
The Knight & The Dragon.

In the land of Astafell, where towering castles touched the skies and ancient forests whispered tales of magic and danger, lived a young boy named Vesper Cristan. From a tender age, Vesper was captivated by the legends of noble knights who safeguarded their realm from the fiery wrath of dragons. These majestic creatures once roamed freely, their scales gleaming under the sun, until one fateful day when tragedy struck. Vesper's mother, a kind-hearted healer known for her gentle touch and wisdom, fell victim to a vicious dragon attack. It was a day etched in Vesper's memory like a scar upon his heart. He was just a boy then, too young to protect her, too powerless to save her from the beast's fiery breath. From that moment, Vesper vowed to become a knight-a protector of the realm-to avenge his mother's death and ensure no other family would suffer such loss. His resolve burned as fiercely as the dragon's flames, driving him to seek out training in the ways of swordplay, strategy, and valor. But fate has different plan instore for him.

Mintcat · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 Golden Scale.

Ever since I was a child, I thought dragons were enemies to mankind. I never imagined humans could have symbiotic relationships with them. 

As I stared into the sky, I realized how out of touch I was with world I'm currently in, I made the right choice by sending myself here. However ever since I witnessed the golden scale, I began doubting my vision. I barely spoke to Felix anymore; he too seemed distant after he saw the look in my face. 

I held the gem in my hand, the only weapon I could manifest was a blade and an incomplete bow. I couldn't create anything more powerful because it required extensive imagination training. I was a laughing stock for the others, if only I could read and learn about weapons and their usage.

"Do you need help with something?" Alexa asked me, noticing my solemn expression.

"I want to read, but I need someone to teach me," I confessed to her.

"That's easy, I can help you with that," she said cheerfully. 

We sat near the training ground under a willow tree where the others were practicing swordplay. Alexa picked up a stick and showed me all the alphabets, asking me to memorize them. It was quite easy; she promised to teach me how to read the next day, now that I knew the basics.

After she was done teaching me, I watched Alexa  head back to her training. Everything seemed fine, but for some reason, I felt so left out. I brushed off the feeling and headed back to my room.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I turned to see Abel, the boy with white hair, standing there. Before I could react, he pulled his fist back and started throwing punches at my face. I fell to the ground, shocked and confused. 

Laughter echoed from behind him. They must be the ones behind this sick prank.

I raised my hand, hoping Abel would stop hurting me.

"Why are you hitting me out of nowhere?" I asked, bewildered.

"Because you don't deserve to be in the same class as Felix. You're nothing but a bastard from the outskirts of Astafell," he said to me, his eyes filled with rage.

I was flabbergasted by the confrontation. I had no idea my position could provoke envy in others, especially when I minded my own business.

"Watch it, Abel. My mother may not be rich folks but she was woman with virtue. Though I Hate to break it to you, but this is childish as fuck," I retorted, wiping the blood from my lips. I saw a hand extended towards me. I recognized Hendry's scrawny arm anywhere.

"You alright, peasant?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I replied, gritting through the pain.

Hendry rolled up his sleeves and took a stance. He looked at me as if he had a plan. I trusted him, but I was wrong.

He twirled and threw sand from his hand at Abel, then immediately grabbed my arm and we ran. Glancing back, I saw Abel screaming and gagging "bastard! bastard!" from afar. I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

We ran until we reached Alexa, who was training with a bow alongside another trainee. Hendry and I were out of breath. Alexa stopped and approached us.

She sighed "You guys should train. Stop fooling around. There are only 96 days left," she scolded us.

"I just saved him from Abel," Hendry said to Alexa.

"What did Abel do?" she asked Hendry with a serious tone.

"It was nothing," I interrupted. Alexa angrily grabbed my collar. I look at her, terrified.

"Tell me what he did, Vesper, or else Hendry is going to eat this bow," she retorted to me.

"Huh, what does this have to do with me?" Hendry shouted, he then look at me, pissed. I understood I should come clean before this situation escalates.

