
The Knight of Darkness

Shindo Kirihaya is a normal teenage boy who had a wish --- that he could start a new life in another world. One day , he got that wish with a new identity , Felix Angel. Though he got what he wished for , day by day he learned more and more darker truth about the world he entered. Join Felix and his friends on their adventure in this other world to unlock all the hidden truth and answers all the mysteries in this world.

SeNorWrite · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 A New Beginning in A New World

Making his way through a crowd of people , Shindo Kirihaya is your typical normal 17 years old highschool student who just finished his supplementary class. It's almost 6 and he have to get home to revise for his next midterm exam. He's been failing his grade since the beginning of the year and will be forced out of school if he doesn't pass his next exam.

You see , Shindo is a kid with a rough upbringing , he never made any friends during his childhood ,

his parents divorced when he was 8 and it left a deep scar in his heart.

But the nail in the coffin was last year when his father got into a construction work accident and died from his injury , leaving behind Shindo by himself.

"It's been a year , huh?" Shindo thought to himself.

Shindo dump his backpack down on the sofa and head to his room. He is too tired to even walk so he lied down on his bed.

"Sigh...What a horrible day"

On his way from school , the home owner , which Shindo live in contacted him and said he need to move out as soon as next weekend. The owner decided to rent out the house to a family who'd pay the owner a higher monthly rental payment.

"Well , looks like I need to look for a new place to live now..." another long sigh came after those words.

He had a wish ------ that he could have a new beginning , somewhere far from here and just be someone new.

He closes his eye and just dream about it. There's isn't a way he could do such thing , it's just his fantasy.

The next morning , sunlight hit him right in the eye.

"That's odd , I swore the curtain were closed last night " thought Shindo while still half a sleep.

But all of a sudden , there was a bang on the door ,

Shindo stood right up in frighten. In front of him , is a large male with a long beard.

"Oii! Wake up Felix! Your sister is waiting for you! "

Shindo was daze and confused , Why and how am I here? Who's Felix? Who is this man? I have a sister?

"Excuse me.... but um.....where am I ?" asked Shindo in tremble a little.

The man looked and him and said : "tsk tsk tsk! Looks like you're still half asleep. Come on and get up already , you'll make your sister late for school!" He then slapped Shindo right in the back.

Shindo still confused , head down stairs to look around. As soon as he reach downstairs, his surrounding are made of wood , everything looked old , like an antique store , except there were a bunch of swords , daggers , spears and armours surrounding the place.

Shindo was just looking around in amazement , not knowing what's happening all of sudden.

First he is woken by a man he doesn't know ,

now he's in a house he doesn't live in , just what is happening?

Shindo , refer as Felix by the man he just met , still can't believe it. He's in another person house and not knowing who he is.

"Morning Felix!" greet a woman voice.

He turned to see a charming woman around her 30s setting up plates at the table

"Have some breakfast before setting out, you don't wanna venture out with an empty stomach now , do you?" , said the woman with her apron and a plate of food in her hand.

"Oh... yes..." said Shindo nervously

He took a few bite of his meal before a voice came from the front door

"Come on and hurry big bro! We don't wanna be late for school now." , said a young girl.

"Get moving now son! Don't make Fanny wait for ye." said his father.

"Now, Dom , Felix still hasn't finished his meal yet! Don't make him rush." said the lady

"You're too protective of him , Catherine! The boy is all grown now and he should be more responsible" , said the man

So those are my 'parents' name huh? Thought Felix in his head. He then walk out door and greet by his sister , Fanny

"Jeez, big bro! You're such a sleepy head." , Fanny complaint.

'Ahaha , sorry for making you wait. I'm all set now." ,

"Well then , I'm off now mum and dad!" , Felix said

"Have a good day both if you!" said their mother.

Shindo , now known as Felix doesn't know what's happening but he knows this is a great new beginning of his life.

My first ever chapter of my first work. Hope you like it and let me know what you think of it!

I would also appreciate if you guys stay tune for more coming chapters!

SeNorWritecreators' thoughts