
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 First Day Of School

Felix and Fanny made their way to their school on foot. Felix was excited despite still being confused on where is he. And then , he just thought of something, what kinda school is he going to?

Though he was hesitant , he finally had the courage to ask Fanny.

"Hey ah... Fanny?"

"Yes big bro?"

"So... um... what school are we heading?"

"Oh I have not told you yet , did I?"

Wait a second , she didn't gave me the confused look? So does that mean I never went to school? Thought Felix.

"Well , we're going to different school. I'm heading to the WestWood Mage Academy and you're going to the WestWood Knight Academy. Since I have mana and can summon magic , I go there while big bro doesn't have any mana."

"Wait , what's ma---"

"Oh no, look at the time! Hurry up big bro!

Felix is still not used to this new world. Fanny mentioned mana , but what is that?

But anyhow, he didn't get to asked Fanny since they both were in a hurry.

After sometime , they manage to reach the school.

Both of them were panting in exhaustion.

"Well , we're here. I gotta go now big bro. See ya after school!"

Without any hesitation , Fanny ran her way into the Mage Academy.

"Well , better be quick before I'm late myself"

Felix made his way into the knight academy as fast as he could.Upon entering the academy , he was really amazed with the place. Inside , it looks like a palace filled with all types of expensive jewelry and beautiful paintings. Even the majority of students were in good looking clothes as well.

"Guess everyone hear dress fancy is this world."

He's was gazing around awful lot when suddenly , he bumped into a boy.

"Hey! Watch where you're going , commoner ; this is a new clothes and I don't want a commoner like you touching it!" shouted the boy

"I'm so sorry man , it was accident." said Felix.

"You shall address me as your highness if you don't want any more trouble!"

Suddenly , a charming woman in a knight armour walk towards them and stop the argument. "Alright now , both of you stop this at once! Get to your classes now!"

"Tsk! You'll remember this , commoner." and he walked away.

"So... you must be Mr Felix Angel." said the woman

"Um... uh.... yes I am and you are...?"

"I'm Miss Victoria McCaughey , the headmaster of this academy. I was your father's acquaintance before we parted ways."

'Hm...Was my father's a knight before he became a blacksmith ?' thought Felix.

"Anyways , I'm sure you'll be just fine at this academy , your father was quite talented and I'm sure it runs in your blood too. Come on I'll show you the way to your class."

"Oh... well that would be great. Thanks Miss McCaughey!"

"Please called me Victoria , no need to be so formal with me."

"Um... Ok Miss Victoria."

After a long walk , they made it to the class. But while walking , he swore that many people were whispering something about him... or rather, his father. Though he couldn't hear what they were saying but their face look really dull and afraid.

"And here we are! The first years classroom. Your instructor should be here already. Well then , I must go now. Good luck on your first day , Felix"

"Thank you Miss Victoria. I'll give it my best!"

He gently pushed open the door and there , he saw so a room filled with many students , at least 100 of them sitting or chit-chatting in their seats. Some of them are just swinging their sword around and few are just looking at their book. It felt like a college class.

"Ah... You must be Mr Felix Angel."

Felix turn around and saw a man with a trimmed beard and straight hair walking I'm the classroom

"I'm Henry Collins , your class' instructor. You must be the son of Mr Angel"

'Jeez my dad sure is popular with people here' Felix thought to himself.

"You should be seated now , I'm starting the lesson soon."

"Oh...um... ok , sir"

Felix walk up the little stair and look left and right for a seat but all of them were taken. Then he saw a seat with a girl next to it. She was just flipping over pages of her books in silence.

"Um... excuse me , do you mind if I sit here?" asked Felix to the girl

"Oh , no problem. Just sit down." said the girl


Felix sat down but couldn't help feeling like the girl is starring at him. He felt slightly uncomfortable so he asked her.

"Hey there. What's your name? I'm Felix Angel."

"No way! You're really Felix A---"

"Shhhh! Keep it down. Everyone is starring at us!"

"Oh , my apology. I just can't believe I met the Mighty Warrior's son! It took me by surprise.Oh by the way , my name is Emilia Davis. I'm a huge fan of The Mighty Warrior!"

"Mighty Warrior? I really don't understand what are you saying. Would you please explain?" asked Felix

"Oh...Looks like you never knew about Mighty Warrior then? Well I shouldn't have been surprised since he left sooner than people thought..." she looks really sad for a few seconds.

"So about 20 years ago , there was a young soldier who impressed the general of the army with his hand to hand combat and also weapon firing skills , thus he was called to the army at only 16 years old."

"Wow...At such a young age? My dad must be really impressive." said Felix.

"Yeah, he surpassed every veteran soldier in term of training and skills. He was a prodigy here in WestWood Kingdom. But that's not all , he could use magic as well !"

"But isn't that normal that you can use magic here?"

"What kind of question is that? In this world , human have two different power , physicality enhancement which give you better fighting skills in weapon or hand to hand combats and magic skills where you can use the 7 elements in magic which are water , fire , earth , electro , ice , light and dark magic as heals or for attacking. All these elements have different types of spell and human can only use 2 of the elements. And also , no human could yield both physical enhancement and magic skills. According to research, only one humans could use both , and that is of course , the Mighty Warrior Mr Angel"

"So , why did he leave the army? " asked Felix

"To be honest , no one knows why. He just showed up to his higher ups and announce his department and never came back. Rumors said he is living normally somewhere in this town and is

unrecognizable." said Emilia

"Do you have any idea why he left? I'm as curious as anybody here." added Emilia

"I don't know either but I guess I have to ask about it myself." said Felix.

"Alright class! Our lesson will begins now." said Instructor Henry.

And so... The class begun with already lots of questions in Felix's mind.