
The Knight & The Dragon.

In the land of Astafell, where towering castles touched the skies and ancient forests whispered tales of magic and danger, lived a young boy named Vesper Cristan. From a tender age, Vesper was captivated by the legends of noble knights who safeguarded their realm from the fiery wrath of dragons. These majestic creatures once roamed freely, their scales gleaming under the sun, until one fateful day when tragedy struck. Vesper's mother, a kind-hearted healer known for her gentle touch and wisdom, fell victim to a vicious dragon attack. It was a day etched in Vesper's memory like a scar upon his heart. He was just a boy then, too young to protect her, too powerless to save her from the beast's fiery breath. From that moment, Vesper vowed to become a knight-a protector of the realm-to avenge his mother's death and ensure no other family would suffer such loss. His resolve burned as fiercely as the dragon's flames, driving him to seek out training in the ways of swordplay, strategy, and valor. But fate has different plan instore for him.

Mintcat · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 Fallen Empire

The evening sun had surrendered to the night sky, casting everything in a murky twilight. My vision blurred with tears, the grief in my mind and heart a storm I had yet to weather.

 Amidst the chaos and destruction wrought by the dragons, I saw my father's soul, encased in golden scales, fighting desperately to protect what lay beneath the rubble. But even his radiant armor was weakening against the might of the colossal dragon.

Abel carried me on his back, weaving through the devastation toward a semblance of safety. Suddenly, a searing pain shot through me, and in my mind's eye, I saw my sister and father. Together, they handed me a golden torch, its flame eerily absent. Their mournful smiles etched deep lines of sorrow and strength. Their hands, warm like the morning sun, comforted me as my father leaned closer to the torch, blowing on it as if to ignite it with his breath.

"Father…" I called out, my voice trembling. He didn't answer. His eyes, glinting with sadness, spoke volumes.

My sister leaned in, pressing her forehead to mine in a sacred gesture of farewell, a silent wish for my safety in Astafell. It was then I understood—they were leaving me, crossing into the Afterlife. They were gone from this world.

Tears streamed down my face, the weight of their departure crashing over me. As I accepted this vision, the searing pain left my body, replaced by an overwhelming surge of power. I felt clairvoyance flood my senses, and Helios' voice echoed clearly in my mind.

"Felix," he called, his voice a resonant plea.

"Summon me; use my power!" he urged.

In that moment, with the golden torch clutched tightly, I knew I had to rise, to harness this newfound strength and confront the darkness before me.

"Helios, come to me!" I commanded, summoning the dragon who had once served my father. Now, he had chosen me to wield his power.

My eyes began to glow, and my body overflowed with magic. Even when my father wielded this power, I had never seen him shine with such intensity. From afar, I saw Helios dissolve into a cloud of golden dust, speeding towards me. I extended my hand, and the dust coalesced, forming a golden blade. Abel had to release me as the overflowing mana began to burn him.

"Felix…" he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief.

I collapsed to my knees as my body temperature soared, causing the horse to rear. My brother struggled to control his mount, his eyes wide with shock as he witnessed the true essence of the golden scale's power. The other knights gathered around me as I stood, their faces a mix of awe and fear.

"Your orders, sire?" one of the knights asked.

"I want it alive. Leave me be and follow Prince Firel to his fortress," I commanded, my voice now a blend of mine and Helios'. The fear in their eyes was unmistakable.

"As you command, sire," the knight replied.

"Felix," my elder brother called, his voice heavy with grief. I understood his look instantly. He knew our father was gone, and the golden scale had chosen me. He desired the dragon's head.

"I will make it mine," I replied, a dark hunger and vengeance beginning to consume me, feeling more powerful with each passing moment.

Suddenly, an alien voice rang in my ears as I watched the black dragon halt its search.

"Helios the Sun. How far can those eyes see? How much can you perceive? Do you see me? Have you foreseen the fall of your new vessel?" The eerie voice echoed in my head. The black dragon then opened its mouth, preparing to unleash a torrent of fire upon us, lightning crackling in its enormous jaws.

I shielded the attack, my body now fully armored like dragon scales. Glancing back, I watched my knights, elder brother, and friends retreat to safety. Relief washed over me knowing they were safe.

The black dragon ceased its assault and settled on the rubble.

"Must be a feast, right? Helios, consuming the pain of others," the black dragon's voice echoed in my mind.

"Helios, what is this dragon spouting?" I asked.

Helios replied, "This power you inherited has a flaw. Though you are more powerful than those before you, the black dragon knows that my vessel, in the end, will meet a tragic fate."

"I don't care. I want the dragon's head," I replied, my anger flaring.

