
The Kings Novel

The Kings are a group of 12 Chosen Warriors that have gathered together from each of their tales to lead the new era of the modern world after discovering Magic, each having their unique adventures, tribulations, enemies, and paths, but for the sake of the new world, to fight against the enemies and trials that appear after the rise of Magic, they banded together to become the greatest protectors of mankind. Enemies like rampaging animals that were evolved by Magic, fictional monsters becoming reality, and even aliens and otherworldly beings entering their world after Magic becomes common. Trials like dealing with rebels after gaining superpowers, various evil groups that also want to lead the new world, society’s rejection of this new era, those who want to snuff it out of the modern era, and the world leaders going against this new system. How will The Kings gather together? What is this Magic, a supernatural phenomenon they’ve discovered? Why have aliens and otherworldly beings suddenly appeared after its discovery? Was this orchestrated from the beginning? Or is this the world’s destiny?

Grinn_Azeed · Sci-fi
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329 Chs


Princesia was taken to her room in Monarch's residence after she fell unconscious from Mana exhaustion, letting her rest, meanwhile, the Monarch, Principe, the Guardian Angels, and Elite Angels are scattered around Heaven, stopping Penny's followers.

They only have one objective that Penny gave them, to cause much chaos in Heaven since she is preparing something in Heaven's Plaza, she used the barrier that Bernadette used to enclose the plaza from others.

"How many have you gathered?" The Monarch asked the others.

"We've caught a dozen from the South section, but most of them escaped,"

"We've caught 25 thanks to Principe in the Northwest section, only a few fled the scene since they saw us before we could arrive at the area,"