
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 And the fight begins

Throughout the whole lesson , Felix seems disinterested in what the class instructor is teaching. Instead , he couldn't care less anymore about this. He just wanted to live a life with no enemies. But now , he already had one , and a very powerful one.

"Felix!...Felix!... FELIX!" suddenly, a yell came from the front of the class.

Felix quickly snapped out of his daydreaming and quickly turned to the front of the class. The instructor of the weaponry is banging on the blackboard and yelling his name.

"Yes sir!" said Felix in a panic and stood up. The whole class laughed quietly.

"Don't yes sir to me! I've asked you a question here.

What element material is used for crafting a sword?" yelled the instructor with anger while pointing at the blackboard , clearly knowing Felix wasn't listening.

"Um... pretty sure it's made of alloy steel."

"Hmph... guess you're fine after all. Alright Felix , sit down."

Felix got away with that and he's glad that it wasn't another question. He remembered looking at his father's new sword "blueprint" and saw some elements there.

Time flies by really quick as the last class of the bell rang. Felix put his textbook into his bag and was ready to head to the after school session. He can't help but feel a little excited about it, it's practically a miracle that he can go to such an elite class. Not getting carried away though, he made his way to the class. He is hoping he doesn't do or say anything wrong to make himself look stupid.

Snapping himself back to reality again , he made his way to the so-called "Elite Class" and finally reached there, he wasn't 100% ready but he swings the door open anyways.

Inside the room , a senior was cleaning his sword and another was shining up an armour. Also there , sat Jakob who was talking to one of them.

Then one of the seniors realized that Felix was standing there so he quickly stopped what he was doing and came up to greet Felix.

"Hey there! You must be Felix Angel! Glad you could make it here."

"Thanks for having and you are..."

"Oh my apology! My name is Daniel Hamilton. I'm a senior year 4. I'm going to be teaching you advance sword skill here. Hey , Gareth ,we got a newbie here!"

The other senior, who looks gloomy turns to look at Felix and stared at him for a while.

"Gareth Emery." then he continued with his work.

"Haha! Ignore his antic. This guy just like cleaning armours.Anyways , you're here just in time. You must know this lad Jakob right?"

Jakob looking dissatisfied, gets up and cough a little.

"Ahem! That's sir Jakob for you. I'm not gonna lie, I expect you to tuck your tail and run away after our "encounter" yesterday." he said while smirking.

Felix, who not did not appreciate the hostility quickly answered:

"Well, someone gotta teach the guy with a big head who thinks he's better than everyone a painful lesson." he said while grinning at him.

"What!? Why you little..."

Daniel sensing a very hostile environment quickly stood between both of them and intervined.

"Now now , both of you. You both are gonna be fellow comrades and you'll have to learn to fight for the kingdom together as a team.I mean Gareth and I didn't get along as well at first but eventually we learn to coexist. Isn't that right, Gar?"

"Mm..." respond from Gareth while nodding once.

"Well I don't care about teamwork! All I know is that I'm definitely a better fighter than this trash here."

"Gr...I would love to wipe that cheeky smile off your face so badly" said Felix while clenching his teeth with his fist tighten.

"Woah woah woah there guys,no need to fight here! How about this? Let's have a little duel. We'll settle this at the arena after class. Bare fists only. Let's treat this duel as a... match practice." Daniel suggests.

"Hmph! Fine by me. I'll prove once and for all that this trash doesn't belong here and is a waste of time."

Felix then asked Daniel.

"Where is the arena?"

"It's just west from the main school ground. Just keep heading west and you'll see a big arena."

"Well Felix, I hope this time you are ready 'cause this time, I'll hurt you so bad you won't be able to get up." said Jakob with a smirk on his face.

Felix grinned, chuckled, and replied: "Not if I hurt you first , you big headed jerk."

Then both boys parted ways and got preparation for their duel.

"Boy, it's definitely refreshing to see something like this happen again. Hey Gareth, remember when we were like that? Bringback some good ol time."

"I suppose" said Gareth while still looking around the armour.

Daniel closes his eyes and tries to remember that encounter, when he first fought against Gareth.

Daniel was a prodigy amongst other student in the academy he quickly climbed up the rank despite starting the school later than anyone.

After being part of the elite class,he was taking part in the duel tournament. Though he never won, he was an impressive and versatile knight. But he got quite a cocky attitude since then. But one duel, forever changed Daniel's thought.

One day, he entered a duel. He went through and easily passed most of the competitors with ease. Finally, he made it to the final where opposite him, stood a least intimidating person Daniel had ever faced.

"Pff! This guy? He's not gonna realize how quick I'm gonna knoch him out."