"Felix, we are one. My power is at your disposal," Helios assured me.

I raised my blade towards the black dragon. "I will have your head," I declared.

The dragon scoffed. "You are too young, too naive. You are unfit to claim my head, for you can't even use your own."

I agreed with her, although I had assumed a perfect form, I was uncertain of how to wield Helios' powers.

"What should I do?" I asked Helios.

"Felix, do as you wish. My blade cuts through anything, my fire melts everything. I move as swiftly as a falling star, and my attacks unleash deadly fire that melts all in its path," Helios replied.

"This is a waste of time; I must find her remains," the black dragon's voice resumed as it resumed its relentless search.

I swung my blade, releasing a deadly, blazing slash, but the black dragon effortlessly blocked it with a curtain of crackling black lightning.

"It's futile. You must learn Helios' power. As you are now, you're no match for me and my master. Your bloodline is tainted by greed and evil, yet you all pretend to be heroes who will save us. No one is safe while I rule the skies," she declared with chilling resolve.

"What are you searching for?" I demanded of the black dragon. "Was killing my father necessary?" My voice trembled with a mix of anger and sorrow.

"It was necessary. You must be the one to stop me one day," she explained coldly.

"I will stop you? I will have your head right this instant, my father protect this land for so long." I asked, my heart pounding with confusion and fear.

"You speak as if you know everything, but from now on you will learn the truth," the black dragon replied cryptically, leaving me stunned and speechless.

"Thank you for revealing Helios' true form to me. I must be patient; my time will come," the dragon said, her tone suddenly calm yet foreboding. Strangely, Helios remained silent throughout our exchange.

Suddenly, the dragon unearthed something from beneath the ground—a torn dress.

"Farewell, Felix," the dragon bid me, spreading her majestic wings and swiftly taking flight, leaving a powerful aftershock that sent rubble cascading through the air. I stood rooted to the spot, awestruck by the dragon's raw strength and haunted by the mysteries surrounding my family's past.

The moon shines  over my armor,

"Helios, what are you hiding from me?" I demanded of my dragon, but silence hung heavy in the air. My blade and armor dissolved as if in response to my question.

The golden scale materialized before me. "Answer me!" I insisted, but Helios only roared in response and flew off, leaving me standing alone amidst the rubble.

I descended through the debris, searching desperately for clues. All I found were catacombs, their presence raising questions in my mind. Why were there so many catacombs here? I sat down, perplexed and unsatisfied, my thoughts consumed by questions . I yearned to speak with her. My mother.

With resolve, I made my way to Firel Fortress in the west of the castle. Upon arrival, many awaited me, including Alexa, her eyes filled with joy. Yet my heart felt numb, the flutter of butterflies long gone.

She rushed towards me, and I embraced her, though a void lingered between us.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern furrowing her brow.

"I'm fine," I replied, my tone distant, unwilling to burden her with my thoughts. "I just need some rest."

"Alright, let's get you inside," she said, guiding me towards the lord's chambers.

Inside, my elder brother was deep in discussion with the knights around the round table, preparing for what lay ahead.

Using my clairvoyance abilities, I glimpsed into the future: countless corpses littered the ground along the border, and then the image of Whitestone appeared in my mind's eye—it was the next location.

"Where are mother and sister?" I inquired of my brother.

He shook his head, indicating he had no idea of their whereabouts.

"Duke Fyre?" I addressed the Duke.

"Here, sire," he answered promptly.

"Everyone, rest for now. The dragon will not attack tonight. We'll reconvene this meeting tomorrow," I commanded, feeling the weight of responsibility settling upon my shoulders.

The others left me alone with my brother. Firel pulled up a chair quietly. "Here," he said softly, his demeanor a stark contrast to the turmoil raging inside me. "What happened?" he asked gently, his calmness unsettling amidst my emotional storm. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, a gesture that brought little comfort.

"Let's find our sister," he suggested calmly, though his eyes betrayed deep concern, mirroring my own anxious thoughts.

"I-I have to tell you," I began hesitantly, the weight of the news almost too heavy to bear.

"Go on," he urged, his voice serious and composed.

"Our sister is gone," I finally managed to say, my voice quivering with grief as I struggled to hold back tears.

"Have you confirmed this?" His tone turned cold, his eyes narrowing with worry.

"Yes, Helios showed me a vision of her," I replied quietly, the memory of that vision haunting me.

"So earlier, it was all a pretense? Do you take me as a fool?" Firel's voice rose sharply, wounded and angry.

"I'm sorry, Firel," I apologized weakly, unable to meet his gaze.

