
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 First Encounter

After an enjoyable meal with Prince William and his friend , Emilia. The class bell rung and each of them headed towards their next class , physical enhancement class.

This class is quite brutal for first year as the tradition of this class involve measuring their inner body physical power.The instructor of this class and the oldest instructor of the WestWood Kingdom Knight Academy , Mr Xavier , is setting up the class. Although he isn't a knight , he can cast the examine spell to examine the power level.

"Alright class! When your name is called , please step to the front of the class because I'll be measuring your physical power now." said Xavier.

Everyone doesn't look really pleased. In fact they're quite afraid. Maybe it's because in this measuring test , if your physical power is below more than 50% , you're force to stay back after class and do very intense trainings. But if you can get more than 95% , you pretty much don't need to be in the class and instead doing sparring straight away with the seniors of the school.

The first person to take the test is a scrawny looking boy who is shaking nervously. He stepped to the front of the class.

"Now , shout 'Strength Enhancement!' "

"U.... alright.... STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT!!! "

suddenly , a red aura was surrounding the boy.

Instructor Xavier then began to put his left hand out and closes his eyes. There were circles on top and bottom of the boy.

"Hm... what a decent score. 57%! "

The boy looks more relax and head back to his seat.

"Alright next!"

There were about 100 students so the test did take a while. Some just narrowly made it , some had became a potential and of course, some were unlucky and didn't get more than 50%. Then , it was Emilia turns. She head towards the instructor.

"STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT!" yelled Emilia and Instructor Xavier began to focus on the measurement.

"Hm... she's is a potential knight as well.She's the first girl we had in a while that have such potential." thought to himself.

"Emilia Davis ,91%!" said Instructor Xavier. The class then began to applause. Emilia , looking really shy headed back to her seat.

Next up was Jakob. He walk towards the front of the class with a very confident look.

"Hmph! This is going to be easy. I've trained with my father so this shouldn't be a problem at all." said Jakob confidently.

"STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT!" yelled Jakob and the instructor measured.

"This boy is cocky but he is really a potential. After all he's the son of WestWood Kingdom Major General Army and that man got a full score."

"Jakob Glen , 96%!"

Then his underlings claps profusely.

"Wow! Yeah! Sir Jakob is truly the best and better than the rest." yelled the one with glasses , Keith.

"Not even a muscle like me could be more powerful than you , Sir Jakob." said the boy with

strong physique , Randy.

"Alright , pipe down you two! My class is still in session." yelled instructor Xavier.

Lastly , Felix was the last one person to take the test.That's because Instructor Xavier had saved him for last on purpose. He knew Felix is the son of Dominic Angel.

"So, the son of Dominic Angel finally enrolled into this school , ,huh? Wonder what his pop is doing now." thought the instructor.

Felix walk towards the front of the class and had a nervous look which is not surprising considered he doesn't know if he can even cast the spell. But still , he was ready to give it his all.

"Alright , now chant the words"


Instructor Xavier began to examine his power level. But then , the magic circle disappear. Instructor Xavier had a disbelief look in his face.

"No way... could he had ... exceeded the maximum amount of power?" thought the instructor.

"Alright , Felix. I'm going to use another examine spell to examine your level so please stay focus on the energy in you." said the instructor

"Alright , instructor." said Felix.

He began chanting a spell and cast a magic circle again but this time , the circle looks slightly different. It's bigger with and had a different pattern

"This is the most advanced spell to measure. There is no way it's gonna b-"

Before he finished his thought, the circle cracked and it was gone. Instructor Xavier was in total disbelief.

"B...but how?! This is the most advanced measurement spell and it broke? This is certainly rare." thought the instructor.

"Felix Angel... Immeasurable..."

The class were also in disbelief. They knew he manages to even break the most advanced measurement spell. Only one person is not buying it , Jakob yelled

"This commoner must have done something to the spell! He's just afraid that he couldn't pass this test!"

The class were in mixed opinion. Some believe he was really cheating , some just believe what they see is real.

"Ahem! Now all of you , please quite down! What I measure is real and there's no way for Felix to cheat by adjusting the spell."

"Still this is truly a rare find. Only two official record had also been immeasurable. One is his father , and the other..."

Stopping his thought he proceed and said : "Alright Felix. Since the most advanced spell can't measured you. That mean you've pass the test. I'll assign you and Jakob to the next training."

"OBJECTION!" yelled Jakob.

"There is no way this commoner can be better than me , instructor!"

"Look now , Jakob. Felix here is a real talent and we need him for the sake of Westwood's future.

I get you're intimidated by him by please refrain yourself from falling out with your comrades."

Jakob was in total silence. Fume with rage , he couldn't put anything into words.

"Alright Felix. Tomorrow please meet me here during lunch break. I'll discuss the training with you and Jakob."

"Yes sir!" said Felix enthusiastically.

Felix was making his way back to his seat , when Jakob's eye meets Felix's. Then a whisper came from him : "you're gonna regret this".

Felix wasn't intimidated by those words and made his way back to his seat. Emilia was right besides him and whisper to him : "I knew you could do it! After all , you're the son of the greatest warrior in this kingdom."

Felix replied with a smile: "Heh , you're flattering me too much."

Before they knew it class was already over and everyone made their way out. After all , school's over and everyone is heading home.

Felix was walking alone when suddenly , Emilia came up behind him and took him by surprise.

"Hey there Felix!" said Emilia

"Oh it's just you Emilia. You scared the heck out of me." said Felix

"Oh c'mon now. Your reflex and reaction really needs some work to become a knight."

"Hm...Valid point indeed"

Both of them laughed.

"Oi! Filthy commoner. I'm not done with you yet." a familiar voice came behind them.

They turned around and saw Jakob and his goons right beside him. They were starring down at Felix.

Jakob then yelled :

"I know a commoner like you can't fight someone like me and it's impossible for your power level to be immeasurable. Now , come at me cause we're going to fight. RIGHT NOW ! "

"Look , Jakob. I don't want any beef with you. Why do you hate me so much? I've done nothing to you."

"Hmph! Maybe you haven't , but you will when you ever come near the kingdom's army. I've never trusted you since the day your father betrayed the kingdom."

"But I do- "

"Enough with the chatter. STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT! " He then jump towards Felix with with a fist trying to punch him.

"BLOCK! " Felix cross his arm in the shape of an X and managed to block the punch from Jakob.

"I'm not going to lose to you , Jakob! STRENGTH ENHANCEMENT! "

Felix also try to throw a punch towards Jakob but he doge it . Jakob then took that chance to hit Jakob in the stomach with his knee.

"Argh ! "

"No!! STOP IT ALREADY !" Emilia yelled.

Felix was still down but Jakob quickly grab Felix's head and deliver more punches to the gut of Felix.

"How does that feel , Felix Angel ? You're nothing but a disgrace to this kingdom. You couldn't even land a hit on me! Pathetic! " he then hit him in the face which cause him to bleed.

Jakob then stop punching and put Felix down. Leaving his blody face lying on the ground.

"Let that be a warning from me , Felix Angel . You're not a worthy to be part of WestWood Kingdom Army. Let's go Keith and Randy! " all three of them then leave the scene.

Emilia quickly rushed towards a beated up Felix.

"Felix!! Are you ok? I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you."

Before he could start talking , a girl voice came in front of them.

"Sigh , already beaten up this badly on first day?"

Felix couldn't tell who it was because he could barely even open his eye. The next thing he knew , he fell unconscious.

" Felix? Felix! Wake up! FELIX!"