
The Knight & The Dragon.

In the land of Astafell, where towering castles touched the skies and ancient forests whispered tales of magic and danger, lived a young boy named Vesper Cristan. From a tender age, Vesper was captivated by the legends of noble knights who safeguarded their realm from the fiery wrath of dragons. These majestic creatures once roamed freely, their scales gleaming under the sun, until one fateful day when tragedy struck. Vesper's mother, a kind-hearted healer known for her gentle touch and wisdom, fell victim to a vicious dragon attack. It was a day etched in Vesper's memory like a scar upon his heart. He was just a boy then, too young to protect her, too powerless to save her from the beast's fiery breath. From that moment, Vesper vowed to become a knight-a protector of the realm-to avenge his mother's death and ensure no other family would suffer such loss. His resolve burned as fiercely as the dragon's flames, driving him to seek out training in the ways of swordplay, strategy, and valor. But fate has different plan instore for him.

Mintcat · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 The budding

The lone candle flickered in the darkened classroom, casting shadows of us as I struggled to concentrate on Hendry's book. My thoughts kept drifting back to Felix and the unsettling look on his face earlier. It was unlike anything I'd seen from him before, and I knew I had to talk to him, to clear the air.

Abruptly rising from my seat, I startled Hendry. "What's wrong?" he asked, confusion etched on his face.

"I need to sort something out," I muttered, my mind racing.

"Ah, the Felix syndrome strikes again," Hendry joked, but his attempt at humor fell flat as I dashed out without

 another word. Running downstairs, my heart pounding, I headed towards the training ground.

Near the well, I spotted Alexa drinking water. Her eyes widened as she saw me sprint past.

"Don't go there!" she yelled, but I ignored her warning. I had to find Felix.

As I approached the training ground, the clash of metal drew my attention. Slowing my pace, I witnessed Felix and Abel sparring. Their movements were a deadly dance, each strike and block perfectly timed. A mix of awe and envy surged through me; I felt inadequate in comparison.

Suddenly, a spear hurtled towards me. Instinctively, I caught it, feeling its force reverberate through my arms.

"You!" Abel's voice rang out, his fury palpable as he glared at me, ready to pounce. My heart raced, but I stood my ground.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the training ground. Felix noticed me and paused, his expression unreadable. Abel's hostility was like a weight pressing down on me.

"Felix, can we talk?" I managed, my voice wavering.

He nodded, wiping sweat from his brow as he approached. "What's on your mind?"

"I... I saw you training with Abel. Your skills are incredible. I realize now how much I need to improve. I understand why people doubt me, why they think I don't belong, and on that day I was surprise to find you admire that horrifying creature. I didn't mean to offend you." I confessed, my insecurity laid bare.

Felix's expression softened, and he glanced towards Abel, who resumed his training but kept a watchful eye on us.

"It's not about admiration, Vesper," Felix explained gently. "It's about understanding. These creatures we face, like dragons, they embody strength and resilience. There's much we can learn from them. People fear what they don't understand, and that fear turns to hostility, don't mind them."

His words resonated with me, and I nodded slowly. "I want to get stronger, Felix. I want to stand by your side without feeling like a burden."

A faint smile touched Felix's lips. "Then train with us, grow stronger. But remember, strength isn't just physical. It's about character and protecting those who matter."

Determination surged within me. "I'll do it. I'll train harder and become someone who can stand alongside you, Alexa, and Hendry."

Felix clapped a hand on my shoulder. "That's the spirit. Let's get started."

"And about Alexa..." I began, but Felix cut me off with a knowing look.

"I understand," he said simply.

Handing back the spear, I watched as Felix returned to sparring with Abel. From a distance, Abel's bitter scoff echoed, but I brushed it off.

"I'll head back to class now," I said to Felix.

"Sure," he replied. Turning, I made my way back, Alexa catching up and grabbing my hand with concern etched on her face.

"How are your hands?" she asked, skepticism lacing her tone.

"I'm fine. My hands are tough from all the heavy lifting," I reassured her. "Catching that spear was just instinct. Abel is definitely strong."

"You're a beast yourself! Who catches a spear like that?" she chuckled, elbowing me lightly.

"Just a spur of the moment thing," I grinned nervously as we walked back to class. Hendry sat by the window, having witnessed the entire scene.

"Satisfied now?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

"Good. Now, let's cram some knowledge into that brain of yours," he said with a smirk, and I knew the night of studying ahead wouldn't be easy.

Confronting Felix had lifted a weight off my shoulders. He had a maturity beyond his years, explaining things in a way that was surprisingly inspirational.