"Just go!" he demanded, his pain and frustration palpable. Feeling dismissed, I stood up and left, opening the door to find Abel eavesdropping. I hurriedly ushered him inside, closing the door behind us.

"How is everyone else?" I asked Abel quietly, desperate to focus on anything but my own overwhelming emotions.

"They're in shock. Some want to return," he replied calmly.

"Hmm," I murmured, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

"You should rest, Prince Felix," Abel suggested gently, his concern evident in his voice.

He guided me to my chambers and stood guard at the door. Inside, the absence of Helios' presence weighed heavily on me. I felt adrift, unable to find solace or peace. The black dragon had left me with unanswered questions and a deep ache in my heart.

There were no easy answers. What did Helios mean about this power having flaws? What flaws could undermine everything I had inherited? My thoughts spiraled in despair, grappling with the pain and confusion that consumed me.

The next morning, I awoke to the sight of officials training the unofficial recruits. Anxiously scanning their faces, I searched for familiar ones, but one face was conspicuously absent. Negative thoughts began to cloud my mind, and I silently prayed for reassurance.

Hurrying downstairs, I found Abel observing from the sidelines.

"Abel," I called urgently.

"Yes, Prince," he replied, turning to face me.

"Where's Vesper?" I asked, a sense of foreboding tightening my chest.

Abel's expression darkened. "He's in the infirmary. He had a sudden panic attack and fainted. He hasn't regained consciousness," he explained solemnly.

Relief washed over me, grateful that it wasn't something more dire. "And your brother," Abel continued, his voice low and serious, "left this morning with Duke Fyre for Whitestone."

My heart skipped a beat. "To inform Elder Nim about our missing mother," I finished for him, the weight of my foresight weighing heavily on my mind.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, the sense of urgency growing as I remembered the troubling vision I had seen.

"I must leave now," I declared firmly to Abel, urgency coloring my words.

"But—Prince, Whitestone is close to Astafell. They must have arrived by now. It's an 8-hour journey," Abel reasoned urgently, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Abel, your parents will die if you don't listen to me!" I shouted, desperation creeping into my voice. His eyes widened with concern, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Helios!" I called out, and his screech echoed ominously from a distance. Onlookers watched in awe as Helios approached, the ground trembling slightly under his weight. They quickly made way for him to land, sensing the urgency in my command. I approached the dragon, my heart racing, and mounted him without hesitation.

"You know where I want to go," I said to Helios, trying to mask my anxiety with resolve. He roared in response, a fierce sound that reverberated through the air, and we took off swiftly, Abel and a group of knights riding alongside on horseback. I didn't want to risk my first flight, especially on such a critical mission.

As we ascended into the sky, I couldn't help but notice Helios' wings glowing with an intense heat. "Is it always like this?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through me.

"My affinity is fire. It manifests when I move at high speed," Helios explained briefly, his focus ahead.

"The black dragon, she'll be there tonight. She plans to bring this place down. I need to protect the people," I confided in Helios, my sense of urgency palpable.

"Will you burn everything?" Helios questioned, his deep voice cutting through the rush of wind, a question laden with implications that left a chilling silence in its wake.

After hours of flight, the snow-covered mountain came into view. "We're here," I murmured to Helios, observing the people below, their faces upturned in awe as we soared through the sky.

In the distance, Moonstone Palace emerged, its pristine white walls adorned with shimmering crystal domes catching the sunlight. I landed swiftly at the entrance, scanning the surroundings frantically, but my brother was nowhere to be found. Attempting to use my clairvoyance, I found it inexplicably blocked—a sign that magic was suppressed within these walls.

Entering the palace, a sickening stench of blood assaulted my senses. Guard bodies lay strewn across the floor, mute testimony to a brutal battle. Descending a staircase, my worst fears materialized: there lay my brother, his head severed from his body, Firel's diamond sword stained crimson beside him. Shock and anguish seized my heart as I rushed to him, cradling his lifeless head in my arms and closing his vacant eyes.

"No!" I screamed, the sound echoing through the silent halls, tears streaming down my face as I wept in overwhelming grief. "Who could commit such an atrocity against the royal family?" I demanded, my voice trembling with sorrow and rage.

"I did," a voice answered—a voice I had never expected to hear again. My queen mother stood before me, her presence casting a dark shadow over the shattered remnants of once-majestic palace.

Firel diamond sword is called : Nova the Bright.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation.

This chapter is a very sad one, I had to finish it off quickly cause I like Felix.

He’s gonna get hurt alot from this point.

Felix didn’t even get to say goodbye to them.

Ignis last word was “Don’t kill Felix”

Thank you for reading ❤️

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