Both men bowed to each other but before the duel started , Daniel taunted him and said cheekily:

"Hey man, you know you're gonna lose so why not forfeit this?"

There was a small silence before his opponent opened his mouth and pointed his wooden sword :

"Your move , Daniel"

Daniel was clearly angered by this and he lunched forward. Daniel had practiced the Kingsmen Sword Art , an aggressive style which put all the energy into the attack. Though in return, it slows down the defensive reflex.

Daniel thought he had Gareth in his hand. However, Gareth dodged all his attacks and blocked all his incoming lunges. Daniel seems to recognize this sword style. It's called the Caesar Sword Art, a defensive style sword art which block all incoming attack for period of time but in exchange, lacks the chance to attack.

Daniel and Gareth went back and forth and in the end, Daniel emerged victorious as the defense couldn't hold long. However, he was impressed by Gareth and offered him a hand

"I admired your defense style , Gareth. Let's be friends!" he said with a smile.

Gareth , who still looked gloomy as always, took his hand.


And since then both had trained together, had many memories , according to Daniel himself. Not sure how Gareth thinks since he's always a quiet guy.

"Looks like I'm staying here too long , let's go and make sure those two don't kill each other there."

"Why don't you go by yourself, I'm still cleaning up these armour."

"I said... LET'S GO" said Daniel while grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the room. Gareth didn't want to tolerate too much so he just let out a deep sigh

Meanwhile, both Jakob and Felix had arrived at the arena. It looks a lot like the Colosseum.Both boys went their separate ways to their room to get ready for the sparring fight.

While taping up his fist with bandages, he's still shaken by the thought of him doing a fight again here in another world. What if they don't recognize this type of fighting style? Will he be alright? Fear is devouring him right now. Then all of a sudden , someone knocks at his door.

It was Emilia, she brought him a drink to cheer him on.

"Oh hi Emilia. Sorry I didn't realize you were there"

"Oh n...no , I'm sorry for interrupting your thoughts. You look like you're blanking out there. Are you perhaps...nervous?

"To be honest with you , I am. I never thought I would fight with someone so soon so I'm just nervous"

Emilia suddenly jerks up and yelled

"D.. DON'T WORRY! Just try your best out there. It's not about the results, it's about having fun."

Then , Felix remembered something , his dad in his past life said the same thing when he first was training in MMA. Felix then smiles at the thought of remembering those words. He stood up and pounded his fists.

"Thanks Emilia , I'll try my best out there. Now... it's payback time." said Felix with enthusiasm. He was ready to go out of the room but before he did, he turned around and smile at Emilia and said

"Watch me beat this jerk, Emilia!"

With that said, he turned back around and left. Emilia smile and thought to herself.

"His eye looks different now, he finally is motivated again"

Felix got to the arena and saw Jakob , who was standing there and whistling to himself.

"Ah , I see you finally found the courage to face me one on one , lowlife." said Jakob with a big grin on his face.

Felix, who's now more motivated then ever, just answered "Shut up and bring it already, you faker"

Jakob , now annoyed shouted "F- FAKER?! Now you've done it you lowlife!"

Jakob clenched his fist and suddenly, his fist was full of electricity and he charged forward

"Take that , you piece of trash!"

Jakob tried to hit a powerful punch on Felix but Felix was fast enough to dodge it.

Felix suddenly remembers in one of the knight lessons , that he had concentrate on the element he wants to use in order to fight.

When Jakob tried to hit him again , this time with a lightning kick , Felix concentrated on the earth element, as defensive , and thought of using ice and his offensive element. However , despite blocking the kick. He was suddenly blown into the air and knocked down.

"Hahaha , are you foolish? Have you forgotten that in this world , we could use two elements. You naive lowlife thought you could just block with earth element? It's time to finish you off , should've known you're a disgrace to your family.

"Gr..." Anger was boiling in his emotion. Felix hopes it didn't happen again , but in the end , it's always the same. He closed his eyes and thought God had set this up for him to have a miserable life over and over again. Felix hoped his new life would be peaceful, he just wanted to have a normal family again, but he guessed God wasn't too kind to him and thought that he would make his life miserable.

He opened his eyes, but only darkness filled his eyes.It feels like he's locked away from reality.

While Felix was zoned out, his body was suddenly surrounded with dark shadows and formed into a giant monster. It looks like a a deformed human.

Jakob was shocked by this but he wouldn't let his pride go.

"Tsk... so you're fond of earth and dark elements huh? No matter I will blow this thing into dusk and knock you out."

Even though Felix was standing, his eyes were empty. His consciousness wasn't there , it felt like it was someone else's consciousness that took over the body.