From that night onward, I dedicated myself to rigorous training. Pushing myself to the limits, learning new techniques, and honing my skills became my daily routine. It wasn't easy, and there were moments I wanted to give up, but the thought of standing by my friends' sides kept me going.

As days turned into weeks, I felt myself growing stronger and more confident. The bullying from Abel and others persisted, He was always keeping an eye on  me but didn't dare come close because Alexa silently watches him too. They pulled silly pranks by placing frogs in my shoes, throwing away my clothes, hiding my headgear, and  gang on me during practice so they could win but it bothered me less. As long as I knew I was on the right path.

One evening, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun over the training ground, Felix approached me with a proud smile. "You've come a long way. I'm impressed."

I returned his smile, a sense of accomplishment swelling within me. "Thanks, Felix. I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support."

He shook his head modestly. "The strength was always within you. We just helped bring it out."

Curiosity tugged at me. "Where have you been, Prince Felix?" I asked.

"Ah, did one of the boys spill the beans?" he chuckled softly.

"No, Alexa mentioned it," I replied, sensing a hint of betrayal in his expression.

"That girl," he sighed. "I haven't been training with others because my father, the king, assigned me to train with the official knights."

"Your father... is he strong?" I inquired.

"Very," Felix nodded. "I doubt I'll ever match him."

"You're strong too," I said sincerely, admiration in my eyes.

"You flatter me too much, Vesper," Felix replied bashfully.

In that moment, I glimpsed the vulnerability behind his strength, the human side of the prince. It reminded me that even those who seem invincible have their doubts and fears. And in that realization, I found a new wellspring of strength within myself.

Two moons had passed, with only one moon and ten days left before our inauguration ceremony, where the king would witness our skills and we would compete among ourselves to become official knights. I wondered about Alexa and Felix's relationship. Once she swore her loyalty as a knightess, could they ever be together?

Beside me, Felix and Hendry lounged under a tree, enjoying a rare moment of peace. I wished it could last forever, wished I could be a regular boy hanging out with them, but we all had our own missions, our own dreams to fulfill.

"Hey!" Alexa greeted us, her smile bright and infectious. Felix's eyes lit up at the sight of her.

"Hello, milady," he greeted back playfully, sparking a flirtatious banter that left Hendry and me teasing them as third wheels.

"Get a room!" Hendry quipped, earning laughter from both Alexa and me.

"How about you two spar and leave us in peace?" Alexa shot back with a grin.

"Relax, I could find you both a lady or two," Felix teased, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Long live Prince Felix of Astafell," Alexa joked.

The moment of levity prompted a question that had been on my mind. "Why did you all choose knighthood?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I want to be the strongest woman in history," Alexa declared with determination. Then, turning to Felix, she added, "And you, Prince?"

"I'm a prince. I have all the time in the world," Felix replied nonchalantly.

"Hendry?" I prompted the quiet boy beside me.

"I want to protect my family," Hendry answered simply, his gaze distant.

"Did something happen?" Alexa probed, concern knitting her brows.

Hendry glanced at her, his expression pained. "They're important to me," he said softly.

Sensing his reluctance to elaborate, I intervened. "Let's not pry, Alexa."

"And you, Vesper?" Felix turned the question back on me with a gentle smile.

"I want to become a knight. It was dream at first now it's my only purpose. I don't have a home, no family, and nothing to protect," I confessed, the words weighing heavily on my heart.

Hendry's eyes widened in surprise at my candidness, while Alexa reached out to squeeze my hand in silent support.

"How did it happen?" Hendry asked cautiously.

Alexa shot him a reproachful look. "Hendry, be sensitive."

"It's alright," I reassured them, my voice steady despite the pain. "One night, a black dragon attacked our home while I was out hunting. It burned down my house with my mother inside."

A heavy silence settled over us, Felix's eyes filled with empathy as he absorbed my words.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said softly.

"It's okay. She's at peace now," I replied, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill.

Hendry remained silent, his gaze averted as if wrestling with his own thoughts.

Suddenly, the bell rang, its chilling sound cutting through our somber moment. One of the towers collapsed, and from the rubble emerged a golden dragon, its scales glinting ominously in the light. Felix and I instinctively pulled out our shifting gems, creating a protective shield around Alexa, Hendry, and ourselves.

The dragon's screech pierced the air, sending everyone into a panic. The training ground emptied as people fled, leaving us to face the impending danger.

"Felix, what's happening?" I cried out, panic rising in my chest.

"Do I look like I know?" he snapped back, his own fear mirroring mine.

"Stay calm, everyone!" Felix commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos as he directed us to seek cover.

