the revelation, "All channels are closed, and poison gas begins to be delivered." The gravity of the situation became palpable as security personnel braced themselves for impending danger. The commander barked orders, each directive carrying the weight of a potential life-or-death scenario.

As the narrative unfolded, a twist emerged with the unexpected malfunction of an elevator, leading to a revelation that sent shivers down everyone's spine. "Sir, it's wrong, someone got down from the elevator and can't control it." The focus shifted to Alice, a lone figure whose presence dominated the surveillance footage. The eerie realization struck as psychokinesis distorted communication equipment, transforming all monitor displays into images of Alice's head.

Curses filled the air as Wesker grappled with the unfolding chaos. Before any coherent response could be formulated, an explosion disrupted their plans. Above them, two Alices descended with unparalleled speed, defying the laws of physics. The atmosphere crackled with uncertainty as bullets were unleashed in a desperate attempt to counter the supernatural threat.

"Counterattack," Wesker commanded, triggering a barrage of gunfire that echoed through the building. Bullets ricocheted off an unseen force protecting Alice, leaving the security personnel in awe and terror. Panic spread among the ranks as the realization sunk in – they were facing monsters.

The urgency in the air was palpable. "What to do, sir?" The query hung in the air, demanding a swift response. The decision was made to unleash the tyrant, a formidable yet uncontrollable force. The tension escalated as the high-stakes gamble unfolded, pitting the latest weapon against the enigmatic threat posed by Alice.

As the two Alices descended from the sky, the battleground was set. Gunshots reverberated, but the bullets seemed futile against the supernatural duo. Security guards, initially poised to intercept, were left stunned by the surreal spectacle.

Wesker's face darkened as the realization set in – this situation was far from ideal. Hidden behind sunglasses, his calculating gaze assessed the chaos, and with a determined command, the counterattack was organized. High-level personnel strategically positioned themselves, bracing for the impending clash with the descending Alices.

In the blink of an eye, the impending confrontation loomed, and the once-static air crackled with anticipation. The stage was set for a battle where ordinary rules held no sway, and the outcome remained uncertain.

On the flip side, Wesker surveyed the dire situation and smoothly slipped away through a narrow gap, a sly grin forming at the corners of his mouth. "What a delightful surprise!" he mused to himself.

In a dramatic flourish, he produced a sleek controller, revealing an interface prompting the entry of a password on the screen. The logo above indicated a self-destruct startup program. Wesker's sinister plan was to obliterate the entire base.

Just as he was about to press the ominous start button, a sudden burst of white brilliance emanated from the corner. Wesker swiftly retracted his left hand, narrowly avoiding an unexpected knife attack.

With a distinct sizzle and a burnt smell lingering, Wesker examined the controller that now lay on the ground, his brow furrowed. The incident had unfolded in the blink of an eye, and despite his quick reflexes, the controller lay shattered.

"Long time no see, Alice. Brought a friend? Congratulations," remarked Carlos, Jill, and Alice, rising to their feet. Carlos, the one who had attempted the surprise attack, revealed himself. He aimed to sever Wesker's arm but hadn't anticipated the swift countermove.

"I did mention I'd bring a friend to visit. Were you in such a rush because of a prior engagement?" Wesker shrugged nonchalantly.

"Coincidentally, we have some unfinished business with you. How about we settle that first?" Jill asserted, loading her pistol. Alice, with a dog-leg knife in hand, stared intently. The three of them gradually encircled Wesker, creating a palpably tense atmosphere.

Ah, Jill took the initiative, squeezing the trigger, and a barrage of bullets erupted. However, to their surprise, Wesker proved to be a formidable opponent. Jill, a sharpshooter, fired off bullets strategically, blocking all possible escape routes. Yet, Wesker, with unparalleled agility, dodged each shot with seemingly effortless grace.

Carlos glanced at Alice and quipped, "Your turn or mine?" The standoff intensified as they grappled with the enigmatic Wesker.


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