
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 The Hidden Truth

Though Felix is conscious, his body isn't listening to him. Felix can't help but feel afraid of what's gonna happen to him.

Emilia , who just arrived was in horror to see what was happening at the arena. She cannot believe what she is seeing.

Meanwhile, Jakob had both his fist clenched with Electro and Fire to create an explosion to destroy the dark shadow monster.

"Felix Angel , you're not a threat , you hear?" I'll blow you into ashes with this!"

Jakob pounded his fist together and dashed forward to hit the monster. And with no doubt , the monster blew up and the shadow was gone.

"Phew , now I'll knock you out with my barehand , Felix!." Before he could reach Felix, Jakob was suddenly grabbed by dark shadows from both his left arm and right.

"Wh.... WHAT THE HELL? How do you still have mana!?"

Though it wasn't Felix, the voice uttered something under his breath "Dark Lord"

"N...No! Don't you dare lay a hand on me you freak! I'm a royal and you're a lowlife. If anything happens to me you're going to be killed!

"Heh...Then I guess I'm evil now" Felix utter with a low tone.

The shadows that grabbed Jakob begin to try to stretch Jakob out. Jakob was screaming in pain.


Emilia was too shaken by this scenario, she isn't capable of doing anything and is trembling on her knees. She couldn't possibly kill Felix or even get close to him when those shadows are-

Before she could finish her thoughts, a voice behind her whispered "GTS"

Before she knew it , Emilia was out cold.

"Sigh , I knew this would happen"

It was Fanny! She quickly dashed towards Felix with a frightening speed.

"This gonna hurt a little, bro. Even though you're not my real brother..."


The shadows begin to disappear , one by one. Before you knew it, all of them were gone.A bright light chain is tied up to Felix.



Before Jakob finished saying anything, he was put to sleep as well.

Fanny, let out a deep sigh and begin to reach her hand out, lifting Felix's unconscious body with her magic and carrying him home.

Daniel and Gareth have just arrived at the arena when they spotted both Emilia and Jakob are out on the floor. Before they rushed them to a doctor, Daniel noticed dark particles on the ground.

"N...no way. Could it be...?"

Felix , who's now awake in his bed was very confused. He was shut out from his body and the next thing he knew , he woke up in his house now instead of fighting Jakob in the arena.

"Finally awake , huh?" Fanny , who's reading a textbook was next to him.

"Wha- What happened to me? Why am I back at home? I remembered I was fighting Jakob at the arena before getting knocked out.

Fanny turns to look at Felix and says " You were , but you lost consciousness and your inner "being" took over your body and tried to kill Jakob.

"Wh... WHAT? What is that supposed to mean? And what do you mean by " inner being" in me?

Fanny, facepalm herself with a disappointed sigh. She blankly stares into the eyes of Felix and sits next to him.

"Listen here Felix , there is something we hid from you , or rather : it's whoever is in this body, you know you don't belong here , don't you?"

Felix is stunned by all those words. So Fanny knew that he isn't Felix but , someone else? How could she know? What other secrets are hidden from him?

Felix who was lost in his thought came back to his senses and asked Fanny:

"What about mom and dad? Do they know about this?"

Fanny with a cold look , turns to answer Felix

"I don't know about that"

Felix was dumbfounded , what does she mean 'I don't know?'

"Look , I'll explain right now. This body belongs to my brother, Felix Angel. He was a prodigy in the knight academy. He enrolled before he even turned 7, which was the minimum age to join. He topped the ranks until one day , he disappeared."

"Did you know why he disappeared?"

"I don't. And that dummy did not return for a whole year. I was worried and tried to find him. Until , I found him somewhere and he was... Dead."

"I'm... sorry to hear that."

"It doesn't concern you so no need to. And so, I decided to resurrect him with the forbidden magic left behind by mum. And that brings us to our present state. You're now inside the body of someone who was supposed to be dead."

"Huh.. that's a little creepy if you think about it. But wait a min, where are mum and dad anyways?"

Fanny was clearly trembling but she slowly muttered these words

"They... are dead as well...What you saw are illusion magic I created"

Felix's eyes widened in shock by those words. How could someone like Dominic Angel , someone who's claimed to be the Warrior of the Eastwood Kingdom die?


Fanny finally stands up immediately and stares into Felix's eyes. She yelled


Felix was petrified for a few seconds. He never saw such an aggressive and angry side of Fanny before.

Fanny, who turns to leave tells Felix this before she left the room

"We'll pretend today never happened. And it is best for you to shut your mouth about anything I told you just now. Because until I find a solution, you'll have to live in that body."

She slams the door shut and leaves.

Shindo has a lot to think about, Fanny was responsible for summoning him to this world and trapping him inside Felix's body, the father and mother of The Angel family dies , Fanny is probably the only person who knows how they died. But why isn't Fanny fully honest with him? Is it because she doesn't trust him? Or is she keeping a secret from him for a very good reason? Regardless, he has a lot of unanswered questions right now and he's determined to get to the bottom of them all.