
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 The Missing Pieces

"Big bro, wake up! Big bro! "

Felix reluctantly tried to open his eye , and he saw his sister , Fanny sitting next to him. She's been calling Felix for a while now.

"F... Fanny? Where am I? How long have I been out?" he got up and look at the mirror , and there isn't any injury.

"Jeez! Were you really beaten up that much? This is your room. And also don't worry, you've only been out for a few hours since that encounter."

"Jakob... Someday , I'll make you pay" said Felix. angrily while clenching his fist.

"Well since you're up , mom made you breakfast and dad have something to talk to you."

"Did they know I was beaten up?"

"Well I don't know about mom but dad probably knew. After all he always keep an eye on us."

"Sigh... Guess it's bound to happen , huh?" said Felix

Then , he remember the voice that was talking to him and Emilia before he fell unconscious. He tried to ask Fanny about it.

"Hey Fanny , before I was unconscious , do you know wh-"

Before he could ask , his mum , Catherine ran into his room and hugged him tightly.

"Oh dear , you're alright ! I was worry when your dad told me you were bullied at school!" said Catherine while still hugging him.

"M...Mom! You're suffocating me!" said Felix but Catherine didn't let go because she didn't hear what Felix said.

"Alright Catherine , you can stop hugging our son now. He probably can't breathe." said his dad Dominic who walked in after.

Catherine let Felix go from the hug. Dominic then walk up to Felix and said:

"So , first day was rough , eh?"

"Well the fact that I got beaten up by Jakob probably prove that point a lot." said Felix

"Well that aside , heard you got the highest result in the power measurement test. Yours was immeasurable , eh? Guess family do run in blood."

"Wait...does that mean , you've got immeasurable the first time you took it as well?"

"Yep! Your old man here was the first man to do so!

So far , only you and I had achieved such thing."

"Well ain't that a surprise? Besides you can use magic but I can't" said Felix getting up from his bed and head downstairs with his father.

After sitting down , they sat down and had their meal. But still , he couldn't help but felt a little uncomfortable. When he was about to ask his sister about the girl voice he heard , she looked kinda worry. He glared at Fanny for a while when his dad brought up something.

"So , Felix. Pretty sure you're assign to the senior advanced program. Are you sure you're up to the task? You got beaten up so badly by that scoundrel."

"Dad...please stop reminding me that. I know I could beat him if I'm all set."

"Hahaha! Big talk from a man who really don't back down. I like that spirit of you."

Felix don't know what to say so he just kept eating.

"You know what , I think I can help you with something to improve your fighting ability." said Dominic while walking to the cabinet.

"Here it is!" said Dominic and taking out a a small bottle. Inside it , there's blue liquid. He handed the bottle to Felix and said :

"Listen here , Felix. This is a potion that will improve your fighting ability rapidly. But here is the deal , you must drink this before midnight."

"Huh... I wonder how this works. But ok I guess. Thanks a lot , dad"

That night , Felix still wonder a lot of things. How did he even came to this world? What exactly is the truth in this family? What other adventures awaits him? A lot of questions is in his mind , but now he must get pass the surface first - Surviving his life in the WestWood Knight Academy.

He took a look at the wooden clock in front of him , it's 11:59. He then pop the bottle cork open. The bottle quickly let out a very strong smell , like a medicine but wasn't a very pleasant smell.

"Ugh! This smell it's truly disgusting. But I guess I don't wanna be a loser any more so I guess it's time."

As the clock rang at midnight , he quickly drank the entire potion. After drinking it , he felt alright for a few seconds. But afterwards, his head felt dizzy.

"Oh god... I don't feel so g- " before he knew it , he was knockout on his bed.

The next morning , he woke up kinda tired. Felt like he was drunk last night and just had a hangover.

Then , his sister walk into his room.

"Oh , you're awake? Hurry up and get ready for school. We don't wanna be late again."

"Fanny... Really what is up with you?"

"What do you mean what's up with me. I'm the same little sister you knew, aren't I?"

"Um... I guess you are. But really , you're acting really different from since we came home. Are you sure y-"


Fanny walk out of his room without any other word. Felix was quite stunned after that statement. He's different? Well to be fair , he woke up in another world so kinda makes sense to him.

Felix got out of bed and headed downstairs , he saw his father , mother and Fanny already sitting down for breakfast.

"Oi ! Mornin , Felix! How's that potion I gave you? " greet his dad follows with the question.

"Well... I don't feel any different so I'm not sure." answer Felix in a concern tone.

"Ha ha ha! No way it doesn't work! I mastered the craft of potion so it has to work." said Dominic proudly.

"Come on now , dear. Don't get too ahead of yourself." said his mom Catherine.

