
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 A Help From A New Friend !

After a few classes , involved self defense class and blacksmith class , lunch break had started and Felix can't wait to grab a bite.

"Hm... I wonder what they have here?" thought

Felix with almost a drool coming out. But before he could get in line for the food , someone was grabbing him by the shoulder.

"Hold it right there you filthy commoner!"

"Shoot... it's definitely him" thought Felix

As he turned around , it was the boy from earlier and his two friends by his left and right side. One had a very big and strong physique while the other look really smart and had glasses on.

"What do you want man? I'm getting in line for the food."

"How dare you talk back to me commoner! Know your standing and watch that mouth of yours."

"Look man , I don't know who you are and what you want from me , but I don't want trouble with you so just leave me alone"

The cafeteria went silence for a while. he could hear whispers

"Does he not know who Sir Jakob?"

"He's out of his mind !"

"That's Sir Jakob he's talking to!"

"Hmph! So there are commoners like you who don't even know who I am? Pathetic!"yelled the boy

"Then let me introduce myself , I am Sir Jakob Hellion , son of major general of the WestWood Kingdom Army and future major general of this kingdom." said the boy while trying to look cool.

"Yeah ,Sir Jakob is the greatest of all time" said the boy with the glasses.

"I'm proud to be serving as your underling , Sir

Jakob!" said the large boy with his muscles pumped out.

"Oh... Cool , congrats and wish you the best of luck as future general " said Felix who doesn't really care.

"Grr... don't you dare turn away from me commoner. YOU'RE IN MY WAY TAKING OF MY MEAL SO MOVE ASIDE BEFORE YOU GET HURT!"

"Stop right there!" a yelled coming from afar was heading towards them. Turns out , it's Emilia.

"He was in line first! You can't cut the line just as you please."Emilia added

"And who are you to interrupt my conversation?"

"I'm Emilia. Emilia Davis. I'm his friend."

Jakob looked at her for a few seconds and had a smirk on his face.

"Oh so you're the daughter of the famous Davis' Inn, huh? Well... the inn is pretty nice for commoners or adventurers to stay around. But wouldn't it be bad if something is to happen to the inn?

"What are you trying to imply?" asked Emilia with trembles in her words.

"You know who I am , don't you? If you anger me , I'll have the royal guard to shut that inn down and your family will be ruined forever. You don't want that now , do you?" said Jakob with the smirk still on his face.

"No...no... Anything but my family's inn" said Emilia with some tears already forming in her eye.

"Why you...."said Felix clenching his fists

"Hold it right there , what is going on here?" a voiced behind them was called.

There , a boy with a very charming look with blue eye and smooth straight hair walk towards them. Everyone around the cafeteria began to gasp and whisper quietly

"That's... Prince William..." said Emilia in disbelief.

"Y....your highness. I'm just teaching these commoners a lesson to not disrespect us higher ups. We-"

"By threatening our people?"

"N...no of course not your highness.I-"

"Save it when I speak to the general army , Jakob. "

Jakob looks very desperate and turns to Felix with his teeth clenching.

"Gr...alright your highness. I shall now take my leave." said Jakob as he bowed and walked away

"Now then. Sorry for my servant rudeness. I believe I have not met you before." said Prince William with a smile to Felix.

"Oh um... hello there you're highness. My name is Felix. Felix Angel.

Prince William had his mouth wide open and a look of shocked.He then grabbed both Felix's shoulder

"Could you be... The Angel? The elite soldier who was the general of this kingdom? "

"Um... I believe so..."

"Oh good heavens! I'm so pleased to meet you. I really admire Mr Felix a lot! He inspired me to become a soldier just like him. And I can't believe you're his son!" said Prince William with a fanboy-like looks which totally ruined his prince charming image.

"Oh wow... um... I'm flattered to hear that your highness."

"Please stop being casual with me. Just call me William."

"Oh.. er... alright , William."

"And she is...." Prince William turned to Emilia

Emilia bowed elegantly and said: " Your highness. My name is Emilia Davis. Daughter of the Davis family who runs a really famous inn."

"Ah... I've heard of that inn before. It really is well received by most travelers and adventures who had stayed there. It's an honor to meet you."

"Thank you for your kind words, your highness."

"Please drop the casualties. Call me William"

"Ok William." said Emilia while bowing again.

William then grab Felix again by his left shoulder

"Now then. Let me treat you to a meal and let's have a chat at my palace after class. I really have a lot of questions about Mr Angel."

"N...No thanks , William. Emilia and I were about to grab our lunch here"

"Nonsense! Let me treat this as a a gift for our friendship and welcoming you to this school with your friend Emilia here."

"C'mon Felix , the prince is offering you something and you don't get things like this everyday!"

"Well..." Felix is quite hesitant to accept such an invitation. It's just... too sudden for him so he don't know what to say.

"Alright. I'll be happy to join you for a meal , William. But unfortunately , I can't stay back after school. My father probably need me back afterwards." said Felix

"Is that so? Well, that's alright. You can come to the palace anytime soon. I'll make sure the royal guards know." said William happily.

Though first day was tough, it ended on a good note with Felix now a friend of Prince William , heir of the WestWood Kingdom. Just how much more adventures await Felix?