
The King of Time - DXD

Stories takes place in the world of DxD with elements taken from the Fate Series. === Reincarnated time and time again in a fictional world for thousands of years, after being taught by the greatest that the world could offer, befriending the most legendary of heroes, fighting countless of battles and even defying the gods themselves, I have finally been reincarnated into the modern era. Armed with the Principle of Time, Magical Knowledge, Kamui, and a duck, will I ever live in peace with my loved one? or will my bad luck kill me once more? === Don't read this garbage it's trash. I only wrote this because I have much time to waste. If you feel like it's a copy of another fanfic, well it is just with my elements so don't bother to comment that. The Fanfic is called King of Blades so stfu. === https://discord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

ARandomDream · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

A/N: Correction about the dragons of Julius as I'm too fucking lazy to edit it later on, Alaya played a part in it as well as Gaia, though Gaia is annoyed at Julius.

Give me Ideas bitches!

https://disc ord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

Just remove space, now enjoy.


Chapter 15:

Issei sat alone in a bit of dilemma, today the peerage all went together at a party at a remote forest situated in the Gremory's Territory. They just got back from a small skirmish in the woods against Koneko's older sister, The SS-Class wanted criminal, Kuroka.

They were barely able to drive her and Bikou away with the timely assistance of Tannin, the former Dragon King. The words Julius told Issei that day had been weighing heavily on his mind.

It was able to distract him so much so, that it even caused him to be unable to achieve Balance Breaker, only barely managing to help boost Tannin enough to drive them away, almost causing them to lose Koneko entirely.

After arriving back and helping cure Rias and Koneko of the poison inflicted from the battle, he shut himself away in the corner while having an internal debate Julius' words from rung in his mind,

'Azazel's incompetency aside, do you really think that a group of Fallen Angels could sneak into a town owned by two Devils who aren't only clan heiresses but also the little sisters of the Satan's…'

That really hit him hard, how couldn't Rias notice them?! She has familiars everywhere in Kuoh! He was even handed a summoning contract just before being…

'…Kid, you got swindled.'

Did he really get tricked once again? Is there anyone he could even trust? Did she really let him… die? Were they ever really genuine? Could they be just like… Y-yuma?

"Ise," Rias yelled out in concern towards Issei, he had been acting towards strange towards her ever since the peace talk.

"Y-yeah?" He replied flinching from the sudden intrusion and his own nerves.

"Are you okay?" She asked leaning in toward Issei, placing her forehead on his own, to check his temperature, "Hm, you seem fine…"

Issei eyes followed along with her swaying breasts before he quickly reeled in his self-control, 'she could be faking it!' he though inwardly in fear.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Rias cutely tilted her head while looking into his eyes with a slight pout.,

"Well, if you say so…" She remarked before walking off to join the others.

Issei's eyes couldn't help but show fear as the Illusion that he saw in the insane fight which was Yuma overlapped with Rias' disappearing back.

'It c-couldn't be!'


Issei wanted to scream at that moment but chose not to due to fear.


The party was lively as Azazel had a pipe in his mouth and a deck of cards in his hand. He was slightly concerned about the earlier intrusion in the party but chose not to let it get to him and focus on what he does best.

Well…second best, gambling.



The others gambling with him spat out.

"Woo! Jackpot!" Azazel yelled out after slapping his deck of cards onto the table, displaying a crisp royal flush before enveloping all the chips in the center towards his own pile.


Soon the party slowed down as most guests began to leave. Suddenly, a man walked in from the entrance that turned everyone in the room dumbfounded.

The one who walked in was an elderly man with long, grey hair and matching beard. He wore a gold and white monocle over his left eye, without the addition of the chain. A robe, which was short and blue with gold linings and a strange black hat along with a staff he uses to walk with.


The leader of the Norse Pantheon, the All-father, Odin! Alongside him was a rather cute silver-haired Valkyrie who was adorned in armor.

Azazel glanced to the side, eyeing up the Valkyrie before turning his head towards Odin and speaking with snark.

"Oh, oh! It has been a while, hasn't it? Old geezer from the north!"

Odin rubbed his beard before replying, "It's been a while Fallen Angel brat! Haha, I see you've been getting intimate with those you've been fighting for so long!"

"Haha, well we young people don't have those old-fashioned bonds, instead we younglings have flexible thoughts! Rather than sticking to those troublesome hostile ways of speaking, we place more value on growth and progress!"

Odin wittily replied back, "That's a loser's mindset, appropriate for the weak! Seeing a bunch of brats do a play meeting like this, I can't help but laugh!"

"Well, I guess you wouldn't understand us intellectual types," Azazel replied, tried to maintain some dignity.

"Haha! What was it Julius said? Oh yeah! Get out of your base for once in your damn life! Hahaha, I always like that brat Is he here?" Odin spoke in response, causing Azazel to deflate.

"…No, he just left after the meeting."

"Ah... Too bad!"

'Not! He's too troublesome!' Azazel thought

Sirzechs soon stepped in, he and Odin had a bit of a chat.

Soon after, Odin's gaze shifted over to Serafall, "Serafall, what are you wearing?"

Serafall spun around to face Odin with a wide grin and posed her right hand a peace sign, "Ara~ Odin, don't you know? This is a magical girl outfit~���

Odin's gaze turned a bit lecherous glancing at all of Serafall's 'assets'.

"Hmm, so this is what's popular with young people nowadays? Not bad at all. Yes, yes, I quite like it."