As we huddled together, watching the dragon in horror, Felix's face paled even more.

"Why?" Alexa whispered, her voice trembling.

"I think Golden Scale sensed another dragon. Look, it's scanning the sky. This place isn't safe anymore. I need to find my sister," Felix replied urgently, his anxiety palpable.

Hendry, visibly pale, moved to protect a group of girls nearby.

Commander Cole and another a man appeared in the midst of the chaos, his armor was almost the same color as the golden dragon, their presence momentarily reassuring.

"Hendry, get the girls to safety first," I urged, my voice steady despite the chaos around us.

"No," Felix muttered, his eyes wide with dread as if anticipating disaster.

"Knights, evacuate!" Vice Commander Cole ordered, his voice firm as he assessed the escalating situation.

Before they could move, a ball of blue fire streaked towards the training ground, moving with terrifying speed like lightning. The impact was deafening, shaking the ground beneath us. I watched in horror as Golden Scale leaped to shield the king, only to be intercepted by the black dragon.

The clash was fierce, the dragons locked in a deadly battle that threatened to engulf everything. Official knights rushed to aid in the evacuation, but Felix seemed frozen in shock.

As the chaos unfolded, the king's body and Vice Commander Cole were reduced to charred remains amidst the devastation. The golden aura of the cauldron melted onto the ground, a stark symbol of the tragedy.

Kneeling amidst the rubble, Felix stared in disbelief at his father's lifeless form. Alexa and I tried to snap him out of it, but he seemed lost in his grief and shock.

In the midst of the chaos, Abel ran towards us, shoving me aside as he attempted to carry Felix away. Felix resisted, his anguish palpable, until Abel resorted to knocking him unconscious to get him to safety.

"What are you doing? We need to go!" Abel shouted in frustration, his urgency clear.

Grabbing Alexa's hand, we ran towards safety, the echoes of destruction and roaring dragons following us.

Glancing back, heart pounding, I saw the golden-scaled dragon clash violently with the black dragon. In that moment, the black dragon's eyes locked onto mine, its gaze filled with an eerie intensity that sent a chill down my spine. For a fleeting second, it seemed as though it was grinning at me.

Suddenly, a searing pain pierced my chest, causing me to collapse to the ground. Alexa turned back, her face etched with worry as she tried to help me up, but the agony was overwhelming.

"What's happening, Vesper?" Alexa's voice trembled with fear, Abel's desperate cries echoing in the distance as he struggled to help Felix who was suddenly screaming in pain.

The thunderous sound of galloping hooves filled the air, and through my blurred vision, I recognized General Hawker as he lifted me onto his horse. Another knight, resplendent in golden armor like the man with golden armor earlier, carried Felix onto his own horse.

"Let's go." He ordered the knights.

The black dragon's screeches echoed in my ears as it turned its attention towards the training ground, unleashing a torrent of blue fire that engulfed everything in its path. Its scales shimmered with an eerie light, casting an otherworldly glow over the devastation.

This was the dragon that had taken my mother's life. Despite the pain and fear, I couldn't help but marvel at its terrifying beauty. My vision dimmed, and darkness enveloped me as I slipped into unconsciousness.

In my dream, I find myself standing on a mound of lifeless bodies, and among them lies my mother's corpse. Desperate, I sift through the gruesome heap and pull her limp form to the side, holding her decaying flesh close. Tears stream down my cheeks as I cry out in agony, the memories of her still hauntingly vivid in my mind.

From a distance, a woman with long, unkempt hair catches my eye. She smiles eerily at me, her demeanor unsettling. Half-naked and pale, she calls my name repeatedly—Vesper. Her voice carries a sinister tone, freezing me in place. Clinging to my mother's lifeless body, I resist the urge to respond to her beckoning.

Suddenly, the woman reaches behind her back, drawing out weapons with menacing intent. She lunges towards me, poised to strike. I shut my eyes tightly, surrendering, but when I open them again, my mother is gone from my arms. 

Frantically searching, I find only emptiness where she once lay. The scene of piles corpse disappear. I was at the courtyard of my house.

 In the distance, I hear the faint hum of my mother's favorite tune, a surreal reminder of her presence.

Driven by a mix of fear and longing, I rush towards our cottage and swing open the door. Inside awaits an eerie sight—instead of my mother, there stands an impostor, casting a chilling shadow over my already troubled dream.

Character of the day

Name: Alexa Goldfit

Age: 17 years old

Heights: 169cm (5.5ft)

Motto: Be the exception!

Photo: Generated from pix.ai.

Vesper is weird boy, he oftenly talk in his sleep!

Thank you for reading ❤️

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