"He punched me because he thinks I don't deserve to be in the same class as Felix," I explained to her immediately.

"Plus, he called him a bastard!" Hendry added. Alexa eyes widen surprised to hear Hendry extra  remark.

"I swear that Marquis's son is about to end if he comes to bothers you again," Alexa said.

"Marquis's son?" Hendry and I said simultaneously.

"Yeah, he's the son of a Marquis from the North. House Marblesun, he's like a cousin to Felix, that's what I heard." Alexa explained to us.

"Oh, who cares about some spoiled brat from the North. He deserves to eat my dust," Hendry boasted. 

I still holding a laugh and I finally put the pieces together. The main reason for the envy must be that Felix is an important figure in Astafell. I notice people have been trying so hard to get close to him. That explains the feelings present during training as well. Vice Commander Cole usually focuses more on him. I thought it was favoritism, but there was more to it than meets the eye.

"I guess I have to try harder," I muttered to myself. I looked at Hendry and Alexa with renewed energy and hope.

"Alexa, I guess I can't wait until tomorrow. Teach me to read now. I promise I won't waste your time," I said to her with a serious tone.

"But it's..." she started to say, but I cut her off.

"Please," I pleaded, holding her shoulder. She turned her face to the side, her cheeks flushed red.

"Fine. You leave me no choice. You better keep up, because by midnight, I will make sure you know how to read!" she said to me while pointing to my chest.

"You guys go on. I'm going to continue my shield training with my group," Hendry said to us. I watched him leave joining his group. It was surprised to me Hendry was really good at swordplay and using shield. I wonder will I be able to be strong like my friends.

Alexa went to her group and I see her explained something to them. Alexa is very kind, I owe her big time. I should work hard to make sure their effort won't go to waste. 

Afterward we both went to the library to pick some books. We past through my class but Felix was nowhere to be seen. I looked at Alexa, she act as if she didn't care but deep down I know she wishes to see Felix. I didn't want to pry her feelings but I don't know how to comfort her either.


"My sons , my precious daughter," the king mentioned.

"Yes, Father," we answered him in unison.

The king sat on his golden throne, the golden scale as his cauldron on both his shoulder as its shone brightly, symbolizing his power in Astafell. He is the chosen one by the great dragon Golden Scale, King Pyralis Astafell, who is my father.

The Golden Scale dragon has the ability to create gold using its scales and grants magical abilities like clairvoyance to its lineage. My father can see future events in his dreams, although not clearly, because this ability needs to be inherited to become more potent.

My sister has the most potential to inherit full clairvoyance. However, my brother and I can only use it during fights, allowing us to see a few seconds into the near future. We have both trained a lot to understand this ability, which makes us very strong opponents.

What's more surprising is that Golden Scale Dragon can transform into a weapon, thus the name Astafell Empire Of the golden blade originates from there but that information is disclosed for now; we will never know the real location of the dragon. It could be in this very hall or somewhere else across the world.

"How have you been, my children?" Father asked, looking at my elder brother, the crown prince, Prince Firel. He will be the next heir, strong and an intelligent person, I truly admired him, but there was always a line of hostility between us cause one of us will have to inherit the Golden Scale one day.

"Father, we've fared well. We eagerly await your return," Prince Firel replied.

My father pointed at me.

"Felix, I heard you've been playing knight. You are the prince of Astafell, know your place." he said, waiting for an explanation.

"Father, I'm getting to know my future comrades," I replied to him. My elder brother's face was unhappy upon hearing my excuse and all the attention was on me instead of him.

"Hm," my father contemplated my answer.

"Father? May I share few words with you?" my sister Ignis voiced.

"Go on my dear." the king said.

"I dreamed of a new dragon, Father. Mighty and powerful," Princess Ignis told my father, whose face was growing wary. Not sure whether he was worried for the news or my sister Clairvoyance abilities. We don't know the side effects of this power, it's still a mystery to us. 

"Yes, Father, Ignis is right. There have been a few sightings of this new dragon. All we know is that Del Air and Whitestone Land wish to claim it. They've sent many potential heroes to seek it," Prince Firel explained with concern.