'This guy…'

Soon a silhouette intervened, the young Valkyrie girl from before,

"Lord Odin! You mustn't do such an indecent thing! The reputation of Valhalla will cry!"

Odin glanced at her before replying, "Geez, you're too stuffy, this is why you can't get a boyfriend."

The Valkyrie soon broke down into tears while crying out, "Why?! I'm already an aged Valkyrie with no history of a boyfriend! Auuu! W-why me?!"

'Oi, what's wrong with this chick!'

"Tch, and I was hoping to introduce you to Julius, he always had a thing for mages."

Azazel put a finger on his chin, reminiscing, "Huh, I guess he did…"

"Talking about me, Zazzy?" A familiar voice sounded making Azazel, 'EEEEK!' and sweat, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and the guards in the party were quickly alerted at such an individual.

"Haha! Julius! You actually came here!" Odin said while the leaders felt they were going to have a big headache.

Sirzechs raised his hands signaling not to attack while Ajuka sweated a little remembering the pain he endured from him.

The vortex faded away showing a handsome man wearing a gray jacket, black pants, and black sneakers.

"Yo." Julius said with a grin, his fingers on his right hand forming into a peace sign.

'This is going to be a headache' The leaders thought in sync seeing Julius once more.


"How's it going old man? Hahaha!" He said towards Odin who waved his hands,

"Your last life was the most interesting brat! Hahaha! I remember those fools' expression on the meeting saying to just leave and never return"

"Heh, it's not my fault that they attacked me again in the first place, I just did it for self defense."

"Hahaha! That's just like you brat!" Odin laughed as well as Julius,

"Mou~ J-tan! You arrived late at the party!" Exclaimed Serafall with a pose making Julius face palm

'…We didn't invite him though…' Sirzechs, Azazel, and Ajuka thought in sync.

"How's the fool doing Old man?" Julius said making Odin laugh out loud which confused most of the ones that new Odin some-what.

"Thanks to you, he actually got married! Hahaha! He certainly took your words after fighting you."

Julius smiled, as he started to remember... the fool run rampant back then, planning for Ragnarök and gathering allies, the plan was going to start by killing Odin but when Julius heard of this gave him a 'beating', he only spared him due to respect out of Odin and avoiding problems for him and Humanity later on.

"Umu umu!" Julius nodded which made Odin realize something,

"Ehem ehem, I'd like to introduce you to Rossweisse." Odin said pointed to the dramatically crying Rossweisse at the floor.

"Old man, I'm not like Ajuka over there." Julius deadpanned making him point to Ajuka, who face palmed and walked away, towards the exit.

It made Azazel who was deflated, energize and have a large grin, learning of such valuable blackmail information to a Maou as well as a scientist like himself,

"Mah mah, don't sweat the details…" Odin said while waving his right hand left and right.

"Haaa… whatever Old man. So what happened earlier?" asked Julius which made Azazel reply,

"Khaos Brigade and an Evil God, sadly." Julius raised an eyebrow hearing 'evil god' from Azazel and making him think,

'Khaos Brigade… Ophis… Evil Gods… The faker is probably with them, same with the other one. The skeleton bastard is definitely with them as well, his army included. Haaa… What's next Evil Dragons now?"

Julius sighed at the fact that his job became much more troublesome.

"I think I know some people in their little go round group, Skeleton Bastard is definitely with them as well as his army, I suggest that you just wipe them out quickly else they'd bring you more problems."

Julius tsked in annoyance and continued,

"Fuck! I really hate the fact that I didn't killed him back then and just used someone else as his replacement." Julius said in pure annoyance which he didn't realize that his aura was leaking out from him making others below Deity class collapse on the ground.

The pressure that his aura emitted was dense, the ones below Deity Class felt like they were going to die, while the leaders were sweating feeling that his aura was still increasing albeit slowly. His aura was erasing the space of reality surrounding him, the buildings' were aging rapidly making it look like it was being erased from existence, Odin and the company of Azazel took notice in this and erected a large barrier using their mana,

"Woi woi, brat tone it down a bit." Odin said to Julius who realized that his aura was leaking, the pressure in the air died down as his mana faded away.

"Sorry about that." Julius said sheepishly then scratching his head, while the others looked at him thinking of 'are you serious?' in sync.

Julius sighed noticing everyone was sweating, he was thinking of leaving this place since he already talked with Odin once more but,

"Woi brat, you owe me for this." Odin said shamelessly as the barrier faded away before continuing,

"That took a lot of me, so do me a favor... take Rossweisse."

Julius groaned as he facepalmed at Odin's shamelessness, Azazel, Sirzechs, the others who suffered at Julius' hand had a grin that is very noticeable.

Julius immediately used Kamui to make a vortex appear but,

"Oh no you don't brat! You used that to escape situations but not this time!" Odin said with a smile while snapping his fingers, Julius noticed a rune on his arm... which shined brightly.


Rossweisse appeared at his arms in a princess carry,

"Damn you! Old ma-" before he could finish cursing at Odin, the vortex swallowed them up as they had disappeared from the others.

Odin and the high rankings in the meeting who somehow had some ties to Julius got a cup of wine magically and said,


And laughed afterwards, the party once more became lively due to Odin's fiasco.



Commenting trash?

No need to comment that this shit is stolen, I know already.

Why am I doing this? I guess to learn how to write shit and satisfy my mind.

ARandomDreamcreators' thoughts