Felix turn to Fanny , who is just enjoying her breakfast without a care. Felix is thinking of apologizing to her for earlier.

"Guess I really done it now. I've never had siblings so I guess it's never easy." thought Felix.

Felix and Fanny got ready for school and made their way there after being sent off by their parents. Felix , who is still uncomfortable after what happened earlier still struggle to find a word to start. Finally , he use all his courage to start talking.

"Listen Fanny , I'm really s-"

"Just stop , big bro. I need my personal space right now so leave me alone."

"Well crap. She's really upset now." thought Felix while crying inside. Without realizing it , they both arrived at the school.

"Alright , big bro. I'll see you after school here. And don't get into any more fights."

"O..Ok Fanny , I promised. See ya!"

They both made their way to the academy. As soon as Felix enter the academy , he can't help but noticed there were people starring at him and started whispering.

"Hey , isn't that the guy who was beat up by Sir Jakob?" one girl whispered.

"I heard he cheated on the power measurement test. What a coward!" a boy whispered.

"Isn't he supposed to be the son of the mighty warrior. He doesn't stand a chance to even join the army in this case!" another girl whispered.

Felix clench his fists. He clearly hate being mocked or compared. That's what happened before in his past life. He remembered something---

A few years ago , Shindo was in an amateur MMA tournament. Shindo had to win this to prove he was worthy of being a future star in MMA During the tournament , he was impressing a lot of people and was looking to really sweep away the competition when... he injured his knee in the semi final despite a close win. His opponent , who was a teammate of a finalist was told to injured Shindo so that he wouldn't make it to the final.

After that , Shindo disappear from the dojo and never took part in any competition again , fearing that scandalous thing like that would happen to him again. People start spreading bad rumors about him at school.

But he still have regrets ,

what if he didn't quit?

what if he had taken part in another tournament?

why didn't he gave more thoughts about it?

He had regrets that can never leave him alone.

Felix was walking to his class when he bumped into Emilia , who just arrived not too long ago. Emilia was about to greet Felix when she again , noticed the same eye and looked in Felix face. It was a serious and scary face that shook Emilia the other day.

Felix walked pass her , made his way to his seat and sat down without even saying a word. Emilia couldn't tell what's going on with him.

Felix on the other hand , is full of hatred , fuming with anger , thinking about a very upset past. Only one thing is in his mind , getting revenge on that bastard , Jakob and teach him a lesson.

Wait a second... He did MMA? When and how did he suddenly remember? Felix hold his head with his hand and just can't shook the feeling. Why didn't he remembered anything about his past?

Why did he remember this horrible past?

Class has begun and everyone got to their seats.

Felix not wanting to get any attention from class just continue with the headache.

Lunch break had started, while everyone else is taking their meal at the cafeteria , Felix made his way to the staff room to meet instructor Xavier.

Well , not alone because he know Jakob is gonna be there so he's not as enthusiastic as he was before the incident. He hope he can avoid Jakob as much as he can.

As he reaches the staff room , he open the door gently and saw instructor Xavier already talking to Jakob. They both saw Felix at the entrance.

"Hey there , Felix. Please come over here so we can discuss our next program." said the instructor while waving his hand up and down.

As he was walking , the staff room felt somewhat silence for a while. It was so quite you can probably hear the people breathe. He walk up right next to Jakob.

"Hmph... Didn't think you were gonna show up after the beating I gave you yesterday , Angel."

"Well , I have a family to impress so of course one beating won't stop me" said Felix.

"You're gonna regret making this decision , Felix Angel" whispered Jakob.

They both stared at each other very intensely when the instructor finally start the meeting.

"Alright both of you. You guys have gotten excellent result yesterday. So both of you will be advancing to the pre-knight program. This program is usually attended when you finally reached third years. But since both of you exceed the expectation of fist years , you guys get this program early."

"But sir , what are we going to do on this program?" asked Felix.

"Good question , Angel. First of , you guys will be coached by the fourth year's senior. They will teach you the basics of being a knight. They will report in the status of both of you. If either of you don't perform well during the program, you will no longer partake in this program until third year. Also , please take note that this program will not take up any of your other lessons so please do not missed other lessons. So , any other questions?"

Neither Jakob nor Felix spoken so the instructor assumed there isn't any other questions.

"Alright then the program starts after school hours.

Please be there after school today and get used to the environment with the seniors. Good luck to both of you!" said Instructor Xavier.

Both of them walked out the staff room. Before they parted ways , Jakob stop Felix and warned him.

"I will and again... I will make you regret your decision , Felix Angel. See you after school , you worthless being."

Felix can't help but clenching his fists. His eyes looks lifeless. He looks like a killer just about to go off any second now.