My father rose from his throne and called the vice commander.

"Cole, investigate the northern and southern land activities. We must prepare for war or the aftermath," he ordered.

"It will be done, your majesty." Vice commander cole answered.

"War?" I said to father.

"Yes, son, war. If this dragon is as mighty as my daughter says, then it might choose a human to wield its power. We don't know what kind of human this dragon will choose, and if it goes into the wrong hands, we must be prepared," my father explained.

"But I do not foresee war, Father," Ignis retorted.

"Better safe than sorry, my dearest daughter. Train the new knights and hold an inauguration ceremony. I would like to see them perform their skills before winter," he said.

My mother entered the hall, her white hair falling down her shoulders, a hallmark of her northern heritage. No one dared to speak. She commanded respect from all, except my father, the king. Queen Selene hailed from Whitestone; her father was a powerful magician. Their marriage was intended to strengthen our bloodline, but despite her occasional coldness toward us, my father loved her unconditionally.

"The mighty Golden Scale need not worry about the affairs of my father's lands," she announced as she made her way next to the king. My brother face was turning dark for he was the one to mention the issues relating to the northern region.

"Mother, beware, I foresee the mighty dragon flying over Whitestone, unleashing its blue flames because something precious has been taken from it," Ignis said in a trance-like state of clairvoyance, her eyes was glowing in yellow. I hadn't realized she was in this state. It was terrifying and magical at the same time.

"Ignis," I call to her. Ignis turns and says to me, "Prince Felix will help lead it to its fate." These were Ignis' last words before she fainted, and I caught her in my arms. Everyone attention was focused on me. I was flabbergasted. Why me now?

A group of servants enters the hall to help carry Ignis to her room. My mother's face remains unfazed upon hearing my sister's foresight. However, my father grows more wary as another honorable guest enters the main hall.

"Your Majesty, you called for my presence," he says, his grey eyes as cold as my mother's. It is Duke Fyre from the House of Phoenix. For some reason, my mother's face seems more elated than before. I dislike her demeanor whenever she is around Duke Fyre.

"Hm, send princess Ignis to her chambers, begin your report duke of Phoenix. I will deal with Felix later." my father orders. I gulped down worried of the situation Im suddenly in.

Duke Fyre called his first knight to bring some gems and crystals to show to His Majesty. However, I was wrong, the knight carried what seemed to be an eggshell, black in color, with lingering magic around it. We all watched in awe. 

"Your Majesty, this was found in the nest of the new dragon around North of Astafell mount. It's very close to town. However, this shell has been there for several months. We are still not sure how it can still contain magic. It's different." Duke Fyre explained to the king.

"Duke Fyre?"my brother voiced.

"Yes, Prince Firel, ask away," Duke Fyre replied.

"What kind of magic is this? It feels ominous but it's not triggering the golden scale." My brother questioned.

The Duke looked at the Queen as if waiting for a cue on whether to answer the question.

"Well?" the King prompted.

"Sire, for all we know, it might carry demonic magic based on the traces of mana left on the eggshells. However, we are not entirely sure because it's difficult to analyze just from a shell," the Duke answered hesitantly.

The king approached the shells and inspected them with his bare hands. Suddenly, gold dust emerged from his waist, floating towards the black shell and transforming into a small golden scale.

"Tell me what you sense here, Helios," my father demanded of the small dragon. Helios is the Golden Scale's name, but we all dared not mention it. It is taboo.

We all watched as it tossed and turned around the shells; even the dragon seemed confused. After a few minutes, the small dragon returned to my father's waist, turning into a golden blade.

My father didn't mutter a single word. He only glanced at my mother, who was sitting beside his throne. I wondered what the dragon had told the king, as his puzzled brow suggested it was something troubling.

"Everyone is dismissed. I would like a few words with Prince Firel and the duke. Felix, I will call you another time," my father ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty," we all answered simultaneously. My queen mother refused to leave, but I saw my father whisper a few words to her, and she began to leave.

I planned to head back to the training ground. I missed Alexa and wondered what she was doing. I hadn't talked to her since I stepped foot in the castle. As I passed through the great hall and headed for the knight headquarters, I saw a light glistening from afar in my class. Why was Vesper still in class so late at night?

The closer I got, I saw another silhouette with dark hair—my favorite view. They were sitting very close. I stopped for a moment, watching them laugh intimately. I hesitated to watch; I felt like I was spying on them, but I couldn't stop the anger brewing inside me. I might be thinking too much. Vesper would never do such a thing.

I contemplated whether I should intervene. Suddenly, I felt chills down my back.

"Hey, tomato head," he whispered in my ear. I turned around and pointed my sword at his throat. Oh, it was just this idiot.

"Hendry!" I yelled. Then I noticed Alexa and Vesper looking at us.

"Alexa, your boyfriend is here." Hendry teased. Alexa's face turned red, and she immediately rose from her seat and left.

I don't know why, but my heart skipped a beat hearing what Hendry said. I didn't deny the feeling; I also felt the urge to follow her.

"Alexa! But our reading session?" Vesper called to her. I looked at Vesper who was puzzled by her reaction.

Oh, she was teaching him, I thought to myself and ran off to catch up with her.

I looked at Hendry, signaling for him to help Vesper with the reading. Hendry nodded and continued teaching Vesper. The night was getting late; where did this girl run to? I looked left and right for her and felt someone grab my vest from behind.

"There you are," I said to the beautiful girl in front of me. Her face was still red and she was sulking.

"W-where have you been?" she asked with an upset tone.

"Well, you know. This and that," I answered wishy-washy.

"I was worried about your arm, and then you went missing. That's all," she said.

"You're worried about me?" I asked happily, my heart pounding with excitement.

"Of course, you're my friend after all," she answered. A friend, she said. A friend?

"Yeah, a friend," I said, disappointed.

"What?" she asked, frowning.

"Nothing, Alexa," I answered, looking away, feeling embarrassed.

But that didn't stop me from flirting with her, I took her hand and kissed it as an apology.

"This is for making you worry. My arm is all great. Strong as ever," I said, flexing my muscle to her.

"Yeah right! I'm going to return to Vesper. I will make sure he knows how to read by tonight," she explained.

"Sure, I will see you tomorrow. If it's okay, I would like to spar with you, milady," I said banteringly.

"It is an honor. I will gladly accept the challenge your majesty." she answered. I figured by now she knew I was the prince. It was thanks to General Hawker for calling me prince out loud in front of her. I watched her leave, she took a quick glance and I didn't missed the chance to flirt with her. I winked to her and waved goodbye. Alexa smiled beautifully back to me, I can feel my heart fluttering.

I went to the training ground and found my cousin practicing alone. As I approached, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"You seem off," I remarked.

"Your highness!" he exclaimed, sounding surprised.

"It's just the two of us, drop the formality," I insisted.

"No, your highness. Would you like to be my opponent like old times?" he asked.

"Don't go crying to your mother," I teased.

"Let's see about that!" he replied.

We both took our stances; Abel chose a spear against my sword. It didn't quite suit him, but I understood its versatility.

He took the initiative, attacking me first, always eager to start the fight. Impatient, as ever. I deflected his spear and twisted around, pointing my sword at his face. He pushed me back and attempted to kick my leg, forgetting that I could anticipate his moves. I stopped his leg and swiftly kicked him to the ground, placing the blade at his back. However, my abilities had a cooldown for the next 30 seconds. Abel knew this weakness of mine, one I had yet to overcome. He tried to strike with the spear at my leg, but I evaded by jumping to the side. Abel rolled over and hurled the spear where I had been standing, but missed completely.

Turning around, I saw Vesper catch the spear effortlessly. I was amazed by his sheer strength, wondering how this boy was so different from the rest.

"You!" Abel screamed, his voice filled with rage.

Confused by the sudden tension in the air, I wondered what was happening tonight.

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